Red Chestnut Releases Your Worry & Over Concern About Your Love Ones

Red Chestnut: Keywords for this remedy are excessive worry and concern, altruistic, concerns, grief, caring, intrusive and concerned.

There are certain types of people who have a habit of worrying about others irrespective if there is actually a need to worry about others or not. They still worry with no reason for it. These people fear the well-being of their loved ones. For example, the husband being afraid, if his wife goes out alone in a dark or a mother fretting and worrying over what may happen to her child at school. However, in this state, the sufferer does not limit himself to his family persons. There may also be the case that people over-fear for their friends and even neighbors too.

Since we all have been in an adverse situation and we do not want our loved ones to be in those states. We all have sympathy for those persons in distress. This is our love and sympathy which makes us think about them. Bach Flower Remedy Red Chestnut’s fears are actually usual fears which get exaggerated to the point where they start to have a negative effect. These fears affect the confidence and belief of the person.

Being in this state is a boon and bane at the same time. It is said boon because they actually ensure the security of their friends and family repeatedly. It is a bane because worry is a highly negative form of energy that not only affects the bearer but also the person whose well-being is sought by the sufferer since that person has to repeatedly respond to the well-being of the sufferer.

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The people in a negative Red Chestnut state are generally thinking about something bad which may happen. They may be thinking about an accident or attack or meeting with bad luck and so on.

When we are in this state, a remedy is required to help us revive and fight those negative thoughts. Here comes the Red Chestnut is the remedy to help us let go of those worrying thoughts for our loved ones and make us placid, tranquil, and peaceful. So that rather worrying, which in turn causes trouble to both himself and his companion whose well-being is sought, can be hampered and we can become shelters for those in need.

Well, these persons or when the person is in Red Chestnut state does not want anyone to come and help unless asked to do so. They even feel bothered if anyone tries to help them without their consent. However, actual help would be to let them alone and let them heal themselves. Red Chestnut Mood Up Serum is also useful to release these kinds of worries.

The concerned persons may actually make it worse if they interrogate the affected person on his problems. At that point in time person just wishes to be alone and needs no help and just isolation. If the situation has worsened and a remedy is sought then Red Chestnut is the apt remedy for it.

Emotional Aspects and Symptoms of Red Chestnut

Some emotional aspects of a person who needs Red Chestnut are:

  1. affectionate, altruistic, and fretful
  2. afraid for the welfare of others
  3. anticipation of trouble for others
  4. anxiety for the welfare of others
  5. apprehensive for others
  6. blames self
  7. mental congestion through anxiousness for others
  8. demented with fear over others
  9. distraught with fear over others
  10. over-concerned with family
  11. absence of fear for self
  12. frantic with worry and anxiety over others
  13. over-concerned about the slaughter of animals and the accidental killing of insects
  14. longs for loved ones
  15. selflessly anxious mother
  16. peace of mind disturbed by fear for others
  17. pity for others
  18. agitated by pollution
  19. fear of harm to others
  20. protective and sentimental
  21. receptive to other people’s needs
  22. relaxation is difficult due to fear for other’s wellbeing
  23. sacrifice self scared for others
  24. inclined to self-denial by nature
  25. enjoys giving service
  26. sorrowful
  27. easily affected by sentiment
  28. tearfulness due to sensitivity
  29. tension through concerned fretfulness over others
  30. yearning for loved ones

Situation to Use Red Chestnut

Situations, where you can use Red Chestnut are for a person who is constantly concerned for others and asking “But what if…?”, the person whose care and concern can be smothering for children who need to experience new events and situations in order to grow, a mother who, because of her illogical fear of disease, won’t take her infant child out of the house, and discourages anyone from visiting for fear they’ll bring a virus or a germ, mother/spouse/friend who is sure something terrible has happened if another person is late for a gathering or doesn’t telephone at an appointed hour, a person in the family is ill with cancer and the Red Chestnut person is there as a caretaker with extra care and concern, nurses and counselors. 

Red Chestnut as a Treatment

Red Chestnut is used for worrying over others, neurotic sympathy, altruistic concerns, oppressive sympathy, and excessive caring for others.

Affirmation and Red Chestnut

You can choose some positive Affirmations along with Red Chestnut. For example,

  • I trust in the unfolding of life.
  • I have a healthy detachment from the problems of others.
  • I choose to remain calm despite my concern for others.

VIBBES KADA – VK and Red Chestnut

VK is one of the best tools to Mimic Bach Flower Remedy. You can use VK without any hassle and make the best use of the remedy Red Chestnut for devotion, faith, service, neighborly help, supportive love, nourishment and support of others, healing through positive thought, the transmission of spiritual aid, profound connection with oneself, ability to care for others with compassion but without anxiety.

Red Chestnut and Cosmic Serum

Bravo Serum, Mood Up Serum, Balance Serum, and Alpha Male Serum/ Alpha Woman Serum are the best serum that can be used with Bach Flower Remedy Red Chestnut.

Dose of Red Chestnut 

The physical dose of a Bach Flower Remedy depends upon many criteria like age, intensity, and situation but with VK there is no need to set a particular quantity. Learn here how to use VK for BFR.

VIBBES KADA is one of the best tool to mimic Bach Flower Red Chestnut energies even without any problem or hassle for you. Use VK more and more.