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Tag: Is there a single switchword for everything

Switchwords are WORDS that can quickly switch your energy from one dimension to the other dimension. It means that words have the power to change your energy. All words can become switch words. All words have the power to...


Money Earning Ideas

Let Money And Wealth Control Your Dreams

The toughest point you can do is to control that which you feel you can have according to a number of money people at...

25 Best Money Affirmations That Work (Choose To Be Rich)

25 Best Money Affirmations That Work Choose To Be Rich
Money Affirmations: These Powerful money affirmations train your mind to align with your desires. You can attract money with these Most Powerful money affirmations....

REACH Switchword Helps to Achieve Aim And Target

REACH Switchword Helps to Achieve Aim And Target
In the series of switchwords, knowledge, and quest I personally found switchword REACH is helpful in many cases. Many times people connect this with...

Bach Flower Remedies

Gentian Release False Illusions With Increasing Faith Courage And Trust

Gentian Release False Illusions With Increasing Faith Courage And Trust
Gentian: Keywords for this remedy are depression at setbacks, lack of faith, mistrust of people and things, false illusions, feeling of ghost present, expect...

Pine Release Self Pettiness, Minuteness, and Worthlessness

Pine Release Self Pettiness Minuteness Worthlessness
Pine: Keywords for this remedy are “this personality cannot stand up for himself”, guilt complex, blaming, confusion, controlling, holding-on, grief, shame, moralistic compulsions, drives,...

Agrimony For Sad And Guilty Jokers, Clowns and Comedians

Agrimony For Sad And Guilty Jokers Clowns and Comedians
Agrimony: Key Words for the people who need this remedy are mental torture, worries hidden from others, mental torment behind a brave face, artificiality,...