After 15 years of research and meditation, I found 64 Cosmic Codes in the Universe for all kinds of physical and mental problems and issues. These Cosmic Codes are very powerful and can help with many problems and issues.
These Codes create amazing results when you watch them in my videos regularly. These Codes directly interact with your mind, body, cells, tissues, and DNA for optimum results.
Right now a total of 64 Cosmic Codes Videos are available free of cost to help you with various kinds of problems. Some Cosmic Codes Videos can help in common issues and other help in many chronic problems.
Each Cosmic Codes Video of this series includes 20 different Codes out of 64 for the betterment of your body and mind. In these Cosmic Codes Videos, images of Codes shifted speedily to bypass your conscious mind and directly enter into your subconscious mind for amazing results.
How To Use Cosmic Codes Videos
In many chronic problems, a result may be shown after 3 to 4 days of watching but in acute problems result may come in a very short period of time, sometimes just after the first time of watching. And after prolonged use, you will see the amazing benefits.
- You can loop them as many times as you wish as there is no maximum limit to watch them.
- If you watch them many times a day, sometimes you feel dizzy because of extra energy, at that time please stop watching.
- If you watch with more focus you will feel much better. Watch until you will get rid of your problem.
- These codes have no side-effect.
- I have used 108 Hz binaural beat brainwaves with the cosmic codes.
- 108 Hz binaural beat has its own wisdom to better understand your need. It directly connects and adjusts with your mind according to your need.
- You just need to watch any Video minimum of twice a day (depending on your condition).
- After watching, your mind, each cell of your body, and your DNA will totally fine-tune with codes and you will get instant relief and betterment.
- You can also watch these Cosmic Codes Videos on behalf of others. For this, before starting the video, just mentally imagine and intend that you are watching on behalf of XYZ (name of the person.
- My all cosmic code videos are also attuned with Cosmic Energy by me.
- You can Click Here to watch all videos.
What are Binaural Beat Brainwaves?
When two tones of slightly different frequencies are heard separately in the left and right ears, the listener perceives a single tone that varies at a frequency equal to the difference between the two tones- a perceptual phenomenon known as a binaural beat. There is a proven connection between brainwaves and mental states, therefore they are very effective and useful.
Cosmic Code Videos Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I watch Cosmic Code Videos without headphones?
A: Yes, it’s not compulsory to use headphones with Cosmic Code Videos.
Q: Can I only hear the video and not watch the video?
A: You will get 95% of the effect of the Cosmic Code Video mostly after watching and only 5% in just hearing. So focus on the screen to have the best results.
Q: Will watching it more than two times or many times in a day benefit me with more speed?
A: Yes, the more you watch, the more benefits you get.
Q: Can I use VK with the videos?
A: Yes, VK users can use VK to enhance the effect of the video. They can also mimic the energy of the video with VK. For this request is: “VK, Mimic the energy of (specify the Name of the video) video by Sharat sir” for me (or for XYZ) *3 times.
Q: Can kids watch these videos?
A: Yes, anyone of any age can watch my Cosmic Code Videos.
Q: Can I avoid medical treatment along with watching the Cosmic Code Videos?
A: We don’t suggest dropping any medical treatment. Please continue the video as an alternate solution and drop medicines only with your doctor’s advice.
Q: Can I use Cosmic Serums of VK along with Cosmic Code Videos by Sharat Sir?
A: Yes, you can use Cosmic Serums of VK along with Cosmic Code Videos. All the Serums are written in complete detail so that you can choose which Serum of VK can be used in which situation. Use “water charging method”, “direct request method” or any method of consuming a Serum of VK energy along with watching these videos.
Q: “You can watch this video on others’ behalf. “What do you mean by this? I can watch this video for someone but how will I take action for them?
A: There are some people who take action but don’t prepare their energy, there are some people who want to be successful but don’t understand the importance of a better energy system, there are some people who don’t believe in the better energy system but they are very close to you, kids, adults, working and a busy spouse, friend, and relatives are the ones on behalf of whom you can watch these videos. When you hold the intention of energy for any such people, energy flows to them. It’s a blessing.