The Link Between Gut Bacteria and Your Kid’s Behavior Just Got Stronger

What's wrong with my kid's behavior? You have asked this question at least once in a lifetime to your doctor? If I am not...

VK के साथ मेरा सात महीने का सुहाना और मैजिक से भरा हुआ सफ़र। स्नेहलता केडिया

मैं स्नेहलता केडिया 17 सालो से Reiki Tarot Crystal Healing और भी कई प्रकार से हीलिंग करती आ रही हुँ। दिसंबर 2016, मेरे जीवन...
List of Positive Tarot Cards And Their Benefits

List of Positive Tarot Cards And Their Benefits

Here is the list of positive tarot cards and their benefits. With VK, take the energy of these cards as per need. You can...
VK Contest 2024

VK Contest 2024 – Know The Result

From the desk of the judge…… On the eve of VK entering the 16th year of its invention, the inventor of VK, our dear Sharat...
success stories of

Success Stories of VK | 14th Birthday of Our Divine

Golden Sunrise, everyone! Congratulations to the entire Litairian family as we celebrated the 14th birthday of our Divine VIBBES KADA - VK in May 2023. I...