Some Easy Ways of Doing Vital Organ Balancing (VOB)


One of the best pieces of knowledge shared by Sharat Sir about VIBBES KADA VK is on Vital Organ Balancing (VOB).

Vital Organ Balancing is a method of directly sending cosmic energies to our organs, energy systems, and even to our soul if we keep it in our heart chakra.

As a part of Sharat Sir’s Team VK, I came across many VK users who want to explore VOB, but find it difficult to apply because of procedural questions or confusion or some unwanted physical pain while doing VOB.

Here I want to share a few methods of practicing VOB in some easy ways, which I experimented with in my own healing practices with VK and found them to be working. The time in minutes for which VOB should be done/frequency of VOB sessions is based on initial guidance shared by Sharat Sir to all. In all the methods described below, the healing intention should be “HEAL NOW FOREVER”.

For a healthy person, you can do full VOB only once or twice a week. This is good enough.

If you have a problem in one particular organ, start with VOB of that particular organ 5 to 10 min daily and you can even increase it to 15-20 min divided into 8-10 min twice a day.

If you have a problem in multiple organs, start with VOB of the most affected organ for 5 to 10 min once a day then increase it to twice a day the next day or after 2 or 3 days. In the next week, include the next organ for VOB 5 min daily along with in addition to the first organ for 5-10 min maybe once.

Then in the 3rd week, include the 3rd organ VOB, now do the Vital Organ Balancing of these 3 organs each for 5mins. At any stage when you feel one organ needs more energy to increase the time for that organ.

Easy Ways Vital Organ Balancing VOBFind here some easy ways of doing Vital Organ Balancing (VOB)

Example 1: Suppose you have to improve your bowel movements, do Vital Organ Balancing of the abdomen with the chanting of All Clear Serum daily for 5 to 10 min at least once or even twice a day.

You can do this in the morning daily for a few weeks or more depending upon your case, so your bowel will receive energy at the right time to start the day and second time in the night, and you will find the difference changing from severe constipation to easy bowel clearance. You can do this for babies, children, or even elders to improve their bowel movements.

Example 2: Suppose a person has a heart problem like blood pressure or poor circulation and also has diabetes/sugar imbalance.

Week 1: Start with Vital Organ Balancing of heart with the chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE or HEART SERUM for 5 to 10 min daily either once or maybe twice a day for a week.

Week 2: Continue VOB of heart for 5 min daily as in Week 1. Start VOB of the pancreas with the chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE or KEY PEN SERUM for 5 min daily.

Here, the heart and pancreas VOB can be done back to back or with a gap as per your convenience. It will give you the same energy.

Example 3: Suppose a person has a very weak thyroid, severe liver cirrhosis, and frequent migraines.

Method 1 – Week 1: Start with VOB of the liver with chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE or DIGEE SERUM daily for 5 min.

Method 1 – Week 2: Continue with VOB of the liver for 5 min as in week 1 daily. Do VOB of head imagining the thyroid with the chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE for 5 min.

Here the VOB of the liver and head/thyroid can be done back to back or with a gap as per your convenience. It will give you the same energy.

Method 2 – Week 1: Start with VOB of the thyroid with the chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE or FLAB DOWN SERUM for 5 to 10 min daily either once or maybe twice a day for a week.

Method 2 – Week 2: Continue with VOB of thyroid for 5 min daily. Start VOB of the liver with chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE or DIGEE SERUM for 5 min daily.

Method 2 – Week 3: Continue VOB of the liver for 5 min daily. Continue with VOB of thyroid for 5 min daily. Start VOB of the head with the chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE or any serum which you feel will be applicable for the cause of a migraine for 5 min. Here the VOB of thyroid, liver, and head can be done back to back or with a gap depending upon your convenience.

Any method can be chosen based on your inner guidance. Choose the sequence of organs and time of healing based on the need of that person.

Now a question comes that my hand pains a lot in rotating VK for so long…What do I do?

Sometimes doing rotations continuously can give pain in the hand. Also for certain conditions like a migraine, if we rotate VK on our own head, it may cause strain on the shoulder. The pain may increase not due to the VK process but due to stress or strain in posture.

So there are easy ways of VOB too…

Process 1: You can just rub VK on the organ with the request HEAL ME NOW AND FOREVER instead of rotating.

Process 1 – Example 1: Suppose you have a migraine; rub VK on the pain point in the head with the request HEAL ME NOW and FOREVER. If you can chant, then you may chant GOLDEN SUNRISE or PAIN CARE SERUM. This localized rubbing will give faster relief.

Process 1 – Example 2: Suppose you have thyroid or extra weight on the tummy, you can rub VK over your tummy with the chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE or FLAB DOWN SERUM for few minutes daily. Here always keep the intention of your desired shape and perfect body weight while doing VOB.

Process 1 – Example 3: Suppose you want to shape up certain body parts such as double chin, Irregular breast shape, or love handles or arms, you can rub VK on these parts with the chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE or BEAUTY SERUM. Here always keep the intention of your desired shape while doing VOB.

Process 2: Hold VK in your hand and place it on the organ to be healed. While holding VK on that organ, start chanting the energy name to be sent continuously for 5 to 10 min. You can skip rotations if you cannot.

Process 2 – Example 1: If there is constipation, you can place your hand with VK on the abdomen while sitting or lying down and chant GOLDEN SUNRISE or ALL CLEAR SERUM for 5 to 10 min or more. This can be done daily in the morning/evening as per the need.

Process 2 – Example 2: If there is a heart block, you can place your hand with VK in the middle of the chest while sitting or lying down and chant GOLDEN SUNRISE or HEART SERUM for 5 to 10 min or more. This can be done daily in the morning/evening as per the need.

Process 3: When you do proxy VOB on palms or a pillow or toy, you imagine some organ of self or someone else that you want to help. While doing proxy VOB, if you think that your focus shifts to some other thoughts and you cannot continue to concentrate with imagination for that organ…here is an easy proxy method for you.

Anyone can use this method anytime…

You can write the name of the person and his/her organ name for whom VOB is to be done on a paper. Place VK on these words and chants the name of energy continuously for 5 to 10 min or more. Alternatively, you can rotate VK over these words slowly with the chanting of energy name continuously for 5 to 10 mins or more.

Process 3 – Example 1: Suppose a person Paul Dsouza has a migraine, He can just write his name on the paper along with the name of the organ. In this case head.

So write on the paper: “Paul Dsouza’s head.”

Now Paul can place VK on these words and chant GOLDEN SUNRISE or PAIN CARE SERUM while touching VK. He can even lie down on the bed and keep this paper next to his hips, where his hands would reach easily on paper and place VK on these words and chant GOLDEN SUNRISE or PAIN CARE SERUM while touching VK. Alternately Paul can sit and he can rotate VK over these words with chanting.

Process 3 – Example 2: Suppose Ruby has thalassemia and she wants to send energy to bone marrow. Ruby would not know where is bone marrow.

So if Ruby can just write on the paper: “Ruby’s Bone Marrow”.

Now Ruby can hold VK and rotate over these words with the chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE for 5 to 10 min or alternatively just place VK over these words, and while touching VK chant GOLDEN SUNRISE continuously for 5 to 10 min.

Process 3- Example 3: Suppose you want to help a person with the name Kat, who has a cataract. You can just write on the paper. Either it can be left eye/right eye/both eyes…that is affected.

So write accordingly: “Kat’s Left Eye” or “Kat’s Right Eye” or Kat’s Both Eyes”.

Hold VK and rotate over these words with the chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE or EYE SERUM for 5 to 10 min. Alternatively, just place VKover these words, and while touching VK chant GOLDEN SUNRISE or EYE SERUM continuously for 5 to 10 min.

Process 4: You can do it on a photo of a person too, but you need to constantly imagine/focus the organ. In that case, the paper method gets easier.

Can We Do Vital Organ Balancing of Non-Living Things

There is a thought that only living beings require energy as they have a life. But even nonliving beings require energy. Can we drive a vehicle without fuel energy or without solar or electric energy?

Can we operate a cell phone without a battery that has energy stored in it? Can we work on a computer without power stored in its battery? Does a doorbell ring without electric or mechanical energy? The answer is NO. So energy is embedded in every being be it living or non-living.

We can use VK to energize these non-living things also.

Example 1: Rotate VK on your cell phones for few mins with GOLDEN SUNRISE or ALL CLEAR SERUM chanting if it gets hanged.

Example 2: Rotate VK on your computer for few mins chanting GOLDEN SUNRISE or ALL CLEAR SERUM if it’s getting slow frequently.

Example 3: Rotate VK on your music system for a few minutes chanting GOLDEN SUNRISE or PERFECT HEALTH SERUM to improve the sound quality.

Example 4: Rotate VK on a washing machine panel for few minutes with the chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE or ALL CLEAR SERUM if it’s making unwanted noise.

But if there is a major breakdown or a necessity to replace some change parts, do not hesitate to do that. Because VK cannot restart an electric bulb, whose fuse is gone!

Please Note: Just requesting the energy name/VOB and leaving VK on paper without touching /chanting continuously will not be VOB. Do not request a VOB session just to leave VK over it. This will not result in the continuous sending of energy to revitalize that organ.


VOB with VK is so easy…Isn’t it?




Thank You Sharat Sir for the beautiful gift of VIBBES KADA VK and for sharing the beautiful way of sending energy directly to the body parts with the Vital Organ Balancing VOB process.

GOLDEN SUNRISE to efforts of all VK Users who do VOB to help themselves and others too.

Do share your experiences with VOB and easy methods of VOB with us. If you have more creative ways of doing VOB, do share with all of us as we learn together.