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Tag: bach flower remedy for tolerance

Impatiens: Keywords for this remedy are Impatiens impatience, want to work fast, quick thinkers but impatient, very Impulsive, long frustration, time moving slow, restlessness, irritation, inner tension. As the name suggests, this mental state relates to people who are impatient, frustrated,...
Olive: Keywords for this remedy are general exhaustion, rage, confusion, without pleasure, no energy, and feeling completely "done in". There are certain moments in life that leave us exhausted either physically or mentally. There are some people who may surrender...
Beech: Keywords for the people who need this remedy are strict, intolerance, controlling, self-absorption, anger, fight, rage, worry, indecisiveness, over-conscious of order, and discipline. There are people who do not try to understand others, do not share others' difficulties, tend...
Rock Water: Keywords for this remedy are self-abuse, ascetic behavior, hard masters, futility, rage, fight, and self-discipline. There are certain people who are strict in their way of living. They deny themselves the joys and pleasures of life. Since they...
Star of Bethlehem: Keywords for this remedy are easily insulted, oversensitive, unhappiness, grief, nightmares, psychic shock, excessive need for comfort, and energetic trauma. It is a remedy for a victim of violence.  There are certain moments in life that leave...