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Tag: do negative emotions responsible for chakra blocking

Do you feel stuck and feel cloudy or gloomy sometimes? Do you feel you are just not able to decide where to move in life? Do you feel lazy, low, and inactive many times? Do you feel angry and aggressive frequently even with trivial...


What Are Auto Suggestions? How Does They Affect Your Life?

Auto Suggestion is a powerful mind technique that relates to all implications. It is also connected with self-motivation which gets in touch with your...

Money Earning Ideas

10 Amazing Ways to Attract Wealth Into Your Life

10 Amazing Ways to Attract Wealth Into Your Life
10 Amazing Ways to Attract Wealth Into Your Life:- If your DREAMS are not vivid and influential enough to build your wealth then these...

REACH Switchword Helps to Achieve Aim And Target

REACH Switchword Helps to Achieve Aim And Target
In the series of switchwords, knowledge, and quest I personally found switchword REACH is helpful in many cases. Many times people connect this with...

25 Best Money Affirmations That Work (Choose To Be Rich)

25 Best Money Affirmations That Work Choose To Be Rich
Money Affirmations: These Powerful money affirmations train your mind to align with your desires. You can attract money with these Most Powerful money affirmations....

Bach Flower Remedies

3 Definite Remedies To Ease Depression Permanently Within 3 Months

3 Definite Remedies For Depression Treatment & Cure Within 3 Months
The word depressed is familiar to everyone these days. People sometimes say "I am depressed" In actuality they mean "I am fed up because...

Bach Flower Remedies For Naturally, Quickly Ease Fear & Anxiety

Bach Flower Remedies For Naturally & Quickly Ease Fear & Anxiety
Anxiety Cure is not so difficult to find these days. Fears are a normal part of our life. Everyone once in life faces these...

Mustard Cuts You From Dark, Negative Sad And Depressive Life

Mustard Cuts You From Dark, Negative Sad And Depressive Life
Mustard: Keywords for this remedy are depression, grief, controlling, anger, fight, sorrow, self-absorption, obsessive worry, and anxiety. There may be certain phases in life where...