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Tag: Bach flower remedy for moody

Mustard: Keywords for this remedy are depression, grief, controlling, anger, fight, sorrow, self-absorption, obsessive worry, and anxiety. There may be certain phases in life where we may feel depressed or anguished for no specific reason. We may get sad but...
Willow: Keywords for this remedy are self-pity, isolation, more embittered, bitter, unforgiving, resentment, a need for revenge, an inability to reconcile, and being at odds with fate. There are certain kinds of people who feel victimized by circumstances. They sometimes...


Money Earning Ideas

Increase Sales & Attract More Clients (12 in 1 Combo Vision...

Attract More Clients
Attract More Clients & Increase Sales Vision Board. Solution for Shopkeepers, Service Providers, Businessmen, & Salespersons.  Increase Business Profits & Motivation. Prosper with Sales & Build a Business. Improve Marketing...

Switchwords to Get Back the Money – Money Recovery Energy Circle

Switchwords to recover money get back Money Energy Circle
For how many times and for how many reasons have you ever given money to someone as a loan? Have you been kind enough to...

Total Wealth Serum {TWS} for Money Wealth Abundance Success (CS-2)

Total Wealth Serum for Money Wealth Abundance Success VK
Total Wealth Serum {TWS} is the 2nd serum on the list of our Cosmic Serums. The keyword of the Total Wealth Serum is Money,...

Bach Flower Remedies

Vine Remedy Melt Down Dictator, Ruling And Dominating Personality

Vine Remedy Melt Down Dictator, Ruling And Dominating Personality
Vine: Keywords for this remedy are closed-mindedness, dogmatism, grief, holding on, dominating behavior, mental inflexibility, the perpetual teacher, and the domestic tyrant, anger, fight,...

Cerato Increases Self Confidence, Self Trust & Decision Making Ability

Cerato Increases Self Confidence, Self Trust & Decision Making Ability
Cerato: Keywords for this remedy are doubting self, seeking others' opinions, lack of self-confidence, lack of trust, quickly change decisions, and anxiety. In this...

Willow Helps To Overcome Bitterness Blame Game And Envy State of...

Willow: Keywords for this remedy are self-pity, isolation, more embittered, bitter, unforgiving, resentment, a need for revenge, an inability to reconcile, and being at...