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Sharat Sir

His spiritual journey of this birth started in 1995. For two continuous years, Sharat Sir worked on awakening and practicing Kundalini Yoga. He used to practice this under the guidance of a respectful, and a secret Himalayan Monk. On May 23, 1997, started learning Reiki level 1 and till today he has mastered and is attuned with 55 different energy modalities. In the year 1999, he stepped into holistic and spiritual teachings, taught all the therapies he knows to innumerable people, and he is teaching many more now. Since the day SHARAT SIR stepped into the world of wellness, he has been learning and teaching both. He has learned more than 55 energy modalities. Not only he can attune himself to any energy modality but he can attune any person to the energy modality much more efficiently than an actual master can. He is blessed by the DIVINE himself to have such a vision where he can see energies and access them for the benefit of mankind. He can see the aura of a person and know which word, mantra, or energy can help the person in his/her desire. He has that special power to access the Cosmic Energies for the benefit of mankind. He started teaching in 1999 and he has been teaching since then with much perfection. He has worked day and night to access the Cosmic Energies for the benefit of mankind. He has provided so much free information regarding the wellness of a human including *Cosmic Code Videos, *Affirmations, *Switchwords, *Vision Board Videos, *Mantras, *Energy Circles, *Free Meditations, *Law of Attraction, *Money Manifestations, *Golden Sunrise Mantra, *Reiki, *Kundalini Reiki, *Karuna Reiki, *EFT, *Magnified Healing, *Sujok etc.*Many hidden information regarding energy modalities, and its side effects where others hide the truth that this might cause negativity to the practitioner himself and many other info. People call him a Spiritual Scientist. His vision is to enable the whole of mankind, whether rich or common middle-class people, to heal and cure themselves and others in a very easy way, without relying on medicines / approaching expensive methodologies available in the market to tackle problems using the alternative system. He conducts Meditation Sessions called “Maun Saadhna” (The Inner Silence) for the public for their spiritual enlightenment & growth. He is an Astrologer and Tarot Reader as well. He is the Inventor of VIBBES KADA (VK), VIBBES SEEDER (VS), Cosmic Codes Videos, Golden Sunrise, Golden Heart Blessing Meditation, Cosmic Shower Meditation, Cosmic Serums, Self Reading Meditation and Open Eye Meditation via chat. He works selflessly, only for the betterment of mankind. He won Outstanding Spiritual Scientist & Pioneer in Cosmic Healing WOW Personality Awards, Mumbai in 2016 and ISHMA Global Golden Star Award Winner Mumbai, 2017 added another feather to his cap.


The Transformative Power of Affirmation Cultivating Resilience and Empowerment

The Transformative Power of Affirmation: Cultivating Resilience and Empowerment

Affirmation is a powerful practice where individuals consciously direct positive thoughts and statements towards themselves, aiming to reshape their mindset and cultivate empowerment in...

Money Earning Ideas

18 Powerful Habits of Self-Made Billionaires That Will Immediately Improve Your...

Powerful Habits of Self-Made Billionaires That Will Immediately Improve Your Life
Here are Some Examples of Habits of Some Self-Made Billionaires or Inspiring Rich People 1. Billionaires Welcome the Sunrise With Open Eyes Waking up early gives...

Increase Sales & Attract More Clients (12 in 1 Combo Vision...

Attract More Clients
Attract More Clients & Increase Sales Vision Board. Solution for Shopkeepers, Service Providers, Businessmen, & Salespersons.  Increase Business Profits & Motivation. Prosper with Sales & Build a Business. Improve Marketing...

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 1...

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 1
40 Days Program/ Ritual to Become a MONEY MAGNET Part 1 (Day 1 to 5) Are you excited to be a money magnet with me?...

Bach Flower Remedies

Gentian Release False Illusions With Increasing Faith Courage And Trust

Gentian Release False Illusions With Increasing Faith Courage And Trust
Gentian: Keywords for this remedy are depression at setbacks, lack of faith, mistrust of people and things, false illusions, feeling of ghost present, expect...

Clematis Can Heal Useless Fantasies and Dreamy State of Mind

Clematis Can Heal Useless Fantasies and Dreamy State of Mind
Clematis: Key Words for the people who need this remedy are unrealistic fantasies, dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest in life, anxiety,...

Pine Release Self Pettiness, Minuteness, and Worthlessness

Pine Release Self Pettiness Minuteness Worthlessness
Pine: Keywords for this remedy are “this personality cannot stand up for himself”, guilt complex, blaming, confusion, controlling, holding-on, grief, shame, moralistic compulsions, drives,...