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Tag: bach flower remedy for confidence

Larch: Keywords for this remedy are lack of self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, feelings of inferiority, self-worth, a tendency toward unnecessary self-denial, an inclination to give up hastily, incapable, and expect failure. There are certain people who feel a lack of...
Elm: Keywords for this remedy are a sudden feeling of stress and overwork, uncontrollable ambition, inappropriate behavior, overwork, impending breakdown, overwhelmed by responsibilities, nervous, tired, exhausted, fatigued, overused, drowsy, dull, sluggish, lethargic, overwhelmed by responsibilities, nervous, work beyond the...
Cerato: Keywords for this remedy are doubting self, seeking others' opinions, lack of self-confidence, lack of trust, quickly change decisions, and anxiety. In this state, the person refuses to recognize the role of their higher self, lacks confidence in...
Water Violet: Keywords for this remedy are human contact problems, aloofness, leaving people alone, fear of attachment, reserved behavior, shyness, being a “loner,” arrogance, contempt, coldness of emotions, disapproval of others, and pride. The Water Violet type refers to those...
Wild Oat: Keywords for this remedy are restlessness, lack of goals, anxiety, obsessive worry, discontent, frustration, indecisiveness, and lack of clarity. There are certain people who want to do something prominent and good in their lives but do not know...


What Are Auto Suggestions? How Does They Affect Your Life?

Auto Suggestion is a powerful mind technique that relates to all implications. It is also connected with self-motivation which gets in touch with your...

Money Earning Ideas

Switchwords For Debt Free Life – Move Towards New Life With...

Switchwords For Debt Free Life Move Towards New Life With Wealth
How this Debt Free video helps you? Switchwords used in this video are very influential and help to rescue you from all the debts and create...

Switchwords to Get Back the Money – Money Recovery Energy Circle

Switchwords to recover money get back Money Energy Circle
For how many times and for how many reasons have you ever given money to someone as a loan? Have you been kind enough to...

Increase Sales & Attract More Clients (12 in 1 Combo Vision...

Attract More Clients
Attract More Clients & Increase Sales Vision Board. Solution for Shopkeepers, Service Providers, Businessmen, & Salespersons.  Increase Business Profits & Motivation. Prosper with Sales & Build a Business. Improve Marketing...

Bach Flower Remedies

Beech Cures Superiority Intolerant Blaming Others & Strictness in Behavior

Beech: Keywords for the people who need this remedy are strict, intolerance, controlling, self-absorption, anger, fight, rage, worry, indecisiveness, over-conscious of order, and discipline. There...

Holly Can Cure Anger, Hatred, Envy, Jealousy And Distrustful State of...

Holly Can Cure Anger, Hatred, Envy, Jealousy And Distrustful State of Mind
Holly: Keywords for this remedy are hatred, envy, jealousy, anger, distrust, unfriendliness, aggressiveness, lovelessness, negative or destructive attitude, violence, and lust for revenge, confusion,...

White Chestnut Calm Down Persistent and Endless Thoughts

White Chestnut Bach Flower Calm Down Persistent and Endless Thoughts
White Chestnut: Keywords for this remedy are tyrannized by mental arguments, compulsive thoughts, fixations and mental and emotional overstimulation, and mental torture.  White Chestnut calms...