Tag: bach flower remedy for depression
Hornbeam: Keywords for this remedy are weariness, procrastination, tiredness at the thought of doing something, lethargic, groundless feelings of stress, anger, self-absorption, a chronic feeling of being overwhelmed, groundless pessimism, and frustration.
There are certain people who feel tired even...
Mustard: Keywords for this remedy are depression, grief, controlling, anger, fight, sorrow, self-absorption, obsessive worry, and anxiety.
There may be certain phases in life where we may feel depressed or anguished for no specific reason. We may get sad but...
Honeysuckle: Keywords for Honeysuckle are living in the past, absorbed by the memories of the past, feeling regrets, feeling trapped in the past, homesickness, grieving, obsessive worry, and "stuck" in the past.
There are certain people who live in the...
Gentian: Keywords for this remedy are depression at setbacks, lack of faith, mistrust of people and things, false illusions, feeling of ghost present, expect failures, disappointment, weak-willed, easily discouraged, lack of endurance, a tendency toward relapse, and insufficient determination.
Sweet Chestnut: Keywords for this remedy are desperation, futility, grief, controlling, holding on, self-absorption, anger, fight, flight, sorrow, worry, extreme spiritual suffering, acute hopelessness, alone, helpless, hopeless, and unprotected, a "dark night" for the soul.
There are moments in life...