Thanks to Sharat Sir’s constant and tireless efforts to make Healing as easy and simple as possible for Mankind; we can now also do attunements of various healing modalities using VK.
What is Attunement – Shaktipath
“Attunement” in healing is a process that allows the teacher/ master to open the energy centers of the receiver/ student and help him/ her gain the ability to channel divine energies using which they can heal themselves or others. This process is also known as Shaktipat in Sanskrit, where Shakti means “(psychic) energy” and Pata means “to fall” from higher to lower, in this case simply a transfer of energy from the Guru (Master) to the Shishya (Disciple).
There are various healing modalities known to be present on earth today and one can attune all of them using VKs. However, one must follow the guidelines as mentioned below and not practice attunement to another person simply for fun or experimentation with VKs.
How to do an Attunement Process using VKs
- You will need to use 2 VKs for this process.
- There is no prerequisite therefore if you are not a master of the healing modality you can still attune anyone.
- Tell the student to sit quietly, in a relaxed and comfortable manner on a chair in front of you with their eyes closed. Also, tell them to focus and meditate on their Crown Chakra. You may also play a piece of soothing or meditative music in the background to create a tranquil environment.
- Now you stand behind the student and request VKs (holding 1 each in both hands) to “kindly attune <student full name>, with <degree and healing modality>, example, Dear VK, kindly attune Mudit Agarwaal with Level 1 of Reiki. Repeat this request 3 times.
- Now keep standing with your eyes closed and try to feel (if you can) the attunement process being initiated through VKs. The process is generally completed within 5 minutes, but it is advisable to follow your instinct (example, if you feel the energies are still passing through the VKs then continue the process for a few more minutes).
- You can follow the same process for remote attunement as well. For remote or distance attunement, visualize the student sitting on a chair in front of you and follow the same attunement method as mentioned above using your VKs. At the time of attunement, it is good if the distant person also sits on meditation.
- You can follow the same process to attune yourself. For this, visualize you are sitting on a chair in front of you and follow the same attunement method as mentioned above using your VKs.
- After the attunement process is complete, give gratitude to VKs for assisting you in this divine attunement process. Also, give thanks to Sharat Sir, all the Masters of attuned modalities, and the student.
- If you have more than one student, then do the above process separately for each student. You can do it back to back.
- Now ask the students to gently open their eyes and become aware of their surroundings. You may now congratulate all students for having been successfully attuned and share experiences if they want to.
- Once the excitement reduces, carry on with the class and teach the student, how to use this newly acquired healing ability.
Points to Note While doing Attunement
- Please note that once the attunement is done, one must teach the student the complete process on how to channel the energies, else the student even though now attuned with divine energies will not know how to use them.
- It is extremely important that we follow the above point and one must not simply do attunements for fun or experimentation as the student may not even know how to call upon these healing energies.
- Always ensure to follow the necessary hierarchy of attunement as required in the healing modality that you plan to attune.
- For example, You must not attune a student with Level 2 of Reiki without first teaching and attuning them Level 1.
- Or you must not attune someone with Level 1 of Karuna Reiki without first attuning them with Level 1 & 2 of Reiki.
- Also, ensure to maintain the necessary gaps as prescribed in a particular healing modality between 2 attunements.
- For example, It is advisable to maintain a gap of 21 days between Level 1 and Level 2 of Reiki.
- Unfortunately, there are some masters, who for commercial gains, even provide attunements from Level 1 of Reiki to Level 4 within 3-4 days.
- This can largely affect the student at an emotional level and there have also been cases of severe anxiety, depression, anger outbursts, and madness due to sudden and forced attunement, without giving the receiver time to adjust/ get used to the spiritual energy.
- Please do not try to attune yourself or others with healing modalities that you are not sure or aware of. Basically, do not experiment without having proper knowledge of the healing modality.
- One may use VKs for the attunement process of any level/ degree except for making self/ others a master, as it requires one to be really worthy and capable to become a Master.
- Always use 2 VKs to do any attunement.
- If you feel scared of backfire of negative energy then take Shield Of Seven Rays.
Benefits of Using VK for the Attunement Process
- As VKs are doing the attunement for you there is no scope of error and the receiver is blessed with complete, unadulterated, and pure energy.
- Your energy is not depleted or affected in any way as the attunement is now being done by VKs and not you.
- Please do not follow the above process for mass attunement.
- You can also get positive effects in your energy system.
- The attunements can now be completed much faster and easily without following much complex yogic steps as required in certain healing modalities.
- There are no side effects of any kind when an attunement is done using VKs.
- You can easily attune yourself in any healing modality without the need for a master/ teacher. (But don’t forget that a master/ teacher has a special role in your life).
- If you are previously attuned in any healing modality then it is good to take that attunement again and again because all attunements are done in the presence of very high frequencies so with VKs, now it is very easy to stay connected with high frequencies.
- With the above technique, you can save lots of money too.
What kinds of Modalities you can attune using 2 VKs
Using your VK you can attune anyone with any healing modality. For your reference, below I am sharing a list of some of the most common healing modalities:
- Abundance Prosperity Reiki
- Abundance Flush Empowerment
- Abundance Maintenance Attunement
- Agape Reiki
- Alchemy Reiki
- Akashic Record Flush Empowerment
- Ama Deus Shamanic Healing
- Ancestral Healing
- Ancient Egyptian Reiki
- Angel Flames Reiki
- Angel Light Healing
- Angel Reiki
- Angelic Reiki
- Angel Stone Attunement
- Archangelic Flames Initiation
- Archangelic Reiki
- Ark Vidhya
- Ascended Masters Attunements
- Ascension Reiki
- Ashta Lakshmi Reiki
- Atlantis Master Healing System
- Attraction Reiki
- Aura Flush Empowerment
- Aura Reiki
- Avatar Mastery
- Ayurveda Reiki
- Balancing Multi-Dimensional Energies
- Balance Reiki
- Blockages Clearing Maintenance Attunement
- Blue Star Reiki
- Brahma Satya Reiki
- Celtic Goddess Empowerments
- Celtic Reiki
- Chakra Flush Empowerment
- Clear The Path Reiki
- Crystal Face Glow Attunement
- Crystalline Reiki
- Diamond Reiki
- DNA Flush Empowerment
- DNA Reiki
- Dolphin Reiki
- Dragon Empowerment
- Earth Star Chakra Activation Maintenance
- Erotic Reiki
- Ethereal Crystals Attunement
- Ethereal Flowers Attunement
- Ethereal Gems Attunement
- Ethereal Healing System
- Etheric Cord Flush Empowerment
- Fairy Light Reiki
- Fairies of Prosperity And Happiness Reiki
- Fire Serpent Reiki
- Full Spectrum Healing
- Fusion Reiki
- Ganesha Empowerment
- Gayatri Reiki
- Gemstone Elixir Therapy
- Goddess Abundantia Abundance Attunement
- Goddess Fortuna Luck Ray Attunement
- Gold Reiki
- Green Tara Reiki
- Happiness Flush Empowerment
- Happy Reiki
- Harmony Empowerment
- Hawaiian Reiki
- Healing Flush Empowerment
- High Vibration Maintenance Attunement
- Holy Fire Reiki
- Imara Reiki
- Indigo Reiki
- Intimacy Flush Empowerment
- Intuition Booster Attunement
- Intuitive Reiki
- Kali Ma New Moon Empowerment
- Karmic Reiki
- Karuna Reiki
- Karuna Ki Reiki
- Kriya Yoga
- Kundalini Reiki
- Ki Manna Reiki
- Kundalini Activation Attunement
- Kwan Yin Reiki (Quan Yin Reiki)
- Lama Fera
- Lavender Flame Reiki
- Laxmi Reiki
- Lemurian Reiki
- Lightworker Animal Empowerments
- Lord Maitreya Healing Program
- Lotus Reiki
- Love & Peace Alignment
- Love Flush Empowerment
- Magic Reiki
- Magic Spell Removal Maintenance Attunement
- Magnified Healing
- Mahikari
- Mayan Reiki
- Medicine Reiki
- Melchizedek Method Reiki
- Mental Flush Empowerment
- Meridian Flush Empowerment
- Merkaba Healing
- Money Blessings Of Kuan Yin Empowerment attunement
- Money Flood Empowerment Reiki
- Money Freedom Empowerment
- Money Reiki
- Money River Reiki Attunement
- Narayan Reiki
- Negative Frequencies Protection Maintenance Attunement
- Past Life Clearing Maintenance Attunement
- Past Life Reiki
- Planetary Reiki
- Positive People Empowerment Attunement
- Pranic Healing
- Prosperity Reiki
- Psychic Protection Flame
- Psychic Reiki
- Purple Reiki
- Pyramid Reiki
- Rainbow Reiki
- Reiki Healing Attunement
- Reiki Psychic Attunement
- Ritual Reversal Maintenance Attunement
- Run Valdr (Runic Reiki)
- Sahaaj Yog
- Sai Baba Reiki
- Satya Reiki
- Seichim Reiki
- Seven Rays Reiki
- Sexual Flush Empowerment
- Shamanic Reiki
- Shiv Yog
- Soul Healing Reiki Attunement
- Tachyon Reiki
- Theta Healing
- Tibetan Reiki
- Tiger Reiki
- Trauma Clearing Maintenance Attunement
- Twin Flame Reiki
- Unicorn Reiki
- Usui Reiki
- Violet Flame Reiki
- White Light Reiki
- Zen Reiki
And All The Other Healing Modalities…
Some More Points to Remember:
- If you want to get added some other healing modalities in the above list then please share them with us in the comment box below.
- You as a VK user know the water charging method, please remember the above process does not intend to use it in water.
- You can charge water with the energy of any healing modality of the above list.
Thus, an attunement/ shaktipat is an extremely pure and divine process, that is not to be mistaken as an equivalent of a healing process. Utmost care and caution need to be taken before one decides to follow this process. Please click here to know more about VIBBES KADA – VK.