Rescue Remedy For Emergencies Crises And To Heal Old Wounds

Rescue Remedy For Emergencies Crises And To Heal Old Wounds

Bach Flower Rescue Remedy is the best and most popular of the Bach remedies. It is not a single remedy. Rather, it’s a mixture of the five most valuable Bach Flower Remedies. This combination of these 5 remedies is:-

  1. Cherry Plum: In a difficult situation, the Bach Flower Remedy Cherry Plum helps to let go of bothering issues and stay in control. 
  2. Clematis: Bach Flower Remedy Clematis eliminates useless fantasies, dreamy state of mind, and lost consciousness.
  3. Impatiens: Bach Flower Remedy Impatiens calm down those people who are impatient, frustrated, or irritated. It settles down people’s impatience very quickly. 
  4. Star of Bethlehem: Bach Flower Remedy Star of Bethlehem easily nullifies all trauma shocks and their after-effects. With this, a person can easily deal with shock and trauma.
  5. Rock Rose: Bach Flower Remedy Rock Rose helps in a fearful and traumatic mental situation. It is mostly used in times of intense panic and terror.

This mixture was originally created by Dr. Bach himself to help in emergencies and crises. When you have no time to make a proper decision on which remedies to give then give this remedy. It can also be used in the case of severe stressful situations, like exams or interview time nervousness. It can also be given after an accident or bad news.

Rescue remedy helps us to relax, stay stress-free, induce focus, and calmness.

This is not only advised to help in immediate problems but it can also help to heal old wounds and mental scars and pain. Rescue Remedy can also be given to a child who has birth problems and illnesses.

bach flower remedy rescue remedy emergencies, rescue remedy crises, rescue remedy old wounds,I successfully use Rescue Remedy to treat many by-birth problems. If you are working through an underlying problem – or if you need rescuing every day – you will find a longer-term solution by selecting a personal blend of remedies. Many times children need Rescue Remedy because of their stressful school life.

It helps stock traders and brokers when they feel depressed while the market is down. Many people always carry Rescue Remedy with them but you can also use VIBBES KADA – VK to Mimic this remedy.