Earth Element (Prithvi Tattva) as the name suggests is related to our planet earth. As we know there are some characteristics of our planet, that act as the factors influencing Earth’s Elements in us. The earth is a huge body that has its own gravitational and magnetic field along with poles – the North Pole and the South Pole. Also, it is tilted by about 23 ½ degrees at the meridian.
The magnetic and gravitational field of earth influences all the entities on the planet. Earth revolves around the sun in one complete year which causes seasons and it also rotates on its axis from west to east causing day and night. The characteristics of the earth have a direct or indirect influence on living beings as there is a connection between the earth and the living beings on it.
Prithvi Tattva has a uniqueness about it since it is the only element that is linked to all the senses of the human body which are taste, sound, smell, touch, and sight. Being associated with all senses, it has its own strong influence on us.
The balance of Earth’s Elements induces good qualities in us, which are – being practical, firm on decisions, rational approach, and adaptability. While the absence of Earth Element in the desired amount can make the person adamant, pompous, egotistical and stubborn.
Earth Element mainly operates at our sense of smell. The human organs that get influenced the most are the knees, throat, and intestine. Other areas include muscles and strong bones, the structure of body organs, and fat. The main characteristics of Prithvi Tattva are shabda (sound), sparsha (touch), roop (appearance), rasa (taste), and guna (quality).
Earth Element is also considered to be the core in Vastu Shastra. Earth Element influences it the most. Suppose we wish to purchase land, various factors demand our focus like shape, symmetry, direction, size, soil, and much more nuances are to be considered while purchasing land.
Furthermore, the correct proportion of Earth’s Elements provides stability to our body and mind. While an absence of correct proportion could make a person dull, detached, and unaware of his surroundings. The extra amount of Earth Element in the body can lead a person overweight. Click and read more about other elements. Let’s make a perfect world with the help of Energy Vaatu. VIBBES SEEDER is a one-stop complete solution to help you achieve harmony at your home and workplace.