Archangel Raguel helps the people to wipe out the negativity in any form such as distress, conflicts in the relationship, not getting desired respect, dangling spiritual faith, etc so that the people can enjoy life at its best.
Who is Archangel Raguel
Archangel Raguel commonly referred to as ‘Archangel of justice and harmony’. Raguel works for the betterment of relations within humankind. He also supervises the work of other archangels.
Relationships are the part of life that add spice to life along with responsibilities. A person having relations with none may find his life miserable unless he is spiritually attached. So in ordinary cases, people need some relations like a friendship which make their life beautiful. But along with the happiness that the relation gives, responsibilities or duties to maintain those also arises. While maintaining your relationship you have to give and take several times as it is an inevitable part of any relationship.
There are many cases where there is a difference of opinion and hence the situation gets tight. Here comes the savior Archangel Raguel in action to make your bond closer with your relatives. Archangel Raguel will help you to attract only those persons who are compatible with you and also with whom the give and take can be easily managed. Raguel brings faithful thoughts to us.
Archangel Raguel Message
Dear one. You are encouraged beyond what your mind can grasp. The Divine has you is ready to rise. Now inhale Golden Love and let it make you Divine too. This Golden Love will activate your inner gifts for the highest good.
He is the archangel of justice. He also holds the duty of bestowing the wishes of people or the desired output for which they are putting their efforts. Raguel also gives strength to people for fighting injustice. There are moments when we see cruelty, humiliation, and corruption, etc. At those times if we call Raguel, he will direct us to build up constructive solutions rather than harming ourselves with the anger induced.
Furthermore, Raguel is also responsible for punishing those who don’t abide by the laws of nature and do something harmful to it. Some people, for their own self-interest, exploit others, or commit sins. Those people then have to bear the wrath of Raguel for their ill deeds.
Angel Raguel Prayer
O Archangel Raguel! You are the angel of justice and harmony. Please allow me to link with God that leads me to truth and harmony. Please do whatever right for me and make me a force for welfare in the world. Amen!
Being archangel of harmony, Raguel is also responsible for maintaining balance. Archangel Raguel is the overseer. He watches all humans. He also watches other angels whether everything is working in harmony or not. And if not then he intervenes to cause stability among the perturbed ones.
Whenever you are in the middle of an argument, distressed, and you don’t see an end to it, just call Archangel Raguel. He resolves all the conflicts and you will see everything back in its place. Raguel will guide you to deduce the correct possible solution for your problem. He will also induce faith for the almighty in us.
His Color: Light Blue
His Crystal: Aquamarine
Archangel Raguel will console us that God is there to look and care for us and will not let any harm happen to us. With the new positive thoughts, we would definitely be able to reorganize ourselves and live a better and happy life. You can also use VIBBES KADA to get all the beneficial energies of Archangel Raguel even without any long and time-consuming rituals.