What Do You Desire For Your Home Or Work Place?

  • Do you want to correct Vaastu Dosha and Feng Shui faults?
  • Protection from all negative influences and unwanted external forces.

  • Filled with positive energies.

  • If your answer is yes, I have a unique and all-encompassing solution called VIBBES SEEDER (VS), which provides multiple shields to safeguard your premise and fills it with good energies.


VIBBES SEEDER (VS) is my 2nd invention for protecting and energizing defined spaces like homes and business places. VS has reached various Homes, Offices, Shops, Hospitals, Resorts, Factories, Hotels, Restaurants, Clinics, Institutes and Healing Centres in more than 25 countries.

Once installed in a place, VS emits 48 powerful positive energies 24×7 and has the potential to provide 34 types of protection to the place where it is installed.

Read testimonials at the end of this article.


What Do You Desire For Your Home Or Work Place?

  • Do you want to correct Vaastu Dosha And Feng Shui faults?

  • Protection from all negative influences and unwanted external forces

  • Filled with positive energies.

  • If your answer is yes, I have a unique and all-encompassing solution called VIBBES SEEDER (VS), which provides multiple shields to safeguard your premise and fills it with good energies.


VIBBES SEEDER (VS) is my 2nd invention for protecting and energizing defined spaces like homes and business places. VS has reached various homes, offices, shops, hospitals, resorts, factories, hotels, restaurants, clinics, and healing centers in more than 25 countries.

Once installed in a place, VS emits 48 powerful positive energies 24×7 and has the potential to provide 34 types of protection to the place where it is installed.

Read testimonials at the end of this article.

Why did I invent VIBBES SEEDER?

In my journey of healing, I came across many cases where no healing modality was working or would have some temporary or reversible effects. One thing happened to be common in all these cases and that was something related to the energy of the place of their maximum stay.

Based on my knowledge, I did some research and experiments at multiple places including homes and workplaces. I found many kinds of energies could interfere with the harmonious lives of people who stay or are in those places. Some negative energies could create havoc in people’s minds, health, and financial progress.

I also found that if such energies are eliminated from the space of such places, people could live a better life and prosper in a better way. Even when such places get filled with positive energies, it creates significant changes in the mind, body, and progress of people. I continued my research and experiments for months and felt the need for a healing tool that could emit good energies and help to eliminate and replace negative energies in such places. VS is the outcome of this research. I launched VIBBES SEEDER VS in Dec 2017.

What Is VS And Where Does It Work?

VS is a ONE-STOP SOLUTION, a “State of the Art” Divine tool to be installed in specific places like homes or business places.

VS is manually attuned by me with a total of 48 Powerful Energies. VS is an 8 x 8 inches wooden base frame with a steel component. The wooden frame is to hold the steel component for aesthetic purposes. The Steel component is manually attuned by me with 48 powerful energies including Cosmic Energies for a specific place/address. The steel part of VS emits 48 powerful energies once VS is installed in a place for which it is attuned.

  • A VS with dimensions 8 x 8 inches is suitable to work in an enclosed space upto a total area measuring 5500 sq feet. Example: Homes (Bungalows, Pent Houses), Offices, Restaurants, Cafes, Healing and Meditation Centres, Gym etc.

  • A VS with dimensions 14 x 14 inches is suitable to work in an enclosed space upto a total area measuring 22000 sq feet. Example: Resorts, Corporate Office Building, Hospitals, Factories, Clubs, Sports Club, School, Coaching Classes, Colleges and Educational Institutions, Shopping Centres etc.


If your home or workspace has a total area measuring more than 22000 sq feet, then our advisory team will help you to understand the placement of multiple VS.

Can You Get A Vs Without Personal Visit Of My Advisory Team At Your Place

Yes you can get a VS without the need of an expert visit to your place.

Generally for Vaastu Doshas or energy analysis of a place , an expert visit is required. But to have VS we don’t need to visit your place. You just have to share this information to our Advisory team

  • Name of the person staying at the place or the person using the office or business place
  • Complete postal address of the place along with Pincode where VS needs to be installed
  • Area of the place in sq metre/sq feet
  • Contact number of the person who will receive the VS for courier purpose
  • Only in some cases, my advisory team may ask for a Floor plan or pictures of the place in certain cases to understand the structure of the place.

Benefits Of VS

VS creates a Powerful Protective Energy Circle around the premises to secure it from external negative energy influences.

VS has the potential to raise the energy levels of your premises to plus 90% within a few hours of its installation.

34 types of protection with continuous flow of natural Cosmic and other powerful Energies into and from your premises.

VS removes nag dosha and tantric kriya on a premise.

VS also helps you to do Tratak Meditation.

Must know what kinds of Protection and Solutions a VS can offer

It is important to understand that in addition to Vaastu Doshas, various negative energies may surround us, such as Geopathic Stress, electromagnetic radiations from the earth and other sources, negative directional energies, irreparable effects, malevolent spirits, negativity from objects, past experiences, and emotions, and much more.

The moment VS is installed in a place, it will start removing multiple doshas (issues) from the premises which are already there before the installation of VS. Here is the list:

Protection from Black Magic, Bewitchment, Evil eye, and all of its negative effects.

Jealous or perverted people may use tantric practices to affect people’s prosperous life by throwing negative energy balls into successful people’s homes or workplaces. A progressive family seldom gets affected by the evil eyes of people who visit their homes or business places.Their residual energies with harmful intentions destroy the peace of the place.

VS removes black magic or tantric kriya or evil eye effects from a place and further protects a place from such unwanted influences.

Some people may cast a spell on a home or business place to control people living or working in a place to fulfill their negative motive. VS can protect a place from such bewitchment.

Protection from Negative Directional Energies (Vaastu Doshas) and all of their negative effects.

All directions in a place have some energy owing to its direction.

  • NORTH attracts wealth, if North energy is weak, it may lead to financial losses.
  • East energy results in good health and harmony.
  • South, the energy is of Yama, avoid a kid’s room, water tank, etc.
  • West is the direction of water. Negativity may lead to physical and financial suffering.

VS eliminates all the faults from all the 10 directions, faults of entry, in front or near the entry of a premise as known in Vedic and Modern Vaastu Science.

Misalignment of Chakras in Vaastu Purush.

VS can eliminate unwanted energies from improper Vaastu Purush Mandala in a place.

Every premise has some energy centers like Chakras and also has personal space for astrological Planets and the Deity of that premise. A VS eliminates negative energies from them and makes them more energetic and powerful for overall well-being.

  • Brahmasthan is the domain of Lord Brahma (creator of Universe), the holiest, most powerful zone of architecture.
  • Energy from Brahmasthan goes to different directions of the structure.
  • Presence of pillar, beam, appliances in Brahmasthan can affects the finances and attract losses.
  • A kitchen in Brahmasthan affect the health of inhabitants.
  • An empty space in Brahmasthan makes it powerful to attract an abundant and happy life.

VS removes negative energies of incorrect and wrong Brahmasthan

VS gradually Boosts Up the Power of Brahmasthan (Center of the Premises), the core of overall well-being. The Aura of the premises gets a powerful strength once the core is boosted up sufficiently.

Wrong Arrangements of Five Elements and their negative effects.

Five Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether (or Spirit) affect our lives.

  • AIR element brings happiness.
  • FIRE element drives our passion.
  • WATER element is for money and love.
  • ETHER is for the power of manifestation.
  • EARTH is for body and mind stability.

It is important to place these elements appropriately in a place to have a balanced and prosperous life.

VS removes all the negative energies created due to incorrect arrangements of five-elements in a home or work place.

VS also Balances the Presence of Five Elements on the Premises.

Wrong Feng-Shui Arrangements, It’s Negative energies and effects.

Feng Shui is a Chinese metaphysical system. Feng Shui explains that if the building structure or environment has good “Qi” ie life force, it’s a perfect location to stay.

Directional energies in Feng Shui correlate to the Chinese Zodiac Animals

NORTH represents RAT. Good energy in North helps a person to easily adapt to circumstances.

WEST represents ROOSTER. A positive energy in the West helps in building Confidence, persistence and business.

EAST represents RABBIT. A positive energy in East helps to increase trust, love and compassion.

SOUTH represents HORSE. High energy in South can help for good Physical Strength and Loyalty.

VS removes all the negative energies created due to wrong arrangements of Feng Shui in a home or work place.

Wrong Color Arrangements, It’s Negative energies and effects.

Incorrect Color choices of walls and furnitures can effect energies of people staying in the room.

Red color in a bedroom can cause aggressiveness and arguments.

Neon colors in living room can cause mental fatigue.

Dark colors can effect moods of people.

VS helps to remove negative energies and effects created due to wrong color arrangements in a place.

Protection from Negative Spirits/ Energies and all of their negative effects.

Presence of evil spirits may cause people staying in such places to sense bad odours, have disturbed sleep, feel noises and unseen movements, and bad dreams. If the same people go out of this place they don’t feel these experiences.

The spirits may go away but their residual energy may cause tiredness, headache, nausea, and heaviness to the people staying in such places.

  • VS helps to remove evil spirits, their residual and negative effects from the place where it is installed.
  • VS protects new evil spirits entering such a place.
  • VS can drive away ghosts and entities and protects entries of such entities or ghosts in a place where it is installed.

Protection from Dark Energies and all of their negative effects.

Residual emotions like anger, sadness, and frustration from a person who is no more can affect people staying in the same place. For example a new tenant in an old rented place or as a 2nd owner.

VS removes such energies from the place where it is installed.

Protection from Psychic Attacks and all of their negative effects.

Emotions from a coworker, angry neighbours, hateful relatives, or jealous people can create obstacles in your career or drain your energies when you stay or work in a place. It could be because of mental assault on such place through their occult power.

VS can clear energies created as a result of psychic attacks and further protect the place from new psychic attacks.

Protection from Negative Energy Vortex and all of its negative effects.

A vortex is a huge strong electromagnetic mass of energy that constantly rotates in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. A negative energy vortex may sometimes appear in a place due to a nodal point, an untimely death, a nearby crematorium, or constant black magic attacks and may cause severe health issues, mental disturbances, fights affecting the daily routine of people.

VS can remove negative vortexes. VS gradually creates positive vortexes for the Holy and Guardian Angels, for the local Deities after it is installed in any place. VS creates positive vortexes in a place irrespective of whether there were any negative vortexes present previously or not.

Protection from Negative Energies of Things and all of their negative effects.

Presence of old furniture, wheelchairs, walking sticks,etc in a place used by people who are not alive or by previous inhabitants, may entrap unwanted emotions of depression, sadness, and anger of those people. After shifting to a fully or semi-furnished house or office that was previously occupied by dead or alive people, residual emotions in their used things may cause disturbance to people who currently stay or work in such places.

VS removes negative energies in crystals, things, furniture, man-made artworks, photos, etc. VS starts raising the energy of such places after its installation.

Protection from Negative Energies of Past Events/ Memories and all of their negative effects.

Past events such as unnatural deaths, suicides, and fights between family members remove negative energies of past events/ memories and their negative effects in that place.

VS removes unwanted energies of past events/memories from a place after it’s installation.

Protection from Geopathic Lines/ Stress/ faults and all of their negative effects.

Geo means Earth, Pathic means suffering or disease. Geopathic stress zones affect the immune system. People staying in such zones may have a painful life with sleeplessness, fatigue, and mood disorders. One may see frequent cracks in walls, cats will be seen resting in the geopathic zone, infertility, etc

One needs to identify such zones and place remedial things.

VS is the most powerful tool currently available worldwide for effectively and permanently defusing and neutralizing Geopathic Stress Lines instantly and effortlessly.

Protection from Hartmann Lines/ Grid and all of its negative effects.

Hartmann lines, discovered by a German doctor Dr Ernst Hartmann, are naturally charged lines that arise from the ground and run in different directions. The negative charges in such lines can cause severe health issues and interfere with normal body cell functioning.

Protection from Curry Lines/ Net and all of its negative effects.

Curry lines were discovered by Dr. Manfred Curry and Dr. Wittmann. If any intersecting CURRY lines pass through homes, it can affect the body cell functions of people coming close to the effects of such intersecting lines.

Protection from Interference Lines/ Grid and all of its negative effects.

Many earth lines running in different directions form Interference lines and Grids and may cause more harmful effects if they pass through homes, hospitals, or other places.

Protection from Benker Grid/ Cubes and all of their negative effects.

Anton Benker revealed about cubes that affect lives. Benker cube is a spatial system with rows and columns. If people stay for a longer time in a place where the effects of Benker cubes become harmful, they suffer from severe diseases.

Protection from Ley Lines/ Grid and all of its negative effects.

In 1922, Alfred Watkins, claimed to have discovered a system of straight lines that connected all the sacred centres of England. He termed this system ley lines. These lines are now called energy leys.

According to David Cowan: “standing stones emit energies which form these energy leys and traverse the country forming a highly sophisicated web of natural earth energies.”

Others see ley lines as the essential structure of the etheric body of the Earth, being lines of earth energy, like acupuncture meridians. The life force of the Earth radiates from the leys and ley centres or chakras.

VS eliminates all unhealthy and dangerous electromagnetic lines such as Hartmann lines, Curry lines, Interference lines, Ley lines, Benker cubes, or grids.

Protection from Water Veins and all of their negative effects.

If there are big water bodies or networks of water bodies touching the earth’s surface, It can cause spiral growth and proliferation in trees, scoliosis, and cancer in humans.

VS prevents a place from bad effects of Water Veins.

Protection from Electromagnetic Radiation/ Fields (EMF), Electrical radiations (ER) and all of its negative effects. (VS will not remove EMF, ER but it will only remove all kinds of negative effects of EMF from the place.)

Protection from Harmful Ultraviolet Rays (UVR), Harmful Infrared Rays (IFR), Microwave radiation(MR) and all of their negative effects. (VS will not remove UVR, IFR,MR but it will only remove all kinds of negative effects of UVR from the place.)

Protection from Sick Building Syndromes and all of their negative effects.

Protection from Bad Neighbor Syndromes and all of their negative effects.

Protection from Negative Planets Dasha (Time period) of the place and its negative effects.

Why Should You Install A


The energy of a place significantly impacts your life.

A sweet home is a space where prosperity thrives in the form of good health, consistent financial abundance, harmonious and loving relationships, joyful conversations, peace of mind, and more.

Good energy in a workplace can impacts the progress of the business, the performance of people, their proactiveness, cooperation, mindset in achieving their financial goals or targets, and also their health. The workplace becomes a 2nd place where people spend most of their time, the first being their homes.

Resolving issues related to Vaastu Doshas, Feng Shui faults, Negative Brahmasthan, Negative Spirit energy, Geopathic Stress, negative vortexes, directional issues, Vaastu Purush Mandal in a place can be a challenging task and would need help from multiple experts in their respective fields.

  • How about considering a single customized solution for your home and workplace that continuously emits 48 powerful energies and provides 34 types of protection at your place, without the need of any alterations or further investment in reconstructing.

Based on the complete postal address, I manually attune a VS which is customized to that address.

Once installed in the address for which it is specifically attuned, VS starts emitting 48 powerful positive energies in that address. If individuals residing in that place were previously impacted by its negativity, they will no longer be affected by it, as the place is now filled with positivity when they reside there.

However, if there has been previous damage to health, career, or relationships due to the past negativity of the place before the installation of VS, it may be possible to improve the situation, although this improvement might take time.

If necessary, you can utilize VK to improve such circumstances as VK and VS work together splendidly, offering a better quality of life.

It’s important to note that when individuals temporarily or permanently move away from the place for work or other reasons, they may not receive the remote benefits of VS, as VS is specifically customised to emit energies solely to that specific place.

Place a vS if you Don’t want to:

  • Rearrange things like beds, cupboards, lockers, cooking ranges, taps, etc.
  • Invest your money to reconstruct or rearrange washrooms, kitchen or worship place, etc.
  • Break a single brick of your house or office.
  • Search and relocate to a new place because of negative energy in the current place.

VIBBES SEEDER has the potential to remove and correct energies due to Vaastu Doshas, Feng Shui Faults, Wrong Brahmasthan, Imbalanced Five Elements or Vaastu Purush Mandala Effects completely.

Everyone deserves a perfect home filled with peace, love, laughter, joy, and effective communication. If you are also wondering to transform your life for the better by changing your circumstances, if you too aspire to a flourishing life, peace of mind, a happy family, harmonious relationships, a vibrant and lively home filled with blessings, and success in all aspects of life, then your search is over. VS is here for you, offering a path to a blissful and beautiful life!

Please Note: Income, wealth, and money flow also depend upon the mindset of a person, in that case, one would change the mindset by doing this Money Magnet Program. You must enhance your personality and live a fulfilling life through Mindfulness.




You Are At The Right Place For A Comprehensive Solution For Your Home Or Work Premises!!!

Advisory Team for VS

For any technical assistance or query, I and my team are always there to help you. Whenever required, I will authorize and allow one of my team members to provide you with further technical guidance related to the working of VS. If you insist us to visit home or office there will be additional charges.

VIBBES SEEDER – VS Advisory Team Has The Following Members

Authors (Sharat Sir)

Sharat Sir
(Delhi – India)

Our Authors (Rakhi Rohra)

Rakhi Rohra
(Mumbai – India)

Our Authors (Mudit Agarwaal)

Mudit Agarwal
(Goa – India)

If you have a question that you already have a VK, how will VS help you, then read here. Don’t miss to read these testimonials on VS: Click Here. Must read the answers to these frequently asked questions here.

(Please note there will be no refund of money after placing an order of VS in any circumstance. So listen to your heart first and then place your order.)