Alpha Male Serum {AMS} is the 28th serum of the list of our Cosmic Serums. Alpha Male Serum is a Cosmic Serum that can be used only with VIBBES KADA VK. This Cosmic Serum is designed only for males. Alpha Male Serum is a Cosmic Serum, which no MAN can miss to use. This is a simple but amazing Serum that if used regularly by males can bring drastic changes in their lives. Wondering how?? Read here:

Some Basics on Masculine Features
A male and a female are distinguished by multiple parameters. Sexual dimorphism generally refers to differences in weight (a normal male is 1.2 heavier than a normal female in the same age group), height, hair, face, muscles, voices, body shapes, color, size of eyes, and behaviors.
It is observed that the face and facial features first catch an eye. A male face is generally 15% bigger than a female face in the same age group. This difference is observed after the age of 13. Alpha Male Serum can help in achieving an Ultimate masculine look and personality.
Are you a Man in the field of Sales or Marketing or does your job involve meeting and presenting to many people? And you want to hit your business targets while you present yourself to so many people and clients? Or are you looking for investors for your new business? Are you a man who quit his job and now starting a new business?
If your answer is Yes, then Alpha Male Serum is for you to leave a mark on whoever you meet. Alpha Male Serum improves certain facial characters. Alpha Male Serum can help to have a symmetrical face when used regularly. The symmetrical face is not a measure of masculinity but a symmetrical face is more attractive to anyone who sees the male face first. It can also help to have sharper and defined facial features in a Man.
Alpha Male Serum can help to have a larger and more defined jawline and heavier brow ridges which are typical of a sexy masculine man. It can help you to have perfect body structure and posture. It can motivate you to wear perfect attire for every occasion. It can help you to interact with eye contact even when you stand to present to a big group of people. It can improve the confidence of a Man and help to achieve a charming mesmerizing personality.
Are you are a Man who is in the field of fashion or modeling or do you wish to enter the world of media or film industry with a dashing look?
If your answer is Yes, then Alpha Male Serum is for you to leave a lasting impression. Alpha Male Serum can help to have an asymmetrical body. It can even help to achieve a lean muscular body with broader shoulders and smooth, clear, flawless skin. It can also help you to have a sexy masculine voice and a youthful appearance.
It can help you to have an amazing hairstyle. You will feel you are breeding fashion. Alpha Male Serum can help you to achieve an amazing stylish model look with a great fashion sense.
Are you a man who is a prospective groom? And you want to attract the best female partner for a lifetime?
If your answer is Yes, then Alpha Male Serum is for you irrespective of your age. Alpha Male Serum can help you to be attractive with an irresistible look. Alpha Male Serum can help you to get a strong body with a dashing appearance. It can help to enhance your facial expressions. It can also help to have a perfect nose and expressive eyes.
It can also help to have a muscular and perfect physique. It will help to motivate you to groom yourself for a perfect look and feel. It can also help to improve your sense of humor and dressing sense. It can help you to be confident and compassionate when you meet your prospective bride.
Are you a man who is body conscious and also wants to have a pleasurable marital life?
If your answer is Yes, then Alpha Male Serum is for you to be the Best man of your better half. Alpha Male Serum helps to have an extremely sexy and hypnotic look. It helps to boost the male hormone -Testosterone. It also boosts Pheromones, which are naturally occurring chemicals in the body.
Pheromones send out subconscious scent signals to the opposite sex. These signals can trigger very powerful sexual responses. Alpha Male Serum can help you to have hypnotic seductive eyes and a hypnotic masculine scent. It will motivate you to take care of yourself and your partner’s needs. Your wife will find you irresistible!!!
If you are a parent, and you feel that your son even as small as 3 years shy away from meeting people. Your son is around 10 years old but cannot make friends. Or you want your son to be the center of attraction in a cultural event. You are a male and while participating in a stage performance, be it a speech or singing or dance competition or in any other cultural event, you want all the eyes on you? Or your son is a Youth who is addressing a crowd to spread a social message. Or your son is appearing in a group discussion for admission in an MBA or Media field.
Then Alpha Male Serum is there for all small boys, teenager boys, or any youth who wants to be a Winner. Alpha Male Serum helps to boost overall confidence. It can help to interact smartly with others. It helps to improve personality traits in all males. It helps to remove performance-related fears in men. It can help for the best performance on stage be it for a solo performer and be a center of attraction while performing as a part of the group. It will help a male to stand out in a crowd.
Are you a man who wants a perfect masculine body structure?
If your answer is Yes, Then Alpha Male Serum is for you. Alpha Male Serum helps to burn fat easily enhancing body metabolism. It can help to achieve a smaller waist. It helps to motivate for a workout session. You will start loving yourself more than before and attract people. With a regular intake of Alpha Male Serum, you can have a strong, dashing, and confident personality.
Though the traits and features mentioned are written for separate categories in this article. Alpha Male Serum, when taken regularly, will help to achieve all required features that are apt for you.
- You can use Alpha Male Serum by any method using VK. You can take it just with a simple request to VK or by charging drinking water or charging image of drinking water bottle for others.
- You can send the energy of Alpha Male Serum to others on their photo or on the name of the receiver written on paper.
- You can use Alpha Male Serum alone or in combination with GOLDEN SUNRISE to further enhance its effects.

- You can add Total Wealth Serum with Alpha Male Serum for business or career goals including for use before job interviews or competitions.
- You can even add Mood Up Serum to be more cheerful. You can add Bravo Serum if you feel fearful. You can add Calm Down Serum if you need to calm down from too much aggression or anger or violence. You can add it with Men Serum which is specially for male organs.

- You can add it with Men Serum which is specially for male organs.
- You can add it with Gym Serum for bodybuilding effects.
- You can add it with Beauty Serum to achieve more results.
- You can give it to your husband along with Love Serum to have more romance in your life.
- You can give Alpha Male Serum to children for better performance and growth.
- You can choose the combination of Serums with Alpha Male Serum based on information provided in other Cosmic Serum articles.
Points To Remember About Alpha Male Serum
- Alpha Male Serum is a cosmic serum that can be used only with VIBBES KADA VK.
- The name of the serum should be taken as Alpha Male Serum while sending thru VK and not as short form AMS.
- Alpha male Serum is only for males like Men Serum.
- Alpha Male Serum can be added with any other required health/wealth/mind healing Serum.
- Do NOT use Alpha Male Serum for females. Do NOT combine Alpha Male Serum with Fem Serum or Alpha Woman Serum which are designed only for females.
- Balance Serum is the best companion of every Cosmic Serum.
- Do not use this serum if you are already using more than 3 to 4 serums for other health-related issues. If it is needed then make a 10 min gap between Alpha Male Serum and other Serums. This gap of 10 min is when you are taking 2 unrelated serums in 2 different water. For example: if you are taking Brain Serum in one water and this serum is charged in another water, then keep a gap of 10 min between intake of these two charged water. For other methods like direct request or charging the name on paper or on a photo, a gap of 30 min can be taken for two unrelated serums. Read here more about 30 min concept.
- Alpha Male Serum can be taken in drinking water through VK. Also, an image of the filled water bottle can be charged for your dear ones or even for an unknown person in any part of the globe.
- It can be sent distantly to anyone simply by writing their names on paper or on a photograph. Just say the Alpha Male Serum 3 times and place VK on the name/photo.
- You can add GOLDEN SUNRISE with this serum to enhance its effects.
- This Serum can also be sent directly by just touching VK and requesting the energy for the receiver. Just say Alpha Male Serum to the receiver’s name 3 times in one go. If we say more than one receiver’s name, the energy will get divided equally.
- You can combine it with any other relevant Serum as you wish. Just remember it is only for males irrespective of age.
- You can charge your perfume, deodorant, and shaving cream/form with Alpha Male Serum and use this to enhance its effects.
- The only limitation is, VK and Alpha Male Serum will not work if used for lust or illicit relationships outside your own marriage. It will not work to attract a woman who is legally, morally, and ethically NOT for you. So please do not waste your time and energy with such intentions.
Please note: Regarding Alpha Male Serum, it has many advantages, one of them is creating attractiveness in a person. Attractiveness is not only physical but also mental. It creates more confidence and also makes a person love themselves. It also makes a person stronger emotionally to face any situation. Regarding taking AMS to make you attractive to receive love. This is also required in some or many situations. Like in a marital relationship if a spouse loses interest because the partner is less confident or less attractive, here rather than losing the relation, it is practical to work on relation improvement. It is the chemistry and physical bonding too which is important in some/many marital relations. Also in the case of boss-employee relations, some job profiles require a person to be more presentable smart, and confident so good to use Alpha serums. In the case of the parent-children relationship, maybe there is no such need. You can choose to take it to build your overall personality. Alpha Male Serum is wonderful energy for everyone.
Alpha Male Serum if taken regularly can give every male a charming personality, extremely sexy and hypnotic look with the ageless body, timeless mind, and power attitude.
What more can a Man ask for? Just Alpha Male Serum.