Eye Serum {ES} is the 13th serum on the list of our Cosmic Serums. It is good in the case of the reduction in visual power, glaucoma, cataracts, disturbed circulation in the eyes, inflammation of the iris and cornea, weak vision, infection, and all kinds of eye problems.
Points to Remember about Eye Serum
- Eye Serum is a cosmic serum that can be used only with VIBBES KADA VK.
- The name of the serum should be taken as Eye Serum while sending thru VK and not as short form ES.
- Do not use this serum with Total Wealth Serum.
- Do not use this serum with Love Serum.
- Do not use this serum if you are already using more than 3 to 4 serums for other health-related issues. If it is needed then make a 10 min gap between Eye Serum and other Serums. This gap of 10 min is when you are taking 2 unrelated serums in 2 different water. Example: if you are taking Total Wealth Serum in one water and this serum is charged in another water, then keep a gap of 10 min between intake of these two charged water. For other methods like direct request or charging the name on paper or on a photo, a gap of 30 min can be taken for two unrelated serums. Read here for more about 30 min concept.
- It is advisable to continue with a healthy diet and adequate sleep when you use ES for any visual problem.
- The number of daily doses of ES will depend upon the condition of the eyes and the severity of the vision problem.
- With ES, if you are a diabetic patient, you can add Key Pen Serum too.
- Eye Serum can be taken in drinking water through VK. Also, an image of a filled water bottle can be charged for your dear ones or even for an unknown person in any part of the globe.
- It can be sent distantly to anyone simply by writing their names on the paper or on a photograph. Just say the Eye Serum 3 times and place VK on the name/photo.
- You can add GOLDEN SUNRISE with this serum to enhance its effects.
- This Serum can also be sent directly by just touching VK and requesting the energy for the receiver. Just say Eye Serum to the receiver’s name 3 times in one go. If we say more than one receiver’s name, the energy will get divided equally.
- You can charge bulk food items like rice, flour, pulses, etc.
- You can charge water used for cooking food with ES.
- You can charge tea, coffee, milk, juice, or any other prepared food with ES.
- Perfect Health Serum is the best companion for Eye Serum as they both together can work great on all visual system-related problems.
- You can also do VO Balancing on the Eyes while using this serum anytime and especially for severe eye problems.
- If you are using any Doctor’s prescribed medicinal eye drops, you can charge them with it and use as per prescription.
- You can also charge Sterilised Rose Water (Labelled for use in eyes and available from a pharmacy) with Eye Serum and instill it in your eyes
- You can charge toffees, candies, and chocolates with this serum.
- You can also charge your specs, sunglasses, contact lenses, and contact lens care solutions too for the same effects.
- If you want to increase the beauty, attraction, and charm of your eyes then with Eye Serum use Beauty Serum and Alpha Woman Serum or Alpha Male Serum as applicable.
- For painful eyes use Pain Care Serum with ES.
- To maintain good vision, take Eye Serum and Perfect Health Serum regularly.
- If you feel tiredness in your eyes due to strain on your eyes with long hours of fine work such as stitching, knitting, reading, working on laptops, computers, or cell phones, or due to lack of sleep, then you can take a combination of Eye Serum and Perfect Health Serum frequently say 2 to 3 times within an hour. This will bring freshness to your eyes. If your profession involves this type of work, then you can take this daily 4 times or more.
- You can also splash water charged with this Serum on your eyes to feel fresh.
- You can use ES with All Clear serum in the case of eye irritation due to dust or allergy or the presence of a foreign object in your eyes.
- Students preparing for exams and remaining awake for long hours can take Study Serum, Perfect Health Serum, and Eye serum together.
- Check this video too How to Charge Water For a Particular Illness
Please note: Consuming the energy of Eye Serum is good for the eyes and the visual system. If you have other suggestions, other ideas for using this Serum, or any questions then please write to us in the comment box below. We would like to read your words about Eye Serum.