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Tag: Bach Flower Remedy for Anger

Oak: Keywords for this remedy are uncompromising behavior, excessive ambition, pigheadedness, excessive responsibility, uncompromising and unyielding behavior, a compulsive sense of obligation, a compulsive sense of self-sacrifice, and holding on, unhappiness, anger, fight, sorrow, obsessive worry, and ambition. There are...
Impatiens: Keywords for this remedy are Impatiens impatience, want to work fast, quick thinkers but impatient, very Impulsive, long frustration, time moving slow, restlessness, irritation, inner tension. As the name suggests, this mental state relates to people who are impatient, frustrated,...
Mustard: Keywords for this remedy are depression, grief, controlling, anger, fight, sorrow, self-absorption, obsessive worry, and anxiety. There may be certain phases in life where we may feel depressed or anguished for no specific reason. We may get sad but...
Beech: Keywords for the people who need this remedy are strict, intolerance, controlling, self-absorption, anger, fight, rage, worry, indecisiveness, over-conscious of order, and discipline. There are people who do not try to understand others, do not share others' difficulties, tend...
Holly: Keywords for this remedy are hatred, envy, jealousy, anger, distrust, unfriendliness, aggressiveness, lovelessness, negative or destructive attitude, violence, and lust for revenge, confusion, sorrow, worry, control, and self-absorption. There are certain people who get angry very quickly, feel...


The Transformative Power of Affirmation Cultivating Resilience and Empowerment

The Transformative Power of Affirmation: Cultivating Resilience and Empowerment

Affirmation is a powerful practice where individuals consciously direct positive thoughts and statements towards themselves, aiming to reshape their mindset and cultivate empowerment in...

Money Earning Ideas

Increase Sales & Attract More Clients (12 in 1 Combo Vision...

Attract More Clients
Attract More Clients & Increase Sales Vision Board. Solution for Shopkeepers, Service Providers, Businessmen, & Salespersons.  Increase Business Profits & Motivation. Prosper with Sales & Build a Business. Improve Marketing...

Total Wealth Serum {TWS} for Money Wealth Abundance Success (CS-2)

Total Wealth Serum for Money Wealth Abundance Success VK
Total Wealth Serum {TWS} is the 2nd serum on the list of our Cosmic Serums. The keyword of the Total Wealth Serum is Money,...

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 2...

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 2
40 Days Program/ Ritual to Become a MONEY MAGNET Part 2 (Day 6 to 10) Thank You for doing the 1st ritual to become a...

Bach Flower Remedies

Pine Release Self Pettiness, Minuteness, and Worthlessness

Pine Release Self Pettiness Minuteness Worthlessness
Pine: Keywords for this remedy are “this personality cannot stand up for himself”, guilt complex, blaming, confusion, controlling, holding-on, grief, shame, moralistic compulsions, drives,...

Agrimony For Sad And Guilty Jokers, Clowns and Comedians

Agrimony For Sad And Guilty Jokers Clowns and Comedians
Agrimony: Key Words for the people who need this remedy are mental torture, worries hidden from others, mental torment behind a brave face, artificiality,...

Star of Bethlehem Easily Cure Trauma, Shock and Their After Effects

star of bethlehem bach flower remedy
Star of Bethlehem: Keywords for this remedy are easily insulted, oversensitive, unhappiness, grief, nightmares, psychic shock, excessive need for comfort, and energetic trauma. It...