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Tag: switchword to bring back love

In our previous article "differences between switchwords "GOLDEN and GOLD", you have learned about both the Switchwords Golden and Gold. You read about the vast usages of the switchword GOLDEN and limited usage of switchword GOLD. There are many...


What Are Auto Suggestions? How Does They Affect Your Life?

Auto Suggestion is a powerful mind technique that relates to all implications. It is also connected with self-motivation which gets in touch with your...

Money Earning Ideas

40 Powerful And Best Affirmations For Entrepreneurs (Increase Your Business)

40 Powerful Best Affirmations For Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs Affirmations: Many of us did not have formal training and enough MONEY when we started working. At that time, we felt unworthy and unlucky....

Total Wealth Serum {TWS} for Money Wealth Abundance Success (CS-2)

Total Wealth Serum for Money Wealth Abundance Success VK
Total Wealth Serum {TWS} is the 2nd serum on the list of our Cosmic Serums. The keyword of the Total Wealth Serum is Money,...

Switchwords For Money Wealth Success {SHREEM 528}

Switchwords Money Wealth Success SHREEM 528
This Video is very intense and created to get more Money Wealth And Success. You just need to watch this video for your Money...

Bach Flower Remedies

Walnut Helps To Untie the Past’s Bonds & Outside Influences

Walnut Helps To Untie the Past's Bonds Outside Influences
Walnut: Keywords for this remedy are easily influenced, self-alienation, weak personality, lack of self-assertiveness, sensitivity to outside influences, personal crisis, lack of self-confidence, excessive...

Scleranthus Boost Decision Making Ability With Stable Mind

Scleranthus: Keywords for this remedy are indecisiveness, “can't make up your mind“, flightiness, rage, unhappiness, inconsistency, instability, inner turmoil, erratic and unreliable behavior, fickle-minded, and...

Hornbeam Can Help In Tiredness Weariness Procrastination And Sluggishness

Hornbeam Can Cure Tiredness Weariness Procrastination Sluggishness
Hornbeam: Keywords for this remedy are weariness, procrastination, tiredness at the thought of doing something, lethargic, groundless feelings of stress, anger, self-absorption, a chronic...