Pregnancy Tips : Cherish Your Pregnancy Using Divine VK by Rakhi

Cherish Your Pregnancy Using Divine VK

In This Article:

One of the most cherished moments for a woman is that of motherhood. The bonding of a mother to her child begins from the time of conception. The health thoughts and attitudes of the mother form the baby’s first impression.

As a woman gets pregnant she lives two lives, her own and her baby’s life. The first line a pregnant woman would hear is. It is very important to take care of herself and the new life to which she is giving birth to.

There are many traditional and modern ways to take care of pregnancy. Here are simple ways with VIBBES KADA VK to take care of both the mother and the growing fetus/baby in the mother’s womb.

It is also very much important that she get proper pregnancy tips and guide from some expert guide who has proper knowledge about pregnancy-related queries.

The VK remedies given here can be easily followed by any Pregnant VK user. A VK husband or VK brother or VK father or VK sister or any VK friend or VK relative can also help the pregnant woman to have a safe and healthy delivery of a healthy baby. Pregnancy Divine vibbes kada vk

Understand the Important Energies and their Uses

  1. Nutrition comes first for both the mother and the baby. Along with regular good nutritional food, do take Perfect Health Serum, Digee Serum, and Balance Serum with VK.
  2. GOLDEN SUNRISE energy can be added to all healings to enhance its effect.
  3. Lord Krishna is the Deity of SANTAN GOPAL MANTRA. Worshipping to Lord Krishna in the form of a child helps to get a child. Taking the energy of SANTAN GOPAL MANTRA, helps to remove difficulties in pregnancy and blesses the mother with safe delivery. The baby is blessed with good health and intellect. VK can mimic this Mantra energy. Read some interesting facts about VK mimicking too. Read about Mimicking a special feature of VK.
  4. Fem Serum is the best friend of every woman in pregnancy and it will help to take care of hormonal changes and the growth of a baby in the uterus.
  5. Immune Serum will help to build immunity both to the mother and for the baby.
  6. How about maintaining an active and flexible body throughout the pregnancy with Gym Serum.
  7. Some Beauty Serum and Alpha Woman Serum too for the beautiful mom. Read this VK experience of glowing skin.
  8. A happy mother will pass good vibrations to the growing baby, so Mood Up Serum for the cheerful mother.
  9. Shield of Seven Rays to protect the loving mother and the beautiful baby from negative influences. Whenever the pregnant mom moves out of the home, this energy should be taken before leaving the home and then as per the need.
  10. If you are taking medicines, just charge them with GOLDEN SUNRISE.
  11. Whenever you feel low, just chant GOLDEN SUNRISE while wearing VK.
  12. You can mimic the effect of a Laughter Show easily.
  13. If required you can take Mood Up Serum and Balance Serum regularly.


  1. You can take any Cosmic Serum as per the need.
  2. Avoid the use of All Clear Serum if there is bleeding, nausea, vomiting, or loose motions… because the body is already releasing what is not wanted.
  3. Before traveling, take SHIELD OF 7 RAYS for yourself, your womb, and your baby. Increase the frequency as and when required. Master krishna sharat sir


  1. Though most of the energies would reach the baby through the mother, some energies can also be sent to the unborn baby in the mother’s cozy womb. With VK, energy can be sent to every cell of the body and energies can reach the growing unborn baby also.
  2. The developing baby is called an embryo from the time of conception to the eighth week of pregnancy. After the eighth week and until birth, the developing baby is called a fetus.
  3. For healthy growth, send Perfect Health Serum to the fetus.
  4. After 5-6 months, the baby develops most of the organs including hands and legs, so Gym Serum can be given to the fetus.
  5. It is believed that 60 % of the brain is developed in the mother’s womb. A baby should be allowed to grow naturally in the womb. Some nurturing of the mind can be done spiritually. For this, you can easily read and do self-reading meditations.
  6. Garbh Sanskar Energy: The word Garbh means fetus in womb and Sanskar means nurturing the mind. Garbh Sanskar is a traditional way, which can help in educating the baby in the womb as well as to increase the bond between the baby and the mother. Garbh Sanskar ways can be mimicked with VK.
  7. Listening to Gayatri Mantra or Garbh Sanskar CD by Amitabh Bachchan after 5 or 6 months of pregnancy is a common practice for Garbh Sanskar. In this full audio of Garbh Sanskar, Shri Amitabh Bachchan speaks to the fetus in his majestic voice in an amazing way. It has a piece of soothing music creating deep vibrations, welcoming the unborn baby to this world, teaching the ways of life and the purpose of every human being.
  8. These energies can be given to the mother and growing baby just with a simple request to VK or the VK mother can request to enhance this effect while listening to such Mantras or audios.

Must Listen Garbh Sanskar – Shishu Nivedan By Amitabh Bachchan


A mother’s state of mind affects the baby’s personality and growth. So keep the mother happy and free of worries.

Start with a VK Request daily morning for a beautiful day. Read this VK TIP 63 for a Beautiful Day.

A VK mother can keep talking to VK like this:- 
  • VK Bless me a healthy baby
  • VK Bless me a cute baby
  • VK Bless me a loving baby.
  • VK Bless me a cuddling baby
  • VK Bless me with a sweet baby to hold in my arms.
  • VK Bless me with a naughty baby.
  • VK Bless me with an active baby.
  • VK Bless me with a playful baby.
  • VK Bless me an ever-smiling baby.
  • VK Bless me with a laughing baby.
  • VK Bless me with an intelligent baby.
  • VK Bless me with a baby with smiling lips, curly hair, sparkling eyes….
  • VK Bless me with a baby who hugs me tight.
  • VK Bless me with a baby who holds my fingers.
  • VK Bless me with a baby enjoying to play with toys
  • VK Bless me with a baby dancing to music.
  • VK Bless me a baby enjoying nutritious food.
  • VK Bless me a baby peacefully sleeps like an angel.

The above are a few examples. You can add as many as you wish. Must read the VK Basic Guidance 21 to know more. Shift your thoughts from worry to happy moments. Always keep your mental frequency high and daily do Vital Organ Balancing (VOB) for extra care of the baby and mother. Even you can choose an easy way of doing VOB for the extra care of your baby and you. cherish it vibbes kadaReserve at least half an hour of your day for VOB and talking to VK. You can talk to VK even while traveling, cooking, working, resting on the bed, while watching TV, etc.

To conceive or have a child through adoption or for IVF, read this VK Tip 49.

Your Practical Care During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be divided into 3 phases. Though the guidance is given for each phase, one can use the guidance as per need. Must read VK Tip 89 about how to practically care your 9 Months of Pregnancy with Divine VK. If you are a working and busy woman must read VK Tip 88.

Also read a VK experience on a baby arrival.

Gratitude to Sharat Sir for infinite possibilities with VK. Gratitude to VK for changing many lives. With VK, there can be many more possibilities. You can post your ideas in the comment box below. When your baby arrives, do share your VK experiences and happiness on Litairian Forum with all of us.

GOLDEN SUNRISE Blessings to you and your baby. Now you can take good care and pamper your baby with Baby Care Serum.

Do remember that you have a 24×7 friend in pregnancy and that is Divine VK

Please note: This article is a guide with VK for a comfortable pregnancy and healthy living of the pregnant woman and her unborn baby. It is NOT suggested to drop any medicine which is prescribed by the doctor to the pregnant woman receiving VK energy. The pregnant woman should continue and follow the prescription for medicines and medical tests as guided by the doctors. VK can be used regularly and worn until the Delivery room for ease.