Total Wealth Serum {TWS} for Money Wealth Abundance Success (CS-2)

Total Wealth Serum for Money Wealth Abundance Success VK

Total Wealth Serum {TWS} is the 2nd serum on the list of our Cosmic Serums. The keyword of the Total Wealth Serum is Money, Wealth, Cash, Job, Business, Work, Good Luch, and Prosperity. Keyword means when you have any situation related to the words mentioned above then TWS should instantly Ring Up in your mind.

Can you imagine just 4 doses of water a day can create more Money, Wealth, Cash, Jobs, Business, Work, Good Luch, Prosperity, Abundance, and Good Luck for you? But a Magical way is here: Total Wealth Serum can fulfill all your desire… use this…

Now with Total Wealth Serum no need to chant switch word phrase GOLDEN SUNRISE FULL COUNT or any other phrase, no need to chant COUNT Switchword or any other switchword, no need to chant SHREEM BRZEE Mantra or any other Lakshmi Mantra, and no need to work on Basic Chakra more. Even Money Reiki and an Abundance of Flush Empowerment are not required now.

  • Life is a race and everybody wants to get the first rank. Now Total Wealth Serum can help you to attain more success. Working with TWS continuously will give massive wealth. It is good for an easy, rich, and prosperous life. TWS can open your path to success, money, wealth, and abundance.Total Wealth Serum Wealth
  • As a salesperson, you can increase your clientage with TWS. As a shopkeeper, you can increase your sales with the help of TWS. As a businessman, you can increase your business with the help of TWS. Total Wealth Serum makes you a money magnet. TWS removes your subconscious blockage related to money and prosperity.
  • Want a new job??? Take Total Wealth Serum regularly.
  • Give TWS to your deal and close it on your own terms.
  • If college-going students take TWS, they will get a bright future when they go for earning. It will help their minds to choose the best career for them.
  • With Total Wealth Serum, Money Manifestation has become an easy task now.
  • TWS can increase your money awareness and with this, you can become a wealthy and efficient businessman.

Total Wealth Serum Money Manifestation has become an easy task now.

  • Be lucky and enjoy a debt-free life soon with the help of Total Wealth Serum.
  • Do you have Vaastu Dosha of your home/workplace or negative planetary effects??? Use All Clear Serum with Total Wealth Serum because they together defy their negative effects.
  • Have a doubt full mind, whether a job or business is good for you??? Take Total Wealth Serum regularly and it will lead you toward your true career.
  • Attracting wealthy people, lucky events, right investments, profitable investments, good fortune, an endless supply of cash, prosperity mindset, entrepreneur mindset, millionaire mindset, new opportunities, new income streams, name, and fame is now very easy if you take Total Wealth Serum regularly.
  • Sending Total Wealth Serum to your Vision Board regularly can speed up manifestation and increase your own power of the Law of Attraction.
  • Set a target and giving Total Wealth Serum to it regularly, can also shorten the time period of wish fulfillment. Check this video too How to Charge Water For a Particular Illness.Point to Remember about Total Wealth Serum

Just remember Friends, the continuous use of VIBBES KADA and Total Wealth Serum will open many opportunities for prosperity in all areas of life and you will get signals from the Universe… from your intuition, from people around you, from some publications or many other ways. Take all conscious effort to act. Prosperity will come to you with your own efforts, actions, and patience.

Never pray for a stable business. Billionaires do not use the term stable. They always pray for growing business.

Points to Remember about Total Wealth Serum

  1. The name of the serum should be taken as Total Wealth Serum while sending thru VK and not as short form TWS.
  2. Do not take it with any health serum or health-related energy.
  3. Request for TWS or any Serum is designed to work only with VK.
  4. Do not write TOTAL WEALTH SERUM or any Serum name in a closed energy circle.
  5. Do not use this serum if you are already using more than 3 to 4 serums for other health-related issues. If it is needed then make a 10 min gap between TWS and other Serums. This gap of 10 min is when you are taking 2 unrelated serums in 2 different water. Example: if you are taking Perfect Health Serum in one water and this serum is charged in another water, then keep a gap of 10 min between intake of these two charged water. For other methods like direct request or charging the name on paper or on a photo, a gap of 30 min can be taken for two unrelated serums. Read here for more about 30 min concept. 
  6. Receive prosperity in all areas of your life with regular use of Total Wealth Serum.
  7. Start with 4 doses of Total Wealth Serum daily. If you require more energy based on your current situation increase the dose. There is no upper limit for doses of TWS… take as much as you feel.
  8. Total Wealth Serum can be taken in drinking water through VK. Also, an image of the filled water bottle can be charged for your dear ones or even for an unknown person in any part of the globe.
  9. You can charge incense sticks, lamp oils, candles, and room fresheners with TWS and All Clear Serum and use this daily for taking all the benefits of the above serums both in your homes and business places.
  10. The use of GOLDEN SUNRISE and Total Wealth Serum together will give an enhanced effect.
  11. TWS with Mood Up Serum helps to ease stressful situations during tight money days and rainy days. It will induce hope and thus motivate you for the future.
  12. If your money is stuck with someone or if payments to you are due for a long time, you can send the energy of Total wealth serum and all clear serum to that situation. Additionally, you can send a SHIELD OF 7 Rays to your money so that it remains yours and comes back to you. If required prepare an EC as per Stuck money recovery with ease and energize this EC with GOLDEN SUNRISE, Total Wealth Serum, and All Clear Serum. The number of doses will depend upon the situation and its energy requirement. Total Wealth Serum, Shield of Seven Rays, and All Clear Serum can give all together to your stuck money. It will unstuck the money as soon as possible.
  13. Give Total Wealth Serum with Shield of Seven Rays to your projects, bank accounts, job, salary, factory premises, machines, tools, career, and investments. It will take care of them.
  14. It can be sent distantly to anyone simply by writing their names on the paper or on a photograph. Just say the energy name 3 times and place VK on the name/photo.
  15. Total Wealth Serum can also be sent directly by just touching VK and requesting the energy for the receiver. Just say Total Wealth Serum to the receiver’s name 3 times in one go. If we say more than one receiver’s name, the energy will get divided equally.
  16. You can charge bulk food items like flour, rice, pulses, etc.
  17. You can charge water used for cooking food with Total Wealth Serum.
  18. You can charge milk, juice, tea, or any other prepared food with Total Wealth Serum.
  19. Business executives, marketing professionals, entrepreneurs, or people with work profiles, a business that requires a pleasing and charming personality can use Alpha Male Serum/ Alpha Woman Serum along with TWS.
  20. For an important business meeting/ sales meeting, one can send Golden Sunrise and Total wealth serum to the meeting just with the intention of using VK.
  21. Send Beauty Serum and Total wealth Serum to important business presentations just with intention. This can help to enhance the presentation for a fruitful outcome.
  22. Take Bravo Serum with TWS if there is any fear of job interviews or negotiation with clients, or for important presentations.
  23. Combination of Total Wealth Serum, Mood up Serum, Bravo Serum, and Alpha Male Serum/ Alpha Woman Serum can help people who feel low and lack courage in business and work environments.
  24. You can charge your wallets and purses with Total Wealth Serum to balance your earning and spending abilities. You can do this daily or as per your need.
  25. You can send Total Wealth Serum and All Clear Serum to situations such as pending court cases involving material benefits. The frequency will depend on the situation. Keep energizing until you get the results.

Total Wealth Serum {TWS}: Money Wealth Abundance (Cosmic Serum-2)

Any questions in your mind, please write us in the comment box below. Now be ready to attract more money, cash, abundance, wealth, prosperity, good luck, success, etc. into your life with the help of Total Wealth Serum.

Must Check Here Few Success Stories Using Total Wealth Serum

  1. Resolved 10 year old PF transfer issue
  2. New Job, success, money with TOTAL WEALTH SERUM and specific intentions
  3. Stuck money received
  4. Asking a sign to VK, choosing a career opportunity, and moving ahead
  5. New job after a break with VK and Sai’s blessings, Professional success story
  6. Another result with VK: Getting Stuck MONEY BACK
  7. VK help to completely finish my 8-year-old Income Tax case
  8. Subordinates who was losing their job is now safe with VK energies
  9. Got stuck with money and a stipend with VK and Cosmic Serums
  10. Empowerment at the workplace after transfer
  11. New job after retirement with VK
  12. Finding a new job after losing one, Divine knows the best
  13. New job offer with 17 Lacs increment and Overseas Placement
  14. Experience on the money with TOTAL WEALTH SERUM …no intention
  15. REFUSED MORTGAGE gone through with the help of VK
  16. Was fed up of suppressing fear & inferiority complex in my career, VK & TWS helped
  17. Money received in 7th Pay commission Finally
  18. VK help to sell Scotty at a better price
  19. Got Stuck money with VK tip 102
  20. Success in Career Growth – Got Promoted to the next level
  21. Subordinate losing bonus/incentive got the deserving with VK
  22. VK Magic in One Month: Health Wealth and More by Nadiya
  23. 1 lac hogaya arrange
  24. Enjoying my business. Really it is miracle
  25. Saved husband’s job with VK
  26. Clarity regarding career path/life purpose
  27. Change in stuck energy in Business with VK
  28. My Dad manifested more customers & also paid back loans effortlessly with VK & TWS 
  29. UNEXPECTED MONEY With the Help of VK and Serum
  34. Success in CA FINAL level examination
  35. Improving finances, saving money, and paying bills in cash and debit card
  36. Energizing bank accounts with VK & paying bills of cards with zero payments
  37. Divine is My Constant Money Provider (A Personal Experience of a VK Teacher)
  38. With an easy flow of money, my home got renovated with fewer expenses and less time 
  39. My One Year Journey With VK – VIBBES KADA by Rakhi
  40. My Dream Home (Sapno ka Ghar – Hare Krishna Bhavan)
  41. Attract buyers and Increase Sales