How to Measure Bangle Size for VK – VIBBES KADA
Friends, please note the right way of measuring VIBBES KADA. Here it is explained very well in words, images, and in the above video...
Innovative Ways to Boost Your Manifestation With Multiple VKs
Wondering how you can manifest your VIBBES KADA healing in a quicker way, so now I am sharing with all of you, a NEW...
VK के साथ मेरा सात महीने का सुहाना और मैजिक से भरा हुआ सफ़र। स्नेहलता केडिया
मैं स्नेहलता केडिया 17 सालो से Reiki Tarot Crystal Healing और भी कई प्रकार से हीलिंग करती आ रही हुँ। दिसंबर 2016, मेरे जीवन...
The Key To A Hidden World – A Story & Experiences With Different Teachers By Shuchita
Golden Sunrise Friends,
Here is My Story & Experiences with Different Teachers & A Wonderful Way to Get Attuned in Different Healing Modalities Thru VK...
Get the Powerful Effects of EFT Using VK (Even Without Touching Any Body Part)
If you see people in unusual pains or problems and you wish to help them with VK, this article and video are for you....