Larch: Keywords for this remedy are lack of self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, feelings of inferiority, self-worth, a tendency toward unnecessary self-denial, an inclination to give up hastily, incapable, and expect failure.
There are certain people who feel a lack of confidence and think they can’t do anything. Self-confidence plays an important role in performing any task assigned to the person. Without self-confidence, none of the tasks can be performed. Confidence is the biggest thing to performing any task. If you don’t have self-confidence you cannot get the result you want. With a lack of confidence, the hard work done may go worthless.
Negative Larch State persons suffer from a lack of self-confidence and are unable to face the competitions which can be stated as the biggest hurdle in their success. It’s not the case that this mental state cannot be found in the number of persons. It’s a widespread issue and can be found in most people. This issue is found commonly in negative Larch state people because they face many failures in their life. That’s why they don’t want to try any new thing. With the exposure to failures, their mindset changes, and they become unsuccessful.
With exposure to failures, the negative Larch states people’s mindset changes. They start to think they will definitely get a failure if they do this or try a new thing. Or in some people, it can be found from their childhood since from the beginning the children are exposed to their parent’s negative attitude. Children grow up with a sureness and certainty of failure. And also mass being the same they make or join the circle of those negative people which fill them with the negativity and thought of not to try a new thing ever in life because if they do so, they’ll definitely fail.
And with the passage of time and continued to be in a state of lack of self-confidence, they also lose belief in their conviction and thoughts. Everyone wants to know their limit which can aptly be tested after trying something but in this case, sufferer set their limit according to some of their past failures, and if they will go beyond that limit they will definitely fail.
With this type of nature, thinking, and behavior, these types of persons set their mindset that they are inferior, and can’t do anything. As a result, they miss the opportunity for learning, and growth, and also miss the changes to take into effect from new experiences.
Larch is the remedy or cure for this type of mental state. Larch will help a person to increase self-confidence, which helps a person to face new things and tasks. With the help of Larch, they can actually utilize the opportunity for learning, and growth. Larch remedy helps the sufferer to boost his self-confidence and try new things in life.
Emotional Aspects and Symptoms of Larch
Some emotional aspects of a person who needs Larch are:
- lack of confidence
- lack of self-belief
- lack of trust in own ability
- absenteeism due to fear
- accomplishment
- doubt of one’s ability
- doubt of one’s ability to achieve
- acquiescence due to fear
- alcohol is used as a ‘crutch’
- to provide courage
- anticipation of failure
- anti-social due to a lack of confidence
- apprehensive about possible failure
- awkwardness due to a lack of confidence
- no sense of belonging due to uncertainty
- blushes easily
- capable but has no confidence
- aversion to company
- finds conversation difficult
- despondency through lack of confidence
- disdain of oneself
- submits to dogma
- dread of known event-performing-attending interviews-entertaining
- embarrassment
- avoids eye contact due to embarrassment
- expects /fears failure
- lacks faith in oneself
- follows others due to a lack of self-confidence
- giggles nervously,
- doesn’t complain about the grievance
- hesitancy through lack of confidence
- inadequacy through lack of confidence
- generally insecure
- invoke illness due to a lack of confidence
- comforted by keepsakes
- meek, modest, and unassuming
- takes offense easily due to uncertainty
- loses opportunity through lack of confidence needs reassurance to encourage
- rejection with no confidence and a sense of vulnerability
- remoteness suffered by sensitive people
- affected by ridicule
- lack of self-esteem
- stage-fright due to a lack of confidence
- fear of and pessimistic about success
- suicide is considered due to being overburdened by responsibility or pressures
- tentative, weak-willed, and timid
- seeks tranquility due to fear of others and forced situations uncertainty
- due to a lack of confidence
- unhappy with self
- vitality sapped by others
Situation to Use Larch
Situations, where you can use Larch are when a child grows up with a belief and a certainty of failure, and, since like attracts like, a vicious circle is set and the failure does heap upon failure, personalities refuse to recognize their own limits, when facing examinations or enduring divorce proceedings, for use in children who are afraid to venture on their own, but always want mom or dad or an older sibling to “go first”, alcoholics who drink to “forget their failures” and in problems with sexual potency.
Larch as a Treatment
This remedy can be used for vocal issues, self-confidence, boosting self-worth, shyness, timidity, emotional problems and pain, and infections, including the common cold, flu, H1N1 (swine) flu, ear infections in children, and HIV/AIDS. It is also used to treat liver cancer, as well as brain conditions caused by liver damage, and hepatic encephalopathy, provide dietary fibre, lower cholesterol, boost the immune system, and digestive tract health, and prevent cancer cells in the liver from growing, lack of self-confidence and self-worth, the tendency toward unnecessary self-denial, inclination to give up hastily, feelings of inferiority, shyness, and timidity.
Pet and Larch
If a pet lacks self-confidence or avoids situations to perform.
Affirmation and Larch
You can choose some positive Affirmations along with Larch. For example,
- I accept challenges with boldness and courage.
- I choose to act with confidence and express myself creatively.
- I leave my limitations behind and proceed with certainty.
VIBBES KADA – VK and Larch
VK is one of the best tools to Mimic Bach Flower Remedy. You can use VK without any hassle and make the best use of the remedy Larch for confidence in one’s own capacities, not fearful of failure or success, a conviction in one’s own actions, stimulation of latent, expressivity, courage, tenacity, perseverance, faith, inspiration, in-spirited, releasing, love, forgiveness, safety, decisiveness.
Larch and Cosmic Serum
Bravo Serum, Mood Up Serum, and Alpha Male Serum/ Alpha Woman Serum are the best serums to use with Larch.
Dose of Larch
The physical dose of a Bach Flower Remedy depends upon many criteria like age, intensity, and situation but with VK there is no need to set a particular quantity. Learn here how to use VK for BFR.
VIBBES KADA is one of the best tools to mimic Bach Flower Remedy Larch energies even without any problem or hassle for you. Use VK more and more.