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Tag: Pranayama for heartburn acidity

Pranayama means controlling the breath in specific ways. In This Article: What is Pranayama? Types of Pranayama Chandrabhedan Pranayama Benefits of Chandrabhedan Contradictions with Chandrabhedan Suryabhedan Pranayama Benefits of Suryabhedan Contradictions with Suryabhedan Anulom-Vilom Pranayama Benefits of Anulom-Vilom Contradictions with...


25 Best Money Affirmations That Work Choose To Be Rich

25 Best Money Affirmations That Work (Choose To Be Rich)

Money Affirmations: These Powerful money affirmations train your mind to align with your desires. You can attract money with these Most Powerful money affirmations....

Money Earning Ideas

Switchwords to Get Back the Money – Money Recovery Energy Circle

Switchwords to recover money get back Money Energy Circle
For how many times and for how many reasons have you ever given money to someone as a loan? Have you been kind enough to...

20 Abundance And Prosperity Affirmations (Train Your Mind)

20 Abundance Prosperity Affirmations Train Your Mind
The feeling of Abundance and prosperity is a powerful mindset for mankind. It is the birthright of every person but sometimes, we unknowingly get...

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 3...

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 3
40 Days Program/ Ritual to Become a MONEY MAGNET Part 3 (Day 11 to 16) Do you sometimes feel lost about your desires? Do you...

Bach Flower Remedies

Rescue Remedy For Emergencies Crises And To Heal Old Wounds

Rescue Remedy For Emergencies Crises And To Heal Old Wounds
Bach Flower Rescue Remedy is the best and most popular of the Bach remedies. It is not a single remedy. Rather, it’s a mixture...

Beech Cures Superiority Intolerant Blaming Others & Strictness in Behavior

Beech: Keywords for the people who need this remedy are strict, intolerance, controlling, self-absorption, anger, fight, rage, worry, indecisiveness, over-conscious of order, and discipline. There...

Hornbeam Can Help In Tiredness Weariness Procrastination And Sluggishness

Hornbeam Can Cure Tiredness Weariness Procrastination Sluggishness
Hornbeam: Keywords for this remedy are weariness, procrastination, tiredness at the thought of doing something, lethargic, groundless feelings of stress, anger, self-absorption, a chronic...