DFev Serum {DFS}: DFev Serum is the 16th serum on the list of our Cosmic Serums. The keyword of DFev Serum is “Fever”. Keyword means when you listen to the word Fever, then DFS should be the first word that instantly pop up into your mind. This DFS is very good to control all types of fevers. It can be consumed with any type of fever. For example Acute, chronic, seasonal, viral, infection, bacterial, dengue & malaria fever. It can also be consumed for after effects of fever.
- DFev Serum is a cosmic serum that can be used only with VIBBES KADA VK.
- The name of the serum should be taken as DFev Serum while sending thru VK and not as short form DFS.
- Do not use this serum with Total Wealth Serum.
- Do not use this serum with Love Serum.
- Do not use this serum if you are already using more than 3 to 4 serums for other health-related issues. If it is needed then make a 10 min gap between DFev Serum and other Serums. This gap of 10 min is when you are taking 2 unrelated serums in 2 different water. Example: if you are taking Total Wealth Serum in one water and this serum is charged in another water, then keep a gap of 10 min between intake of these two charged water. For other methods like direct request or charging the name on paper or on a photo, a gap of 30 min can be taken for two unrelated serums. Read here more about 30 min concept.
- DFS can be taken in drinking water through VK. Also, an image of the filled water bottle can be charged for your dear ones or even for an unknown person in any part of the globe.
- It can be sent distantly to anyone simply by writing their names on the paper or on a photograph. Just say the DFev Serum 3 times and place VK on the name/photo.
- You can add GOLDEN SUNRISE with this serum to enhance its effects.
- DFS can also be sent directly by just touching VK and requesting the energy for the receiver. Just say DFev Serum to the receiver’s name 3 times in one go. If we say more than one receiver’s name, the energy will get divided equally.
- Increase the Frequency of dose with DFS (and other combinations) in fever, say every 10 to 15 mins, one small sip of charged water. If you are sending the energy by other methods, do it every 10 to 15 mins. Then as the fever reduces every hour or 2 hrs. Continue for 1 or 2 days even when the fever subsides.
- You can charge bulk food items like rice, flour, pulses, etc with it.
- You can charge water used for cooking food with DFS.
- You can charge tea, coffee, milk, juice, or any other prepared food with Dfev Serum.
- Use DFev Serum with Pain Care Serum when you have body pain or flu-like symptoms.
- Use ENT Serum and All Clear Serum with DFev Serum if you have a fever, cough, or cold.
- Digee Serum is a good companion to DFev Serum if there is discomfort or digestion problems or liver-related problems or vomiting.
- Perfect Health Serum is also very helpful with DFev Serum because the body feels weak due to a lack of nutritious food.
- If there are high fever and skin rashes, use a combination of DFev Serum, All Clear Serum, and Beauty Serum.
- Use DFev Serum, Beauty Serum, and Pain Care Serum together when there is a fever as an aftereffect of any surgery.
- Use DFS, Digee Serum, and Calm Down Serum together when the fever is the result of Sunstroke.
- Use DFev Serum, Bravo Serum, and Mood Up Serum together for fever due to fearful and phobic emotions. These emotions usually arise in children due to parental dispute and fights, school trauma, seeing an accident, etc.
- For fever related to food poisoning, DFS, All Clear Serum, and Immune Serum can help.
- In fever with infection, a combination of Zapper healing 9voltz 10 kilohertz (with safety and security intention) and DFS can help. Add Immune Serum to boost immunity.
- In the Dengue type of fever, the energy of Papaya leaves/Kiwi fruit helps to increase the blood platelet count. For Swine Flu, other members of the family can take an Immune Serum as a precaution.
- If there is a very high fever, you can directly send the energy of COLD COMPRESS (with safety and security) along with DFev Serum.
- Use the energy of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra along with DFev Serum for uncontrolled high fever.
- For high fever, Cold compress packs can be charged with DFev Serum or a wet cloth prepared from previously charged water can be kept on the forehead/ abdomen to reduce fever.
- You can also do VO Balancing on the head. While doing this continually chant DFev Serum.
- Along with DFS must-watch cosmic code instant strength video, and aches pain cure switch word video, whichever is applicable.
- Charge any cream or oil with DFS and apply the same on the forehead, abdomen, chest, etc. to get easy and quick relief.
- Charge your clothes and bed sheet too for the same effects.
- Must remember that it is very helpful in all kinds of fever
- Check this video too How to Charge Water For a Particular Illness.
- Use DFS and Pain Care Serum for normal body ache with a low-grade fever.
If you can have suggestions, ideas, or experiences regarding D-Fev Serum then please write us in the comment box below. We would like to read your words about D-Fev Serum.