Rock Water: Keywords for this remedy are self-abuse, ascetic behavior, hard masters, futility, rage, fight, and self-discipline.
There are certain people who are strict in their way of living. They deny themselves the joys and pleasures of life. Since they think the enjoyment is an interference in their work. They will do anything that can make them strong. They even practice self-repression and self-denial.
The people in this state are in a habit of setting goals and targets for themselves and trying to finish those with the maximum effort they can put through. They often get strict or even harsh with themselves if they feel they are lagging behind their target.
They also wish to set examples for others so that they can influence others with their ideas which others may follow and get better. Although, they neither interfere in others’ work to influence them nor do they criticize someone loud. They also avoid persuasion and commanding others.
The persons in a negative Rock Water state may not be amicable in nature. Due to extreme principles, their behavior has been transformed into that of a rigid person and has become adamant. Communication with these kinds of persons is generally a one-way process since the affected persons do not value others’ viewpoints while sticking to their own, on any matter of subject. There is just dissemination of one’s idea while no exchange of ideas is possible. Although they have a sanctimonious nature, they do not impose their ideas on others.
In this case, a remedy is sought which does not minimize the efforts that persons put in to achieve their goal. And here comes Rock Water, which while not stopping them from their goals. It simply allows them to unbend. The persons get kinder to themself and not dismissive of life’s softer pleasures.
Out of 38 Bach Flower Remedies, Rock Water is the only remedy that is not made up of any flower. To create this remedy, pure water is taken from the running water of Rock. Dr. Bach believed that if running water buffers and softens hard rock then it can also soften the mind of hard and rigid persons.
The attitude of self-absorption causes the Rock Water person to completely miss the fact that one grows through service to others. It induces the feeling in the person that everyone can find their optimum personality in their own individual way. Everyone may not follow the same rules to get success and also any random way may not be suitable for everyone. Rock Water broadens their understanding and brings them peace. Rock Water causes self-realization of those facts which the person has still not realized.
Emotional Aspects and Symptoms of Rock Water
Some emotional aspects of a person who needs Rock Water are:
- abstinence-self-righteous
- extreme self-control
- accusing due to a desire for perfection
- overly active as hard taskmasters to self
- adoration, blunt, and straightforward
- adulation of self-desire to reverse aging
- anger with self for failure
- excessively high regard for body-image
- the imposing a strict regime for living
- mental breakdown due to overwork /burnout
- competitive, composure, conceit, and condescending
- fond of convections-tradition
- desire to convert
- strong sense of conviction
- discontent, and critical of self
- definite sense of purpose,
- feels it a failure if has to delegate
- delusions of grandeur
- denial /suppression of desire
- determined, devout, disagreeable, and disapproving
- perfectionist and dogmatic
- appearance of disdain
- rigidly follow dogma
- great sense of duty
- endurance and exactitude
- would like to set an example
- fixed ideas and opinions
- fussiness about correctness
- high strung and house-proud
- refrains from indulgence through self-restraint
- intolerance of inaccuracy
- knows best and mental masochism
- martyr to own ideals
- as an example to others
- megalomania, methodical, and meticulous
- morality for self perfectionism
- religiously obsessive with self-righteousness
- patronizing /condescending
- persistent, pious, precise, prideful, and priest
- tendency to preach
- recluse as a mark of self-martyrdom /self perfectionism
- rectitude, reformer, and renunciation
- refusal to be consoled as it shows signs of weakness
- relaxation is difficult due to tension
- sanctimonious, smug, severe, and starchy
- superiority complex
- sure of themselves
- overly concerned with time
- tireless, uptight, and vain
- unhappy with self
- unable to weep due to self-denial
- a workaholic by nature
Situation to Use Rock Water
Situations, where you can use Rock Water, are for the people who are very strict in their way of living, those who deny themselves many of the joys and pleasures of life because they consider it might interfere with their work, and some people who are hard masters to themselves, some people wish to be well and strong and active and will do anything which they believe will keep them so, many people hope to be examples which will appeal to others who may then follow their ideas and be better, as a result, those who are rigid, and as unmoving as a rock.
Rock Water as a Treatment
This remedy is used for obsessive/compulsive behavior or self-abuse, excessive self-discipline, excessive need for planning and control, fanatical dieting, self-imposed self-denial, strictness with oneself, anxiety disorders, emotional distress and fears, toe walking and physical stiffness, ascetic, martyr-like behavior, excessive self-discipline and self-control, self-abuse with lack of joy, self-torment, compulsive fanaticism and dogmatism, fear of emotions, control, fanatical dieting, self-imposed self-denial, high BP, and strictness with oneself.
Pet and Rock Water
If a pet is harsh and always ready to hurt others.
Affirmation and Rock Water
You can choose some positive Affirmations along with Rock Water. For example,
- I allow the joy of life to flow freely through me.
- I will dissolve perfectionism through inner elasticity.
- I am safe to be flexible and relaxed.
- I release my hardness to be transformed into tenderness.
VIBBES KADA – VK and Rock Water
VK is one of the best tools to Mimic Bach Flower Remedy. You can use VK without any hassle and make the best use of the remedy Rock Water for inner freedom, adaptability, dissolution of inner dogmatism, idealism with a flexible mind, flexibility, moderation of discipline, renewal of playfulness, malleability, complete openness, hope, safety, tolerance.
Rock Water and Cosmic Serum
Calm Down Serum is the best to use with Rock Water.
Dose of Rock Water
The physical dose of a Bach Flower Remedy depends upon many criteria like age, intensity, and situation but with VK there is no need to set a particular quantity. Learn here how to use VK for BFR.
After getting treated with this remedy, they now also welcome new insights, theories, and thoughts. Although they start listening to others’ viewpoints and would not easily get swayed away from others’ opinions. They will give a thought to others’ wisdom and examine them but again the guidance to accept it or not will only be given by their higher self. Rock Water remedy sends them to a Positive Rock Water State where they radiate their inner joy and peace. VIBBES KADA is one of the best tool to mimic bach flower remedy Rock Waterenergies even without any problem or hassle for you.