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Tag: Charisma

Charisma is the supremacy of the human current between the body, mind, and aura which creates a magnetic field. Once a person’s Charisma is shaped it amplifies their authority on others as well as their life. Most people have...


What Are Auto Suggestions? How Does They Affect Your Life?

Auto Suggestion is a powerful mind technique that relates to all implications. It is also connected with self-motivation which gets in touch with your...

Money Earning Ideas

Powerful Vision Board For Millionaire Mindset

Vision Board For Millionaire Mindset Be A Super Rich Person Powerful
Millionaire Mind Set Powerful Vision Board: Do you know your subconscious mind is a slave? It is your genie. You can get whatever you...

Magical Uses of Herbs For Money, Wealth And More

In part-1 of this series I already described the magical uses of 11 herbs. In today’s article, I will talk about some more magical...

Switchwords To Increase Sales & Attract More Clients (Ready to Be...

Switchwords To Increase Sales & Attract More Clients Ready to Be Rich
Switch Words Increase Sales and Attract More Clients: Specially designed for Shopkeepers, Service Providers, Businessmen, Salespersons, etc. No matter what industry you're in, or...

Bach Flower Remedies

Heather Control Over Talkative Chatterbox | Attention Seekers

Heather: Keywords for this remedy are Over-talkativeness, Chatterbox types, Attention seekers, Fear of being alone, Self-obsession, Self-centeredness, Self-concerned, showing off, need for recognition, rage, and...

Gentian Release False Illusions With Increasing Faith Courage And Trust

Gentian Release False Illusions With Increasing Faith Courage And Trust
Gentian: Keywords for this remedy are depression at setbacks, lack of faith, mistrust of people and things, false illusions, feeling of ghost present, expect...

Elm Increase Self-Confidence Focus and Strength for Responsibilities

Elm Increase Self-Confidence Focus and Strength for Responsibilities
Elm: Keywords for this remedy are a sudden feeling of stress and overwork, uncontrollable ambition, inappropriate behavior, overwork, impending breakdown, overwhelmed by responsibilities, nervous,...