Home Tags Bach Flower Remedy for excess of energy

Tag: Bach Flower Remedy for excess of energy

Impatiens: Keywords for this remedy are Impatiens impatience, want to work fast, quick thinkers but impatient, very Impulsive, long frustration, time moving slow, restlessness, irritation, inner tension. As the name suggests, this mental state relates to people who are impatient, frustrated,...
Aspen: Keywords for the people who need this remedy are vague and unknown fear, groundless, delusional timidity, anxiety, confusion, phobias, panic, horror, and terrifying fantasies.  There are people who have fear of unknown things, that cannot be described, vague-unknown fears,...


Money Earning Ideas

20 Abundance And Prosperity Affirmations (Train Your Mind)

20 Abundance Prosperity Affirmations Train Your Mind
The feeling of Abundance and prosperity is a powerful mindset for mankind. It is the birthright of every person but sometimes, we unknowingly get...

40 Powerful And Best Affirmations For Entrepreneurs (Increase Your Business)

40 Powerful Best Affirmations For Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs Affirmations: Many of us did not have formal training and enough MONEY when we started working. At that time, we felt unworthy and unlucky....

REACH Switchword Helps to Achieve Aim And Target

REACH Switchword Helps to Achieve Aim And Target
In the series of switchwords, knowledge, and quest I personally found switchword REACH is helpful in many cases. Many times people connect this with...

Bach Flower Remedies

Holly Can Cure Anger, Hatred, Envy, Jealousy And Distrustful State of...

Holly Can Cure Anger, Hatred, Envy, Jealousy And Distrustful State of Mind
Holly: Keywords for this remedy are hatred, envy, jealousy, anger, distrust, unfriendliness, aggressiveness, lovelessness, negative or destructive attitude, violence, and lust for revenge, confusion,...

Vervain Bach Remedy Neutralize the Over-Excited State of the Person

Bach Remedy Vervain Neutralize the Over-Excited State of the Person
Vervain: Keywords for this remedy are missionary zeal, obsessive worry, fixed ideas, inflexible beliefs and convictions, fanaticism, and blindly zealous beliefs. These are the precisionist...

Larch for Self Confidence, Self Esteem, Success, Opportunity and Growth

Larch: Keywords for this remedy are lack of self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, feelings of inferiority, self-worth, a tendency toward unnecessary self-denial, an inclination to...