Archangel Sandalphon is an Angel of Music Art Prayer and Glory

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Archangel Sandalphon is referred to by many names such as “Angel of Music”, “Angel of Glory”, “Angel of Prayer” or “Angle of Art”. As said he is extremely tall, from Earth to Heaven. He is the one who is responsible for delivering your prayers or you can say Earthly prayers to God.

Sandalphon is a guide for musicians too. For those who wish to discover about them and grow. He helps people to connect with the Divine and tells them what more efforts are required to be with the Lord.

What is the History of Sandalphon

Archangel Sandalphon was actually a Human before being an Archangel, who lived such a pious life that God made him an archangel as a reward for his extraordinary life. He and Archangel Metatron have the same story of becoming an archangel. Metatron is also considered to be Sandalphon’s brother. Also in the human form, Sandalphon was very compassionate toward humans. People easily get connected with him for help.

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What is Archangel Sandalphon Message

He is a mediator who presents the Prayer of Humans to the Almighty. According to religious texts, he weaves a garland of your prayers and presents it to the lord.

He can also tell the gender of the upcoming child. You can ask for a baby boy or a baby girl before getting pregnant with this archangel.

Sandalphon inspires and motivates people to take care of the planet where they live. He stands at the crossway for the newly arrived souls to find the path of heaven.

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Sandalphon has one more important function to boost people emotionally. He works by strengthening the emotional levels of people. With a strengthened emotional level, you won’t be stuck in such situations where your emotions hamper you to make decisions. Hence, one of the biggest factors that affect or becomes a hindrance while taking a decision gets removed, thereby enabling you to take bold decisions.

Sandalphon gives you the courage to trust your skillset, instead of depending on others. A healthy emotional state makes you able to take bold decisions that are good for yourselves and others.

Being an angel of music, he teaches people to feel good and positive tones with which their actions and words of them will get gentle, smooth, powerful, and soothing to their ears. He distributes positive energy and arouses feelings of love, prayer, meditation, and healing in persons.

Archangel Sandalphon Prayer

!!! O Dear Archangel Sandalphon !!!

I Ask You Please Stand With ME

Please Allow

Please Allow Me To Hear The Songs You Sing

Enlighten Me With Your Wisdom

So That I Too Can Share Your Music

Inspire, Motivate And Create In Me

The Ability To Make The World A Better Place

!!! AMEN !!!

What are Archangel Sandalphon Color & Crystal

Archangel Sandalphon symbolizes Truth and Power. He is associated with the color Turquoise. So, his crystal is Turquoise Crystal and Smokey Quartz.

What is Sandalphon Planet

The ruling planet of Sandalphon is Earth. He rules the entire Earth.

What are Sandalphon Sigil & Symbol

Archangel Sandalphon has sometimes depicted holding or playing a musical instrument.

Some Quick Facts About Archangel Sandalphon

  • He is only one of two archangels whose name doesn’t end with an “el” (which means “God” in Hebrew)
  • His other names are – Elijah, Sandolfon, and Sandolphon.
  • Sandalphon means “co-brother” which represents his status as the spiritual brother of Archangel Metatron.
  • Another meaning of Sandalphon is ancient people’s identification of Sandalphon as one of the living creatures with spiritual wheels
  • He is the tallest of angels, from Earth to Heaven.
  • People know him as the Angel of Music.
  • He and his twin brother Archangel Metatron are the only Archangels who were once mortal men.
  • He is a mediator between Humans and Heaven.
  • His chief role is to deliver our prayers and songs to praise God, to heaven so that they may answer.
  • He can also tell the gender of the unborn upcoming baby before pregnancy
  • Sandalphon gives the courage to trust your skillset instead of depending on others.
  • He distributes positive energy and arouses feelings of love, prayer, meditation, and healing.
  • Sandalphon’s messages come as very soft whispers, they can breeze out if you don’t pay attention.
  • His messages may come to you in the form of poetry or music.

How to get His Energy with VK

Believers say that he has a connection with the bottom of the tree. In the same way, he also has a connection with the human body. He grounds the tree as well as you with earthly energies. You can call him for reinstating earthly elements back to their place.

It makes you stable and helps to raise your spiritual energy of yours. You can also use VIBBES KADA to get all the beneficial energies of Archangel Sandalphon even without practicing long and time-consuming rituals. Use VK more and more.

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