How to Use VIBBES KADA – VK with Simplicity and Ease?
VIBBES KADA - VK is a gift of the Divine and if you are having one, consider yourself as a chosen one with blessings...
Vital Organ Balancing Using Vibbes Kada to Restore Good Health
Just 30 Min of Vital Organ Balancing Technique for Good Health
Balancing the Vital Organs of a human body with VIBBES KADA (VK) through Cosmic Energies...
Some Tips for You Before Wearing & Using VIBBES KADA – VK
Lots of blessings to you if you now have your VK in your hands. Before going to wear it, please read here some do's...
Learn How to Easily Perform Reiki Psychic Surgery Using VK
Here in this article and video, we can learn how to use VK for mimicking Reiki Psychic Surgery.
Do you see people suffering from illness...
Eleven Rules of Golden Manifestation with Vk
Golden Manifestation with VK is the Key to Success. Sometimes you feel depressed while doing golden manifestation. In this article, I am trying to...