Transform Your Life With


VK is a healing tool in the form of a steel bangle. VK is special as it is attuned with COSMIC energies by Sharat Sir. VK is a life-transforming healing tool full of divinity. If you have REACHED this page, it’s not a coincidence. It’s a DIVINE intervention in your life.

What Has VK Changed In People’s Life

VK has reached 68 countries by 2024. VK has blessed countless people with INFINITE HAPPINESS and SUCCESS in their lives. I feel blessed to see transforming changes in VK user’s life to say a few like:

  • The SMILE on children’s faces when they excel in their growth and studies with VK.
  • Happiness when a couple REUNITED after long years of separation through VK.

  • When Illness changes to WELLNESS in people’s life with VK energy.
  • Relief from Black Magic, Evil Eye, Jealousy with VK charged HANUMAN CHALISA water.

  • Doors of prosperity open for a PROSPEROUS life with a change in job, Promotions, and manifesting sales targets.

  • Increasing PROFITS in business and adding to additional income sources with VK manifestations.

  • Happy tears with manifesting a new home, excitement in manifesting a family vacation, starting a new business.

  • Wedding Bells manifested with VK.

  • OVERWHELMED with enhanced Meditation using VK.

  • Big Joys in small things like discounts in shopping, clearing heavy traffic, winning a singing competition, meeting an old friend, creating a masterpiece, trying a new recipe, walking through nature despite a hectic work schedule, reconnecting with old pals, meeting people with similar beneficial interests.

And the process of spreading happiness is continuing with the blessings of the Divine itself. Day by day, VK itself is choosing its new users, reaching more and more blessed souls. I see VK users opening the DOOR OF INFINITE POSSIBILITIES for a joyful prosperous life.

How To Use


If this is your question, the answer is: it is very easy to use VK. The youngest VK user was a baby who was only 2.5 years old in India, the oldest VK user is 93 years old in the UK.

VK becomes a Divine friend of a person who holds VK in its hand. You can send any positive energy with a simple request to VK in your own words. Yes, you read it right. You can send energies to yourself and your near and dear ones just with a simple request to VK.

The best part is there is no language barrier while using VK because VK understands all languages, including the language of your heart. What can be BETTER than this! There is much more to using VK.

Can you do distance Healing with VK? Yes, you can use VK to send energy to a person living in a different country. For example, you can heal a person in the USA, Dubai, India, or any other part of the globe even while sitting in your home in Mumbai, Delhi, or anywhere else.

  • VK can energize your drinking water and food with the energy of switchwords, positive words, Mantras, Affirmations, COSMIC SERUMs, Maa Durga Kavach, Hanuman Chalisa, etc.

  • You can energize your clothes and perfumes before going to a business meeting for more confidence. You will be amazed to know that you can also charge your clothes with Cosmic Energies

  • You can energize your Bank Account with TOTAL WEALTH SERUM using VK.

  • You can energize candies with soothing energies to get relief from a sore throat.

  • You can energize your shampoo, and hair oil for beautiful healthy hair.

  • You can energize your food for better health.

  • You can energize your food with wealth energies using VK.

  • You can send energy to events like interviews, business meetings, weddings, birthday parties, and celebrations just with a simple request to VK.

  • VK helps to enhance your meditation, increase Divine connection, cleanse your aura, and clear and balance your chakras. VK helps improve your psychic abilities with daily practice of VK.
  • VK can copy/mimic the effects of other healing modalities like an EFT session, Reiki session, Acupressure session, meditation effects, switchword videos, access bars, and a laughter show to name a few just with a direct request to VK.
  • VK can copy/mimic other healing processes like Reiki Psychic Surgery, Acupressure, EFT, and Sujok. VK can be used for attunements too. You can also rotate VK on your palm to activate acupressure points

An Interesting Video To Know What Is VK.

Additionally, you can energize organs of your body to rejuvenate them for more freshness and improved functioning by placing VK on that organ. Even if your family members and friends are away in a different city or country, you can still energize their organs distantly through VK. You can focus energy from VK to any distance just by thinking about the person through VK.

VK can be used in the law of attraction techniques, healing sessions, and attunements making life simple and easy.

Wearing Chotu VK As Locket

Chotu VK

Benefits Of Wearing A VK

Benefits Of Wearing A VK

You can protect yourself by wearing VK and sending energies through VK. VK can protect and heal people from the negative effects of black magic, evil eye, nazar, jealousy from competitors, fear, worries, and anxiety.

VK also helps in spiritual growth. I feel blessed when VK users say they feel more connected to the Divine with the continuous wearing of VK, increased self-awareness through VK-enhanced meditations, improved intuition levels, and calmness in every situation.

VK can improve mental health with enhanced inner strength, the release of anger, revenge feelings, hatred, ego, and freedom from deep-rooted traumas and addictions.

Additionally, you can energize organs of your body to rejuvenate them for more freshness and improved functioning by placing VK on that organ. Even if your family members and friends are away in a different city or country, you can still energize their organs distantly through VK. You can focus energy from VK to any distance just by thinking about the person through VK.

VK can be used in the law of attraction techniques, healing sessions, and attunements making life simple and easy.

Wearing Chotu VK As Locket

Chotu VK

Benefits Of Wearing A VK

Benefits Of Wearing A VK

You can protect yourself by wearing VK and sending energies through VK. VK can protect and heal people from the negative effects of black magic, evil eye, nazar, jealousy from competitors, fear, worries, and anxiety.

VK also helps in spiritual growth. I feel blessed when VK users say they feel more connected to the Divine with the continuous wearing of VK, increased self-awareness through VK-enhanced meditations, improved intuition levels, and calmness in every situation.

VK can improve mental health with enhanced inner strength, the release of anger, revenge feelings, hatred, ego, and freedom from deep-rooted traumas and addictions.

Sharat Sir

If You Are Curious To Know How I Started My Journey With VK

After practicing various healing modalities in the field of holistic energy systems, I learned not all ways of healing are safe. Many times I felt a need for a SAFEST TOOL that could help many people to manifest with ease and speed based on my experiences in the healing world. Then i got this Divine blessing to see 16 COSMIC ENERGIES with my eyes.

After intensive research and several experiments in real life situations, I invented VIBBES KADA (VK) and launched it in May 2009. I attuned a steel bangle (a steel kada which the Sikh community wears respectfully) with 11 out of 16 COSMIC ENERGIES present in the Universe. After attunement of this steel bangle i named it VIBBES KADA, which people lovingly call it VK.

I wanted to share the benefits of Cosmic energies to the whole mankind in the form of VK. Most beautiful part of VK is that it doesn’t backfire any negative energy to its user or energy sender and even to the energy receiver.

Cosmic energies are the HIGHEST form of energy in the Universe and there are total 16 such energies.

The existence of cosmic energies in the Universe was still there even when the Earth was not formed.

These Divine Cosmic energies can help humans, animals, pets, plants, and all living & non-living things, at all levels including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relationship, financial, and all other levels in all walks of life.

These Cosmic energies are eternal. We can make infinite requests, 24×7, to our Divine VK as its energies are infinite and never end. Same VK can be used and passed on to generations.

You Will Get A Free Access To Cosmic Serums And Shield Of 7 Rays With VK

I created 30 Special energy systems that can be used ONLY with VK. I named them as COSMIC SERUMs. Cosmic Serums are not any liquid or solid. These are energy systems released in the Universe by me and can be used only through VK. Cosmic Serums are grouped as per their use:

These Cosmic Serums can be used by VK users for themselves and their near/dear ones just with a simple request to VK. Water, food, clothes, consumables, meetings, events, and businesses can be energized with Cosmic Serums.

Shield Of 7 Rays With VK

Protection is a very important aspect of life. So I created a special energy system and I named it SHIELD OF 7 RAYS that VK users can use with a simple request to VK.

VK users are using the energy of SHIELD OF 7 RAYS to protect their auras, chakras, careers, jobs, events, business, home, and health from external unwanted forces such as evil eyes, jealousy, black magic, hatred, and also from people.

Learn More About Using VK

You can learn how to use VK by watching videos by VK teachers on the litairian website and my YouTube channel LITAIRIAN, reading BASICS of VK procedure on the litairian forum. I have set an ONLINE FORUM for all VK users. You can read interesting discussions and success stories on the VK/Litairian forum.

Me and my VK team have written learning articles and tutorials on VK use. You will also find interesting testimonials on our website.

You will be invited to join the Forum to learn more about VK tips. You can ask questions on the forum. You can use the SEARCH option with keywords on forum and litairian website to FIND answers to your question. There are learnings posted on our Facebook every week. I also send learning messages via WhatsApp broadcast from me directly every week ONLY to VK users.

Learn More About VK

You Can Charge Anything With VK

You can even talk to VK like a friend in your own words.

How Much Time Does It Take To See Effects From VK

Time is an illusion. Healing time will depend on the energy needed by the receiver. Patience is the key to success in any healing. Do your part of healing and surrender the outcome to Divine wish. The more you explore and practice VK, the more you know VK has INFINITE possibilities.

You can even BOOST healing with the use of multiple VKs.

VK Is For Everyone And For All The Times

VK can be used by all genders, castes, and religious followers. There is no age or time bar to use VK. VK can be worn and used 24×7. The energy in VK is limitless and remains intact through generations.

There are no rituals to be followed with VK wearing or its use. VK can be worn while sleeping, in the menstrual cycle, while bathing, or at any other time. That’s the beauty of VK.

Benefits of just wearing a VK.

Click to read Scientific proof that VK works greatly.

Click to read Frequently Ask Questions on VK.

Click to know How to Use VK with Simplicity and Ease?

VK can automatically send energy for 30 minutes to any request.

IF you are worried, that someone may use VK with unwanted negative intentions and send negative energies to others. Don’t worry because VK does not follow any negative request for the simple reason that i have attuned VK with a SPECIAL LOCK that does not allow any negative request to reach VK.

You can enhance effects of energy circles with VK.



VK in the form of a bangle is available in different sizes for convenience of wearing and using. The smallest VK, which I call Chotu VK, is approximately 3.2 cm to 4 cm (to wear around the neck) and from 5.3 cm to 7.8 cm (to wear in hand). You can choose your VK size based on your wrist size for convenient wearing. Click here to know your VK size:

Note: Chotu VK can be worn in a chain or thread close to your Heart Chakra or kept in your wallet or pocket.

I manually attune each VK with 11 Cosmic Energies.

VK has infinite possibilities. You can use your Imagination and Creativity to make Life more Joyful and Prosperous.

You can also take a look at my 2nd Superior Invention VIBBES SEEDER – VS.

Must Read VIBBES KADA Success Stories.

Please note there will be no refund of money after placing an order of VK in any circumstance. So listen to your heart first and then place your order.

VK is a Blessing in my life and I want to bless every human being through VK

VK is a Blessing and take it if you want to transform your own life and your dear ones, to be an independent healer, improve your health and relationships, gain mental strength,help your children with their growth and career, protection from negative unwanted influences, bless people with joy, manifest dreams with ease, immerse in spirituality.

The list continues..