Include These 15 Foods In Your Diet If You Want to Increase Your Strength to Fight Disease

Include These 15 Foods In Your Diet If You Want to Increase Your Strength to Fight Disease

In the changing season, the body is easily vulnerable to any kind of flu. People with weak immunity easily fall prey to the virus. In such a situation, there is a need to take special care of food and drink to increase the immunity of the body.

Most of the people who are vulnerable to the virus are also the ones whose immunity system is weak, which is commonly seen in children and the elderly. Let us know which foods work to increase the body’s resistance.

Citrus fruits (खट्टे फल)– In most diseases, the doctor advises the patient to eat citrus fruits. Vitamin C increases the immune system and makes the body strong to fight cold-phlegm. Citrus fruits include grapes, oranges, tangerines, lemons. To increase immunity, you should consume these fruits regularly.

Broccoli (ब्रोकली) – Broccoli contains vitamins A, C, and E as well as many other antioxidants and fibers. Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables. Protein, calcium carbohydrate, and many other nutrients are found in plenty in Broccoli. Learn How to Easily Perform Acupressure, Acupuncture, Reflexology & Sujok Using VK.

Paprika (लाल शिमला मिर्च) – Compared to citrus fruits, paprika has twice the vitamin C. It is also found in abundant beta carotene. Apart from boosting the immune system, vitamin C helps to keep the skin healthy. Beta carotene keeps your eyes correct. Improve Health-Make Your Life More Joyful, Happy & Colorful (7 in 1 Combo).

Garlic (लहसुन)– Many types of anti-viral elements are also found in garlic. Apart from soup or salad, you can also eat it raw. Consuming garlic with a spoonful of honey works to boost your immune system. Gym Serum {GMS} – Increase Stamina Strength Flexibility & Energy of Body (CS-27).

Ginger (अदरक) – There are many types of anti-viral elements found in ginger. So definitely include it in your food and drink. Consuming it with fennel or honey will result in better results. Consuming ginger 3-4 times a day will keep your immune system good. Switchwords for Complete Abdominal Cure.

Tulsi (तुलसी)– Tulsi rich in elements that improve the immunity system is very effective. Taking one teaspoon of basil daily in the morning improves your immune system. Consuming it with 3-4 black pepper and one spoon of honey gives your body the strength to fight against diseases. Immune Serum {IS} for Immunity Related Issues (CS-25).

Spinach (पालक)– Spinach contains not only vitamin C but also many antioxidants and beta carotene which increases the ability of our body to fight infection. It is also as healthy as broccoli. Do not cook it completely to retain its nutrients. Best Health Mantras.

Include Foods Diet Increase Your Strength Fight DiseaseTurmeric (हल्दी)– Turmeric is considered to be the healthiest spice. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin found in turmeric protects muscles and makes them strong. Beauty Serum {BS} – For Skin Hair Nails Teeth Care & Soft Skill Enhancement.

Almond (बादाम)– Vitamin E is very important in the body to prevent colds. Vitamin E keeps the immune system healthy. Along with vitamin E in almonds, healthy fat is also found. Half a cup of almonds will fulfill your needy vitamin intake every day. Brain Serum {BNS) to Ease Brain Related Issues (CS-24).

Papaya (पपीता)– Papaya is also a good source of vitamin C. Papain is found in papaya which is a digestive enzyme. Papaya contains a good amount of potassium, vitamin B, and folate, which is beneficial for your whole body. Digee Serum for Digestive Issues.

Berries (बेरीज) – Food items like grapes, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, cocoa, dark chocolate are not only effective in terms of ultraviolet rays and fungal infections, but they also protect the body from all kinds of viruses. Perfect Health Serum {PHS} to Maintain Overall Health & Vigor (CS-1).

Coconut Oil (नारियल का तेल) – It is better to use coconut oil instead of mustard oil or refined during cooking. It contains lauric acid and caprylic acid which boosts your immunity system and protects it from viral. Practical Uses of Shield of Seven Rays with VK for Safe Protected Healthy Wealthy Prosperous Life.

Green Tea (ग्रीन टी) – Green tea is very effective in keeping the body healthy. It removes toxic elements from the body. Apart from this, it also maintains digestive function. Drinking green tea daily increases immunity. Get Instant Protection from Energy Vampires- Suckers.

Curd (दही) – Doctors say that eating curd daily increases the immunity of the body. Curd also relaxes the stretch of muscles. Eating curd is a fast recovery after a workout. The Link Between Gut Bacteria and Your Kid’s Behavior Just Got Stronger.

Star Fennel (स्टार सौंफ) – Star fennel can also be used as an anti-viral medicine, which enhances the taste in food items. Shikimic acid is found in it, which is also given to patients suffering from the influenza virus. 16 Amazing Benefits of Raw Potato Juice.

What Not to Eat

To avoid the risk of viral infection, it would be better to stay away from certain food items.

  • Doctors say that eating raw things at this time will not be good for health at all.
  • Do not consume raw meat. It is better to serve the meats only after washing, boiling, and cooking them.
  • Eating raw eggs is also not free from danger. Many gym-goers, in particular, include raw eggs in the diet.
  • Apart from this, do not eat raw green vegetables found in the market. Wash and boil the vegetables well, and then use them for food.