Oak: Keywords for this remedy are uncompromising behavior, excessive ambition, pigheadedness, excessive responsibility, uncompromising and unyielding behavior, a compulsive sense of obligation, a compulsive sense of self-sacrifice, and holding on, unhappiness, anger, fight, sorrow, obsessive worry, and ambition.
There are certain kinds of persons who push themselves beyond their limits, past the point of exhaustion for them. They are actually strong and well-determined persons. And to take a break or rest is never an option for them unless their work has been completed or they are past the point of exhaustion.
There are many cases in which they may find themselves pushing to the extremes and getting their energy resources depleted. For instance, working for long hours daily and indulging in some other activities after work leads to the desired rest being not given to the body. The oak persons are full of positive traits but a thing which is an obstacle to their success is their adamant nature not to let go of any situation whether possible or impossible.
These are positive and radiant people who are considered reliable by others. They always do justice with their duty and never flee from it. However, they may get frustrated if any issue blocks them to do their work full of efficiently. They are brave people and always fight against setbacks without loss of hope or effort. They also try when the situation against them is hopeless. And in those situations, the problem may arise when fighting in hopeless situations.
They fight against them while not taking into consideration that some events are not possible hence putting efforts into those areas will only put the strain and no good is done in that condition.
However, it may also be the case if someone is able to convince the Oak people to do their work. The Oak people will do that work at any cost and will put their each and every effort they could to do the task. Hence the Oak-type people should be aware that whom to help and whom not. Since there is a danger of being manipulated by others.
Oak is the remedy for this case and turns out to be the savior. Oak remedy gets you back on track when you have gone astray. Bach Flower Oak will bring you back gently, restore your energies, and stop you from breaking. Yet the potency of Oak remedy can treat you for the whole but still, a change in behavior is required by the person itself.
The actual main problem is the attitude of crossing the physical or mental limits while working is the primary cause. For permanent healing, this attitude needs to be changed. Oak remedy tries to modify the thought process so that they can think more rationally and avoid those situations where their efforts might go worthless.
Emotional Aspects and Symptoms of Oak
Some emotional aspects of a person who needs Oak are:
- Struggles on in Spite of or Unaffected by Adversity
- Altruistic, Capable, and Reliable
- Annoyance Due to Physical Restrictions of Illness or Frustration
- Mental Breakdown Due to Overwork /Burn-Out
- Cautious by Nature
- Good Communicator
- Never Complains
- Composure, Dependable, Determined, and Diligent
- Concealment of Emotions
- Concerned About Others
- Copes Well Even Under Pressure
- Courageous by Nature
- No Desire to Delegate
- Despondency Through Limitations of Illness or Over-Work
- Disconnected with Self
- Efficient and Endurance
- Struggles on in Spite of Exhaustion
- Fearless, Fortitude, and Tireless
- Fighting Spirit,
- Calmly Help Without Question
- Frustrated by Illness
- Independence, and Methodical
- Hidden Misery
- Nervous Breakdown
- Tendency to Overwork
- Pacifist, Placid, and Persistent
- Philosophical by Nature
- Plodders and Pragmatic
- Workaholic by Nature
- Unaffected by Pressure
- Takes It in Stride
- Protective, Relentless, and Resilient
- a Firm Sense of Reality
- Refusal to Be Consoled
- Has Innate Courage to Face Adversity
- Copes Unflustered with Responsibility
- Rock-Solid and Dependable
- Possesses Self-Control by Nature
- Self-Determination and Self-Sufficient
- Enjoys Giving Service
- Sincere, Tough, and Wise
- Possesses Stamina and Steadfast
- Strength of Character
- Strength in Illness
- Maintains Against Adversity
- Sure of Themselves
- Controlled Temper but Frustrated
- Annoyance Due to Restriction or Incapacity
- Wary Through Reasonable Caution
- Strength of Character
Situation to Use Oak
Situations to use this remedy are for those who sacrifice for their family or people who work for the good of the company without complaint. This is the man who fears dependency, and will never ask for help, the strong, steady person who never gives up under adversity, ploughs on with determination, and never consider resting until they are past the point of exhaustion.
Oak as a Treatment
Oak is used to treat pigheadedness, excessive responsibility, uncompromising and unyielding behavior, a compulsive sense of obligation, a compulsive sense of self-sacrifice and ambition, unyieldingness, or a compulsion to achieve, obstinacy, obsessiveness, strain, and long-term stress.
Pet and Oak
If a pet seems to be struggling, never exhausted, and never seems to quit.
Affirmation and Oak
You can choose some positive Affirmations along with Oak. For example,
- I choose to experience renewed strength and stability.
- I accept that energy and strength are my spiritual inheritance.
- I will persevere with tenacity yet understand the desire for rest.
VK is one of the best tools to Mimic Bach Flower Remedy. You can use VK without any hassle and make the best use of the remedy Oak for being strong, patient, and full of common sense, tenacity, reliability, courage in the face of adversity, reestablishment of equilibrium through rest, playful flexibility in work and commitments, perseverance, tranquillity, happiness, in-spirited, inspiration, love, releasing, decisiveness, safety, forgiveness.
Oak and Cosmic Serum
Balance Serum, Calm Down Serum, and Perfect Health Serum are the best serum to use with Bach Flower Remedy Oak.
Dose of Oak
The physical dose of a Bach Flower Remedy depends upon many criteria like age, intensity, and situation but with VK there is no need to set a particular quantity. Learn here how to use VK for BFR.
The actual main problem is the attitude of crossing the physical or mental limits while working is the primary cause. For permanent healing, this attitude needs to be changed. Oak remedy tries to modify your thought process so that you can think more rationally and avoid those situations where your efforts might go worthless. VIBBES KADA is one of the best tools to mimic Bach Flower Remedy Oak energies even without any problem or hassle for you.