Nine Gem Points

If wishes were horses, I would ride on them. So how do you ride on them?  In this article, I present Nine Gem Points (Navratnas) for GOLDEN SUNRISE wish manifestation.

One of the ways to manifest a wish is to think about it constantly or visualize it constantly. However, due to our personal mood swings every day, we are not able to think in the same manner or visualize with the same energy. The same wish varies day by day and after a few days, the wish may take a totally different shape and lose the main intention.

So what could be the best way to manifest a wish by Nine Gem Points? 

How about writing down a wish in detail and reading it every day? This reading every day connects us to our wishes and sends a signal to the Universe again and again. What if we add more energy to it to make it manifest faster? One such energy is GOLDEN SUNRISE. GOLDEN SUNRISE is a switch word or mantra by Sharat Sir.

Golden Sunrise helps to clear the obstacles in a wish manifestation. It speeds up the manifestation by creating more ways to reach the goal. What is the Golden sunrise manifestation, read #here.

One of the VK users approached us saying that he was doing GOLDEN SUNRISE manifestation past 2 months for a new job, but it did not manifest for him. He was looking for a job. When he went for the interview…he came back without giving the interview as he felt it was not for him. He wanted to know why this happened. We asked him to share his written GOLDEN SUNRISE manifestation with us to know how he was manifesting and this is the project he wrote:-


  1. I want to top my degree exams this year scoring good marks.
  2. I wish to get the best job in Information Technology in the best organization in XYZ city very soon.
  3. I want my family stays healthy always.
  4. My mother’s diabetes is cured.
  5. My sister’s business prospers well enough to lead a good life.
  6. My cousin is going to be a father.
  7. Let him have a blessed baby.
  8. The financial condition of our home becomes better soon.

If we evaluate the above manifestation, all the sentences are written well from his heart. But there are some points to rethink about Nine Gem Points. Priority Nine Gem Points


Priority is the first point of the Nine Gem Points. In life, it is normal to have multiple desires and many others too. However, we have to list down our wishes and prioritize what is that we actually want to manifest NOW in our life. Choose one or two wishes at a time, then work and create focused energies to manifest those. Example: A young lady may have these wishes to get married soon to a perfect partner, have a high pay job, a  vacation trip, a dream home, family member happiness, Win a competition, and so on.

Prioritize What You Want And Manifest Only That Wish First

Focus pointPoint No 2. FIX YOUR FOCUS

The focus is the second point of the Nine Gem Points. The primary wish of getting the desired job is diluted by many other families wishes in the above example. When such a wish is manifested with any energy, the energy given gets divided into all wishes.

The focus on the desired wish is lost. Also, the Universe and Subconscious Mind get signals for multiple wishes at the same time creating confusion. When the wishes are prioritized all the energy systems are energized and the world takes action for those. A confused Universe and Mind may not take actions when required due to a lack of focus. 

Example: One of the VK users approached us that she was manifesting her dream wedding, she said whatever proposals she got were not materializing and the prospects were getting married to someone else. We asked her more questions. Actually, she was manifesting her wedding but focussing more on buying a house for herself with her own money and also looking for a new job. The focus was shifting to live on her own rather than getting married. She realized her topmost priority is the wedding and go to her matrimonial home. She rewrote her dream project and things are changing for good. Elm Can Increase Self-Confidence, Focus, and Strength for Responsibilities.

Keep The Focus And Increase The Energy To Your Top Most Wish

Time NowPoint No 3. WHEN DO YOU WANT IT

Time is the third point of the Nine Gem Points. Words such as SOON or VERY SOON are used. In manifestation, please use the word NOW. NOW will speed up the manifestation read more about it #here. Now is also a powerful master switch word. Your subconscious mind and the Universe will know how important and urgent is your wish.

Soon, Very soon, as soon as possible cannot be defined and gives the impression of the future and not the present moment. One of the VK users who was manifesting love and time from her partner approached us saying after 3 weeks there was no change. Her manifestation title was “My Future Wish” and even the sentences in manifestation said she should get united in the future. Remember, no one can live in the future and the future never comes.

Send The Signal To The Universe That You Want It Now now Now And Act On It NOW NOW NOW

Detailing point GemPoint No 4. ADD DETAILING

Detailing is the fourth point of the Nine Gem Points. Describe the wish as you want it in detail. The more you describe, Universe will know how exactly you want it to be. You may get a job, but what type of job do you really want?

  • Example for a job manifestation: think about what is important, suitable profile, deserving salary, harmonious work environment, appropriate designation, satisfaction, happiness, and much more…
  • Example of a dream home manifestation: What is an important location, how many rooms, modular kitchen, Vaastu compliant, the peaceful environment around the home, the family enjoying in a new home, vicinity to markets, schools, workplace, amenities, playground, park, gym and much more…
  • Example for a business dream project: what is important setting up a suitable place, fast selling quality product profile, talented people, enthusiastic team leaders, manufacturing facility, networking, advertising, increasing clients, exponential profits, reputed brand, and much more…
  • Example for a dream life partner: what is important for you, list down the nature of the person that you wish for, age group, community preference if any, habits, hobbies, deserving to each other, enjoying with each other, families uniting with happiness. For people manifesting a second marriage can include all the wishes that they wanted from the first marriage but were missed. Read Creative Idea Techniques To Enhance Creativity.

Now use your creative mind and attract what you want

Childish behaviorPoint No 5. WISH AND ASK LIKE A CHILD

Childish behavior is the fifth point of the Nine Gem Points. When you manifest a wish be like a child. A child knows only what he wants; it will not think about what is not wanted. If you think about what is not wanted, you may end up attracting those things in your life. Keep asking again and again daily till you receive it. Do not lose hope and patience. A child does not stop, it keeps asking till it receives it.

  • Example of a job manifestation: based on your past experiences, don’t think you don’t want a nasty boss instead think about a cooperative and encouraging boss or team. Don’t think you have less salary in your current job instead think you want a deserving salary in your new job.
  • An example in your new or improving current business: based on your experience don’t think of failures, no clients, or losses instead think of a wish for your products to move faster, have more clients, increase profits and flourish the business.
  • An example in a dream wedding: don’t think of broken past relationships, lack of love, cheating, anger, or misunderstandings of the past instead think about happiness with a new partner, think that you deserve each other, think that you deserve a loving relationship. Also, think that your new partner is happy with you as it’s a mutual benefit. Must read Be a Child When You Request.

Let’s play a game you ask and wish like a child and I will give you everything as a Father

(Your Divine Father)


Acceptance is the sixth point of the Nine Gem Points. In manifestation do not think about how it will happen. This thought of HOW comes based on past failures or lack of confidence. Write down in your manifestation what help you want to manifest. Express that you want DIVINE blessings to manifest your wish NOW. List down whose help you want if you know.  Keep editing your wish as and when it is required.

  • Example of a job manifestation: write down about the people who would help you….I want help from recruiters, placement agencies, friends, seniors, and ex-bosses to get my desired new job now.
  • Example of a dream home: write down I want help from my family, from banks, from builders, and so on.
  • Example of the dream wedding: write down I want help from my family, friends, etc.
  • Example for dream business project: write down you want help from people for developing the product, for marketing, for networking, for building clients, government officials, etc.

Be Ready to Accept Divine Resources


Sensibility is the seventh point of the Nine Gem Points. A person approached us he wants to be a millionaire in the next 3 months. When you have a wish, think are you ready to put effort and act to fulfill your wish. Or you just want it to happen because you think manifestation and energies will do for you and you don’t have to do anything.

One of the VK users approached us saying that she has clients but she is not meeting them. Please realize energies are to speed up your wish and make the path clear, to remove your own mental blocks. You may receive help and signals and you have to act on them.

If there is confusion, seek guidance from the energies to guide you on what is best for you. Remember, the Divine is Unlimited but what about YOU? For example, in a cloth shop, you can find miles of unstitched cloth but for your dress how much do you want or need? Do you ever want miles of cloth or do you ask for a few meters for your dress? Here I do not want to limit you. No one is limiting you, even Divine is not limiting you but be reasonable. Don’t try to fool the Universe and yourself. Be Sensible.

Divine is Infinite!

what about You?


Joy is the eighth point of the Nine Gem Points. Be open to receiving your wish as a gift. How happy you would be when you actually see your wish manifesting. Write a few points on your feelings. Don’t miss to read Laughter Health Benefits.

For example:

  • I feel happy to receive my offer letter in my hand.
  • My family is happy to see me at my new job.
  • All my colleagues are supporting me well.
  • My new home is filled with love.
  • My children enjoy their studies and playing in the garden.
  • My parents are happy they have their own space.
  • My staff is happy and contented, people are appreciating my product, my brand is famous, and my clients are happy.
  • I have more orders now.
  • We are both happy now.
  • We balance our home and work life very well.

Always Stay Joyously Happy 🙂


Humbleness is the ninth point of the Nine Gem Points. In your wish, you ask what you want from the Divine, from the Universe, from people, from energies always express gratitude to the Divine, Universe, people, and energies. When you are in gratitude mode, Universe BRINGS to you more, than what you truly deserve. Only a humble person can give Gratitude. Read how Gratitude Meditation and Love Meditation help us.

O Lord! I have no words to Thank You

I only have happiest tears

9 Other Semi Gem Points to remember Beside Nine Gem Points

  1. Write GOLDEN SUNRISE in the capital before you begin writing your wish.
  3. After reading your wish thrice in one go, chant GOLDEN SUNRISE for 15 minutes. For your most important wish, do this just before sleeping.
  4. If you are a VK User, you can just hold VK and say GOLDEN SUNRISE manifest my wish into reality NOW or in your own words, Say this 3 times and keep VK on your wish for 30 min.
  5. You can activate your wish during the day with VK, just by saying, VK GOLDEN SUNRISE Please Activate My Wish (Project Name).
  6. For dream jobs, dream home, or dream projects, VK users can activate them with Total Wealth Serum in addition to GOLDEN SUNRISE in the same request.
  7. For the perfect life partner, VK users can activate Love Serum in addition to GOLDEN SUNRISE.
  8. VK users should send GOLDEN SUNRISE just by requesting VK in their own words to send GOLDEN SUNRISE to all actions/events that are manifesting in the wish, for example to business meetings, agreements, important communications, product advertising, applications, interviews, negotiation for the job, deals for a new home, matrimonial profiles, Communication and meetings with prospective grooms, brides. 
  9. VK users can also add Serum energies in all the above actions mentioned in point number 8 like Total Wealth Serum to business, new home, job activities, etc. A SHIELD OF SEVEN RAYS can be given to a career, matrimonial profile, etc. This can be done just by requesting VK in your own words to send the required energies to activities and events.

I dedicate this article to my dear friend and soul sister PAYAL JAIN who has been my teacher in VK manifestations, SHARAT SIR who is my Guiding Star, and SAI BABA. This article is based on my learnings from Payal Jain, Sharat Sir, my personal life experiences, and my interactions with VK users. Now friends with these Nine Gem Points for wish manifestation, write down your wish with new hope and see it manifest. Do share your new experiences with us. Please write down your views in the comment box below to motivate or rectify us. We love to read them. Take a look at GOLDEN SUNRISE SWITCHWORD MANTRA CHANTING MEDITATION BY SHARAT SIR & DJ KIMOZAVE.