Switchword Power Booster Video To Get Married Soon. Powerful & Easy Solution For Delay Marriage. Increase Love, Romance & Care In Between Married Couples.
Love is the highest emotion for all living beings. Every human has a birthright to love and be loved. Loving actions increases on the outside with more love from the inside.
Here in this my 9 in 1 Combo of Multi-Screen Power Booster Video, I present an innovative way to attract love in your life. As you know, I already have many videos on different subjects but this combo video leaves very powerful effects on your energy system.
This video is the first of its kind and you might have never seen this concept before.
- This video can be watched by a person who wants to attract marital love from the opposite sex.
- This video can help unmarried or single, men or women to attract their desired partner or soul mate for marriage.
- This video is also for married couples to strengthen their marital bond. It can be watched either by one or both partners.
- Must be watched by those who have negative planetary dosha and effects which are responsible for delay in their marriage.
- It will remove all responsible negative dosha/ effects.
- While watching, a VK user can use Balance Serum and All Clear Serum to speed up the effect of the Video.
- Every single person who is ready to mingle.
- Those who have lost hope of getting married.
- Those who only attract the wrong people and don’t get married.
- Those who have crossed the normal age of getting married and are not able to remove this block.
- Those who are still searching to meet the desired partner but with no luck.
- Those who need help from others to manifest the wedding.
- Those who got divorced or lost a partner, and wish to get re-married, but are still stuck in the past.
- Every single person can watch this video to manifest a specific person for marriage or they can watch with an intention to get the best deserving partner for marriage.
- A person who is fed up with the delay in marriage.
- Those who want more romance in their married life. VK users can use Love Serum too.
- Those who want more love, care, and respect from their spouse.
- Those who want peace and harmony in their married life.
- If there is a communication gap or misunderstanding, anger, fights, arguments, lack of love between married couples and you wish to improve the relationship to have more love, peace, and harmony.
- If your spouse is distracted in an extramarital affair, you can still watch this video, to increase the charm and love between you and your partner.
- If you are a happy couple, you can still enjoy this video to increase love and harmony.
Warning: This video is not intended for lust or extramarital affairs. Please do not use this video for illicit relationships with multiple partners out of marriage.
Yes, you can watch this video on behalf of others also. Just before watching this video, place an intention in your mind that you are watching this video for a specific couple or a person to get the specific effect for that person.
- This video is a novel way of raising your vibrational frequency, based on various modules of the law of attraction, and switch words all in one.
- This video is a 9 in 1 combo and has some powerful switch words and Images according to LOA and they all leave a positive impact on your complete energy system.
- This video is very short yet powerful therefore you will quickly get the desired results.
- This video has a beautiful blend of images, moving images, and switch words with soothing music.
- When watched, this video will act on your subconscious mind and leave a positive impact on your energy system.
- The switch words will help to remove obstacles and attract more love.
- It will remove your mental blocks of negative feelings in a married relationship.
- Moving images in the video will help you to attract love from the desired partner by raising your vibrational frequency.
- This video will help you to feel more love from the inside, increase your charm, make you more lovable, and attract more love.
- This video is a powerful solution for delayed marriage.
- Generally, I ask you not to use too many concepts at the same time, but this video is specially designed by me to give an enhanced effect without confusing your mind.
- This video is attuned with COSMIC ENERGY by me to speed up your desires.
- It is a short video with multiple concepts of LOA in one, so easy to watch.
- You can watch this video at any time of the day.
- You can watch this video while traveling, sitting on a sofa, or lying on the bed. There are no restrictions.
- This video creates permanent changes by watching on a daily basis.
- It does not work when downloaded.
- You can watch it with and without headphones.
- You can watch this video at least twice a day. You may watch this video frequently if you feel more connected to it. For best results, do watch this video just before sleeping also, even if you are watching it during the daytime.
- You can watch this video until you get the desired results or continue to watch even in a happy married life to sustain or increase marital love.
- When you watch this video, you can focus anywhere on the video screen. The moving images are designed in a way that will work for you, wherever you focus. That’s the beauty of the video. Don’t worry about where to focus, just go with the flow and enjoy the images. Allow your eyes and mind to focus wherever it goes on the screen.
- You can watch this video back to back repeatedly or with a gap as you feel to do.
- You are free to watch as many videos as you wish. If you feel dizzy or heavy while watching my videos, you can take a break. This may happen due to the high energy in the video. You may get adjusted to this energy with time. You can take a break and either watch it again on the same or on the next day if you feel dizzy.
- It is good to prioritize your wish and watch my videos accordingly.
- The best thing is to watch the video related to one of your topmost desires to create more energy and speed up that wish.
You can follow this video and do GOLDEN SUNRISE MANIFESTATION along with this video. Before sleeping, you can watch this video first and do your GOLDEN SUNRISE manifestation and then sleep. Read here a VK Testimonial of a VK user for her wedding bells.
TIP for VK Users
- If you are a VK user, you can still watch this video, while wearing VK. Before watching, VK users can request to VK to enhance the effect of this video in multifold for the energy receiver with a simple request in your own words to VK.
- You can mimic the energy of this video using a VK just with the title of the video with a direct request to VK. Check this VK TIP 34.
- You can charge drinking water with the energy of this video. You can club the energy of this video with other healing energies/ cosmic serums as per the need of the receivers.
Note: This video is a powerful solution for delayed marriage. It acts like a powerful mantra to get married soon. Don’t miss this marriage proposal idea. This video is the combo of one of the best marriage proposal videos. From now on no need to use Switchword for marriage, Grigori Grabovoi codes for marriage, Mantra for marriage, or Tantra for marriage, Yantra for marriage, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. How does LOA work in this concept?
LOA is a simple concept. It says that you attract what you feel. According to LOA, your inside energy will attract your outside desire, so when you watch such videos which are going to trigger your inside energy, you will automatically attract your desire on the outside.
Q2.How will these energies work for me?
When you will take action and keep watching these videos for energy. Energies and actions go hand in hand. They are incomplete without each other. Taking action without preparing yourself with energy will not result in what you want. Creating energy for what you want but not taking any action will also not result in anything. So to make energy work for you, take action alongside.
Q3: Why are so many energies combined in one video?
A human thinks 60,000 thoughts in a day and there are many feelings attached to all the thoughts. All feelings play their own role and make a person attract the same. All the feelings need to be safe and correct, that is why so many energies are combined in one video which will take care of your energy system and keep it best and positive.
Q4: What are the actions we can do to achieve this goal of life?
It is very simple to know the actions to be taken while you watch this video. Hug, kiss, appreciate, communicate well, show care and respect. Serve them food with love. Check what they need when they either leave for work or come back home. Take responsibility in bringing up kids. Arrange a nice atmosphere while making love At Least once a month, plan trips, say to them again and again that you love them, share your grief and sorrows along with happiness and joy, and so on…
Q5: Is taking energy through this video also counted as an action?
Yes, watching this video, again and again, is also counted as an action towards your goals.
Q6: “You can watch this video on others’ behalf. “What do you mean by this? I can watch this video for someone but how will I take action for them?
There are some people who take action but don’t prepare their energy, there are some people who want to be successful but don’t understand the importance of a better energy system, there are some people who don’t believe in a better energy system but they are very close to you, adults, working and a busy spouse, friend, and relatives are the ones on behalf of whom you can watch these videos. When you hold the intention of energy for any such people, energy flows to them. It’s a blessing.
Q7: How long can I watch this video?
You can watch this video until you get the desired results or continue to watch even when you achieve what you desired. You can also watch this video to sustain the results for longer. You can watch this video before and after marriage both. It has a good impact on both life events.