What is Our Soul Purpose? It’s Mission & Meditation Benefits

What is Our Soul Purpose Mission Motive Meditation Benefits

Soul an Ancient Sanskrit word means The Higher Self of an individual. Do you know what is the mission of our soul? Before you decided to come to Earth and possess the physical body you now have, you were Soul and you are as beautiful as each star in the sky, every breath as neat as a drop of monsoon.

What’s more inside you, is an extremely novel set of blessings and capabilities. A predefined soul mission is some piece of every soul’s contract. As every Spirit comes to Earth and makes their personality, their Unique Soul Mission can get to be divided however never lost. As you raise your vibrations and stir the motivation behind your spirit, your own particular higher self light the very cells of recognition that have headed you here.

  • Do you discover it an opportune event that you are here perusing these words as your own particular Awesome Soul is singing them to you now?
  • Do you end up attracted to new exercises, individuals, and spots for no obviously characterized reasons?

Our society consists of different people who follow various religions, sects, and beliefs. All the streams of thinking have explained ways to attain the divine and all are correct. But if we observe minutely, their rituals & rules may vary but all learned Guides advise us to sit in the quietness of thoughts and focus on the almighty to gain absolute knowledge. You must read about Common Man Spirituality. In other words, they ultimately suggest ‘Meditate’.

All the sects have given only a Map to Eternity. As a commoner, we cram the route by reading scripts & listening to their preaching; but few try to walk on the path as suggested by them. Scriptures have infinite knowledge. Learned souls have imparted great ways to achieve, but unless practically followed, we shall keep on struggling without reaching a destination. The Motive and Mission of Our Soul are to usher everyone on this illuminated path to find the ‘Most Searched About’. It provides the taste of Energy to all.

What is Our Soul Purpose Mission Motive and Meditation BenefitsThe Mission of Our Soul

Our Mind goes into a never-ending loop due to the rituals performed by us. For example, when a person is performing Chanting on a Rosary (Japa Mala), he is always conscious of the counting. For this reason, whenever he tends to go into the deep, the counting pulls him out, and because of this repetition. Our mind forms a habit of remaining inside this loop thus marring the way to proceed further.

Like on the shore of a sea, if a person is asked to pick a pearl, he will have to search for it picking stone after stone… checking and throwing stones into the sea so that he does not pick up the same stone again. In the process of these repeated picks, his mind will form a habit of picking and throwing stones in the sea and as a result. It is likely that he will throw the pearl also into the sea when he picks one.

Therefore, it is required that we find ways to go into our deep spirituality straight away without delayed processes and binding rules. Meditation provides a solution. It proved the inner depth. Meditation is a quenching dip into the Ocean of Energy, the Ocean of the Almighty.

Benefits of Meditation

  • Reconnect to your Actual Perfect Calling!
  • Stir Your Unique Otherworldly Blessings!
  • Adjust To the Way of Your Actual Soul Mission!
  • Knowledge Internal Calm As You Recall Your Truth!
  • Adjust Yourself To New Chances to Serve Mankind!
  • Re-establish Your Inward Validity to Charge What You’re Value!
  • Restore Your Association with Your Own Particular Souls Wishes!

I hope you love to read 31 Reasons Why Your Brain Loves Meditation.