Why Do We Need to Request Through Vibbes Kada® Again and Again


Why again and again? Because as a human you might have a particular emotion, feeling, thought pattern, choice, circumstances, availability of support, many mood swings due to which you might wish for something and even drop the idea soon. Mood swings like being lazy, stubborn nature, dramatic attitude, unplanned wish, just a day’s fascination about something, just a casual liking of someone else’s achievement, feelings and emotions like fear, doubt, hopelessness, dependency on other people for your wish, suggestions by other people, self de-motivation, de-motivation by outer sources, lack of trust in divine, impatience, diminishing gratitude and many more aspects stops you to live your wish.

If you stop asking from divine but divine does not stop working for you. Divine or Universal Energies never stop working but they work with their own Law until you ASK to change. You take the required actions to change. You feel required feelings to change. You have an appropriate emotion to change. Because if you keep asking, AGAIN and AGAIN, even DIVINE knows that you are confirmed about your wish.

For example:

As a student when you learn a lesson, are you able to learn just after reading once? Maybe you are lazy, or not serious about your lessons, fearful of results, scared of lengthy chapters or many other reasons. As a sportsperson is it enough that you run just once and wish to come first in the race? Maybe you have tough competition, maybe you are less motivated and maybe you need support to be an athlete.

No…as a student you need to read, learn and revise your lessons to be thorough. As an athlete, you need to practice running again and again so that you are the best runner and win the first position. If you fall prey to any unwanted factors and stop requesting to DIVINE energies through VK even divine will STOP working for your wish. Energizing or requesting your wish daily is a confirmation to divine that you really want to live your wish.

If you read a lesson just for once, it will be just read and not learned. But if you read or learn it, again and again, you will be CONFIRMED of the lessons to be learned forever. This will further help you to have the best result also. If you wish to be a good runner and come first in the race then you have to practice well, else the runners who have practiced well will be the winners for SURE.

When you hug your child daily then you make him feel loved, secured and cared again and again. The same way you need to make a request to DIVINE through VK for the best outcome and CONFIRMATION that you want the best outcome for sure.

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