The Shield of Seven Rays is a powerful tool for protection and spiritual growth. It is believed to offer complete protection to the user, by keeping negative energies and entities at bay. The shield is said to be made up of seven rays, each of which corresponds to a different aspect of spiritual development. These rays are thought to help the user gain greater insight and awareness, as well as build strength.
I am a man of my own will. I work harder with a maximum positive attitude. I have tried to keep peace and harmony if I dislike a behavior or a situation I have stayed neutral as I can never harm anyone. But nevertheless, I am being targeted by everybody; I don’t understand why people have become my enemy? At times I feel even God is also watching the punishment I am being given. I feel like a total loser… I feel so hopeless.
The above words are very common for an honest person. Honest persons work with love and gratitude; they wish others who will work with them. They are merciful and extend a helping hand to the needy and very famous in their own field. Their fame attracts good people around them and also bad or evil people who hold negative emotions towards them.
I know a person who is very famous for his work and has a very positive attitude for life but his fame disturbed his life, his workplace, and his health too. He works as a freelancer to help the needy by giving them high-quality medical products but few people who sell their inferior products to them are regularly putting their effort to disturb him instead of improving their own work quality. Maybe you are also facing a similar problem as my friend. Maybe you also have some disturbing people around you.
Last week my friend came to meet me and discussed in detail his whole story. It gave me additionally an extra edge allowing me to see the AURA and judge the problem. I saw his aura and found that his aura is strong enough to encounter disturbing people but his own conscious will is not ready to do that.
He asked me to recommend a solution. I told him to come back again after a week. I meanwhile worked on the Shield of Seven Rays for Complete Protection for a week.
Now a powerful solution is ready to be given to him but I thought why not share this Powerful Shield of Seven Rays for Complete Protection with all VK users!!! Because this Shield of Seven Rays for Complete Protection can only be work with the VK users.
So here I am to share with you this Shield of Seven rays for Complete Protection which will only work for the VIBBES KADA users with an ultimate intention to grace your lives with positivity and growth in chosen areas of life. Here I share this with you in all humbleness.
It has taken me a week time to attune the powerful Shield of Seven Rays for Complete Protection in the Universe. Those who have VK can use the shield with great power and ease without even meditating on the shield. Click #here to know what is VIBBES KADA (VK)?
“Remember all-powerful shields can be created with deep meditation but what happens when you can’t meditate deeply? It means you cannot be benefited from the protection. You cannot rescue yourself.”
The perfect solution is here for us to utilize when you request your VIBBES KADA (VK) to give you Shield of Seven Rays, your VIBBES KADA (VK) will automatically start doing so. It’s an automatic function of VIBBES KADA (VK) to follow your every positive command.
How Does Shield of Seven Rays for Complete Protection Work?
Shield of Seven Rays for Complete Protection is a shield of seven layers of seven cosmic rays. This shield is created just outside of our whole aura. Our aura also has seven layers that start from our body to expand up to 12 to 15 feet in egg/oval shape.
When we request our VIBBES KADA (VK) for Shield of Seven Rays for you, VK starts creating a most powerful shield, just after your aura’s outer layer. You can give a request for others also and VK will do the same.
Each layer of Shield of Seven Rays has its own work and unique ability. Let’s find their abilities below:-
Layer 1 of the shield: Layer one helps to shield and protect your all material world, workplace, your all income sources, your own energy, vitality, and your journey. This Layer one also protects your money, your bank account, your wealth, your office/shop/factory, and your possession too.
Layer 2 of the shield: Layer two helps to shield and protect your love relationship, your individuality, your unique work, your own nature, and your home.
Layer 3 of the shield: Layer three helps to shield and protect your educations, your study, your wisdom, and your knowledge.
Layer 4 of the shield: Layer four helps to shield and protect all your relationships (business, love, friends, relatives, etc.) your inner child, your mercy, your joy, true compassion, and happiness.
Layer 5 of the shield: Layer five helps to shield and protect your thoughts, your commanding power, your communication skills, your courage, your inner strength, and the value of your words.
Layer 6 of the shield: Layer six helps to shield and protect your key decision, your future plans, and your conscious mind.
Layer 7 of the shield: Layer seven helps to shield and protect your luck, your karmas (deeds), divine guidance which provides you time to time by divinity, your subconscious mind, your soul, your chakras (energy centers), your spirituality, and your divine journey.
Special Note: Shield of Seven Rays for Complete Protection also protects all your other areas which are not mentioned in this article. Remember it is a complete shield. It also shields your whole body. Also, protect you from the evil eye and black magic.
The Time Duration of Shield of Seven Rays for Complete Protection
This Shield of Seven Rays sustains in your complete self as long as possible. You daily expose to several negative people and areas, so it is good to create Shield of Seven Rays for Complete Protection daily at least once.
It takes only 10 sec to request VK to create a Powerful Shield of Seven Rays. If you feel immense negativity around you, you can request many times a day to create a Powerful Shield of Seven Rays. This shield will remain to sustain with you till you expose to the negativity. Maybe for a day or a week or a month.
Special Note: Shield of Seven Rays for Complete Protection also protects all other areas which are not mentioned in this article. Remember it is a complete shield. Shield of Seven Rays also protects your whole body, mind, soul, and all belongings.
To Learn More About VK & Its Uses Please Check & Click Here:-
- Learn How to Easily Perform Reiki Psychic Surgery Using VK
- Heal, Revive and Cure Any Organ Simply Using VK
- How To Charge Food, Eatable & Other Things Using VK
- How to Charge Water or Anything Using VK
- Mimic All Energy Therapies & Much More Using VK
- How to Charge Water For a Particular Illness Using VK
- Simple & Easy Ways to Charge Drinking Water Using VK
- Check & Remove Black Magic & Evil Eye Using Hanuman Chalisa & VK
- Cherish Your Pregnancy Using Divine VK by Rakhi
- How to Use Vital Organ Balancing & Cosmic Serums Together
- Innovative Ways to Boost Your Manifestation With Multiple VKs
- Many Possibilities & Helping Ways with VK in a Headache
- Some Easy Ways of Doing Vital Organ Balancing (VOB)
- 10 Tips to Use VK More Creatively
- How VK is an Intentional Healing Tool? Understand with 10 Examples
- Your Question is Your Answer While Using VK
- A Concept of 30 Minutes Auto Energy Movement With VK
- What is The Best Way to Work with VK (ACTION)
- How to Use VK with Simplicity and Ease?
- Few Simple Requests To Activate VK for You or For Others
- Vital Organ Balancing (VOB) For Health Using VK
- How VK is an Intentional Healing Tool? Understand with 10 Examples
- Your Question is Your Answer While Using VIBBES KADA – VK
- VK Assures your Safety as First Priority When You Work With It
- 25 Amazing and Extraordinary Features of VIBBES KADA (VK)