Mood Up Serum and Calm Down Serum are Cosmic Serums. They can be used only with VIBBES KADA VK. Both Moods Up Serum and Calm Down Serum are prepared to improve the mental state of a person. Each of these works in a very special way.
You should be clear about the mental state of a person before giving the energy to either of the Serums. These Serums are specially created for people who have many mood swings, people who are either depressed or hyperactive, sad or angry.
The two Serums are either to calm a person if a person is in anger or to make them happy if the person is sad. Please check the information below before giving serum energy to a person in need.
People often make mistakes while working on mental cases, before sending the energy of either of these Serums you should check and analyze correctly.
There are 3 types of mental states
-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 0 +1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10
In the above mathematical equation, those who are happy and can handle any situation with ease are the person of the zero states. For these kinds of persons, there is no need for any mental healing. They are content, joyful, happy, and evergreen persons.
Minus State Persons (left side of above equation) always or often stay depressed, sad, demotivated, helpless, hopeless, sleepy, unaware, feel to end their lives or feel life has no meaning and has other similar feelings and for this gives them MOOD UP SERUM for 3 to 6 months for complete changes.
The duration of sending the Mood Up Serum Energy depends upon how far a person reached zero e.g if a person is reached at “-5” number then it will take around one month to get him back to zero and if a person is reached “-10” then it will take 3 to 6 months. Those who are between “0 to 4” need less time and energy from Mood Up Serum. The frequency of sending Mood up Serum can be changed daily depending upon the mental state. When they feel very low, increase the frequency on those days.
Plus State Persons (right side of the above equation) always and often stay in extra power, angry, jealous, revengeful, careless, dominating, violent, rude, do verbal or physical abuse, restless, impatience, or other similar feelings, for this gives them CALM DOWN SERUM for 3 to 6 months for complete changes.
The duration of sending the Calm Down Serum Energy depends upon how far a person reached from zero e.g. if a person is reached at “+5” number then it will take around one month to get him back to zero and if a person is reached at “+10” then it will take 3 to 6 months. Those who are between “0 to 4” need less time and energy of Calm Down Serum. The frequency of sending Calm down Serum can be changed daily depending upon the mental state. When they feel very hyper, increase the frequency on those days.
Can Mood Up Serum and Calm Down Serum be given together to one person who is depressed yet very angry all the time?
Ans. No! Both Serums can’t be given together. Decide any one of these two serums based on a person’s basic nature.
To improve the basic nature of such people, they can also be given the energy of Bach Flower Remedy with VK along with the serum. Read carefully and select the Bach Flower Remedy according to the person’s nature and follow the procedure mentioned further. Either energize water or prepare Energy Circle and send the right energies to the person along with GOLDEN SUNRISE energy. Do not write Serum names inside the Energy Circle. You can additionally write GOLDEN SUNRISE, and BACH FLOWER REMEDIES inside the energy circle. Energize with Serums only through VK.