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Tag: bach flower remedy for balance

Olive: Keywords for this remedy are general exhaustion, rage, confusion, without pleasure, no energy, and feeling completely "done in". There are certain moments in life that leave us exhausted either physically or mentally. There are some people who may surrender...
Scleranthus: Keywords for this remedy are indecisiveness, “can't make up your mind“, flightiness, rage, unhappiness, inconsistency, instability, inner turmoil, erratic and unreliable behavior, fickle-minded, and lack of concentration. There are certain kinds of people who face trouble while making up their...
Willow: Keywords for this remedy are self-pity, isolation, more embittered, bitter, unforgiving, resentment, a need for revenge, an inability to reconcile, and being at odds with fate. There are certain kinds of people who feel victimized by circumstances. They sometimes...