Your Body Needs These 3 Vitamins to Increase Immunity

The Body Needs These 3 Vitamins to Increase Immunity

Health experts say that people with weak immunity fall prey to this virus. According to diet and health expert Julia Jumpano, three types of vitamins can boost the human immune system. If this happens, every kind of disease will remain away from your body.

Vitamin C As Immunity Booster

Health experts consider vitamin C a good source for the immune system. Lack of vitamin C in the body means feasting on many diseases. For vitamin C, it is important to include some things in the diet.

A large amount of vitamin C is found in orange, seasonality, kinnu, strawberry, capsicum, spinach, and broccoli. You must include these things in your daily diet. A lot of vitamin C is also found in dragon fruit. It is a good thing that vitamin C is easily available to people because there are many things that are usually found in the diet of people.

Body Needs These 3 Vitamins to Increase ImmunityVitamin B-6 As Immunity Booster

Vitamin B6 has also been said to be necessary to improve the body’s immune system. Several types of biochemical reactions present in vitamin B6 boost immunity. Nonvitarians have more options in their diet.

For vitamin B6, it is found in many types of meat besides chicken, egg, and salmon fish. Apart from this, cold water is also considered a good source of vitamin B6. Vegetarians can get vitamin B6 only in soybean, gram, milk, and potatoes. Vitamin-6 is also found in many green vegetables.

Vitamin E As Immunity Booster

Vitamin E is also very important to keep the body away from diseases. The antioxidants present in it give the body the strength to fight infection. Apart from walnuts, almonds, and spinach, it can be replenished in the body through many seeds. Vitamin E is also found in Broccoli.

To fight the virus, it is very important to have a better immune system in humans. Due to the poor immune system of elderly people, this virus is catching them quickly. The number of elderly people is far more in deaths. Apart from this, there are many such virtuous things that can easily repair the human immune system. The good thing is that most of these things will be found in your kitchen.