Team Litairian is introducing this “GOLDEN SUNRISE SWITCHWORD MANTRA CHANTING MEDITATION BENEFITS” FILE (GS CHANTING FILE), on the occasion of completing 5 years of the launching of “GOLDEN SUNRISE SWITCHWORD MANTRA” spreading joy in many lives.
Sharat Sir created this GS CHANTING FILE and DJ Kimozave from the Philippines composed the music.
Sharat Sir always thinks GOLDEN SUNRISE should reach every corner of the globe. This is his other effort and initiative to make GS CHANTING FILE. He felt GOLDEN SUNRISE should reach many people. Therefore, he created a GOLDEN SUNRISE and gave it a voice. People connect to music and voice as it comes their hearts.
What is GOLDEN SUNRISE ® Switchword & How its Help to Create Magic?
GOLDEN SUNRISE is a switch word/ mantra, which is first shared by Sharat Sir in June 2014. Sharat Sir got this mantra in one of his meditations. He tested this as a switch word with many methods. He explored this switch word in daily life experience and found a great difference. After that, he first introduced it globally through this article on his website Litairian.
GOLDEN SUNRISE has changed many lives in these 5 years. Continuous chanting or writing of GOLDEN SUNRISE got happiness and smiles on faces, which were earlier in tears. GOLDEN SUNRISE gave strength to many people who saw life events as a struggle. It has made the journey to wish manifestation easier. It has the benefits of improved health, mental strength, improved relationships, a peaceful mind, and opening new channels to prosperity.
It works on the subconscious mind and motivates people to achieve their dreams. There are many more GOLDEN SUNRISE experiences that are not on the litairian website, but they have taken a permanent place in the hearts of people. As you know these days, people greet each other by saying ‘GOLDEN SUNRISE’ instead of good morning/ good afternoon/ ram-ram, etc.
Read some experiences of Golden Sunrise in these testimonials:
- Golden Sunrise The Synonyms of Divine Energy (Few Experiences)
- Experiences with Magical Golden Sunrise
- Wedding Bells With GOLDEN SUNRISE Project
- Golden Sunrise Poem dedicated to Divine and Sharat Sir
You Can Use This Gs Chanting File in Many Ways
Golden Sunrise Meditation with Closed Eyes
- You can either lie down or sit in a relaxing position.
- Stay silent for 2-3 mins.
- Click on the GS CHANTING FILE.
- You can close your eyes and just listen to the audio with or without earphones.
- If there are any thoughts coming in, do not try to suppress them.
- Just listen to the music and chants of GOLDEN SUNRISE and allow yourself to sink with it.
- After the audio is finished, relax for a few minutes or more.
- You can do this meditation anytime during your day or just before sleeping at your convenience.
- The best is to do it early morning for more positivity at the start of the day or just before sleeping to relax your whole body mind and soul.
- If you wish, you can replay the video back to back or with a gap, at your convenience.
- You can do this meditation once a day or more times as you feel.
Golden Sunrise Meditation with Open Eyes
- You can do the same procedure as above.
- Instead of keeping your eyes closed, you can choose to keep your eyes open.
- You can look at the image of GOLDEN SUNRISE and enjoy the whole meditation.
- Both ways are good, you can choose whichever way you like to do.
Golden Sunrise Audio in the Background While Working or Busy
- While you are doing any work, like driving, cooking, in the office, studying, gardening, or playing you can play this GS CHANTING FILE for audio effects as many times as you feel too.
- You can just keep doing your work without thinking about anything, just with the intention of a joyful life.
Specific Wish Manifestation with Golden Sunrise
- Just remember to do this for your topmost desire and preferably for one desire for one person at a time.
- Do not confuse yourself with many desires or many wishes for many people.
- Always set your priorities and set a clear intention with wish manifestation.
- Must Read these Nine Gem Points if you are doing GOLDEN SUNRISE wish manifestation.
4A. GOLDEN SUNRISE Wish manifestation with GS CHANTING FILE. You can think of a specific wish or desire just before starting the GS CHANTING FILE. Just look at the image of the video and enjoy listening to the audio. You can even chant along with the audio in your mind or loudly.
4B. GOLDEN SUNRISE Wish manifestation with GS CHANTING FILE in the background while you are sleeping or busy working or driving. You can think of a specific wish or desire just before starting the audio. Enjoy listening to the audio. You can even chant along with the audio in your mind or loudly.
4C. GOLDEN SUNRISE Written Wish manifestation along with the GS CHANTING FILE. You can decide on your topmost desire. In addition, do a GOLDEN SUNRISE written manifestation either handwritten or typed.
“Please check this article for full instructions on how to do Golden Sunrise written wish manifestation.”
- After you write your GOLDEN SUNRISE Wish Manifestation on paper. Relax and sit comfortably.
- Play the GS CHANTING FILE in the background.
- Start reading the wish 3 times as always. The voice of GOLDEN SUNRISE from GS CHANTING FILE will sink into your subconscious mind while you read it. You can read the wish loudly or in your mind.
- Even after finishing reading the written manifestation 3 times, you can even watch the video or hear the audio with or without headphones and chant GOLDEN SUNRISE in your mind or loudly along with musical audio for around 15 min.
- If you do this at the end of the day or at other times and fall asleep while playing the GS CHANTING FILE, allow yourself to relax. Let the subconscious work in sleep. Do not resist sleep.
Some Examples of Golden Sunrise Wish Manifestation
You will get these on the litairian website, which you can use along with this audio video.
- GOLDEN SUNRISE Manifestation for a New Dream Job
- GOLDEN SUNRISE Manifestation for a New Business
- Golden Sunrise Project “My Beautiful Life” Shared by a Wonderful Lady
Use This Golden Sunrise File So Easily
- You can hear or watch the video this just while lying on the bed or just sitting on a relaxing chair or sofa or sitting on a bench in your garden or park, or even while jogging or doing morning exercises or yoga, driving in a car, traveling in any public transport, in a gym, in office.
- You can put your headphones on or just play on the speaker, anyway anywhere anytime.
- You can watch the video or play the audio at your convenience. You can even sometimes watch or sometimes listen to audio even during the same day.
- You can stop the audio in between if you cannot play the full video. The best is to watch or play full video/ audio to have good benefits.
- You can even chant or write GOLDEN SUNRISE while you play this video to enjoy more.
- You can use this GS CHANTING FILE for your topmost wish or desire.
- You can play it for people who are bedridden or sick or cannot cope with writing or chanting GOLDEN SUNRISE. With this audio, they can get the benefits of GOLDEN SUNRISE in an easy way. If there is someone who has lost vision or lost hearing power or with no speech or difficulty in hearing, writing, and speaking or chanting, playing this GS CHANTING FILE will still benefit them as the music and voice will reach their subconscious minds.
- If you place this image of GOLDEN SUNRISE at your place and play this GS CHANTING FILE, you will have added the advantage of both the image and this GS CHANTING FILE. Find the GOLDEN SUNRISE Image here.
Can I Play This Gs Chanting File on Behalf of Others?
Yes, you can. Just before watching/ playing this GS CHANTING FILE, place an intention in your mind, that you are watching/ playing this GS CHANTING FILE for a specific person to get the effect for that person.
Benefits of the Golden Sunrise Chanting File
- The GS CHANTING FILE is attuned with Cosmic Energies by Sharat Sir. So watch or play it online to have full effects without downloading. Watch or play it online. If you download and use it, it may not give a full effect.
- Both the video and audio from the GS CHANTING FILE are beneficial when played online.
- It is programmed to receive all benefits of GOLDEN SUNRISE.
- The music will help to soothe and calm your mind.
- The image in this GS CHANTING FILE will connect you to the energy of the rising Sun and GOLDEN SUNRISE and raise your vibration.
- It will raise your vibrational frequency and instill new hope when you use it regularly.
- The chants of GOLDEN SUNRISE in the GS CHANTING FILE will reach your subconscious mind when you listen to it. Even when this GS CHANTING FILE is played in the background, all the people in that area will benefit from the music and chants irrespective of whether they are aware of the benefits of GOLDEN SUNRISE or not. It will still be beneficial to all the people around that area. Read the benefits of GOLDEN SUNRISE Switchword chanting here.
- If this GS CHANTING FILE is used daily, it can make you experience a shift in your life.
- You can watch or play with the intention of self or for others too.
- You can play this as many times as you feel too. Do it based on your inner guidance?
- If you are watching other videos by Sharat Sir, you can even play this GS CHANTING FILE. Just before watching those videos, play this GS CHANTING FILE to enhance the effects of other videos.
- If you feel dizzy or heavy while watching any of the videos, take a break of a few minutes or a few hours and watch again. This might be due to high Cosmic Energies in Sir’s videos.
- Benefits may differ from person to person, so do not compare your effects with others. Just go with the flow.
- You can play this GS CHANTING FILE while doing healing for yourself or others, using VK or any other healing modality, this way will help you to enhance your own energy vibration.
Vk Users Can Use This Gs Chanting File in More Creative Ways
VK is attuned with Cosmic Energies by Sharat Sir. This GS CHANTING FILE can further help to enhance your healing ways with VK.
Some of the ways are:-
- You can wear VK while playing this GS CHANTING FILE and follow the procedure as mentioned above. Just before starting to play, you can even request VK please enhance the effect of this GS CHANTING FILE multifold for me or for any energy receiver.
- You can even mimic the effect of this GS CHANTING FILE with VK using VK Tip 34. However, the best is to enjoy playing it.
- You can mimic this GS CHANTING FILE effect with VK without any intention and allow VK to use its wisdom to give you the effect that is best for your life. Alternatively, you can mimic it with a specific intention. You can add the effect of this GS CHANTING FILE in any other healing using VK either in a direct request or in drinking water for energy receivers.
- You can enhance your GOLDEN SUNRISE written wish manifestation while wearing VK. Request VK GOLDEN SUNRISE helps me to manifest my wish now. Alternatively, “VK GOLDEN SUNRISE OPEN MORE WAYS FOR ME TO MANIFEST MY WISH NOW”, say this 3 times before you read your GOLDEN SUNRISE wish.
- You can even rotate VK over your GOLDEN SUNRISE written wish manifestation with the GS CHANTING FILE played in the background. You can chant GOLDEN SUNRISE in your mind or loudly as you enjoy. This will raise your vibration and connect to your wish deeply.
Some More Creative Ways of Using This Gs Chanting File
- If you are at the gym, you can hear this GS CHANTING FILE with a headphone, while on a treadmill and think of the desired body shape and perfect body weight. Request VK GOLDEN SUNRISE MAKE WAY FOR MY PERFECT BODY WEIGHT and DESIRED BODY SHAPE. In this way, you have the healing enhanced with the use of VK, GOLDEN SUNRISE chanting, and gyming.
- If you are cooking food for your family, you can play this GS CHANTING FILE and request VK GOLDEN SUNRISE to make this meal nourishing and enjoyable for my children/ all family members. The voice of GOLDEN SUNRISE in the background can raise your frequency to prepare food with love.
- In the office, you can play this GS CHANTING FILE on the desktop or laptop, while preparing your projects or presentation, and request VK GOLDEN SUNRISE HELP ME TO MAKE MY BEST PRESENTATION.
- If you are a music lover and preparing for exams, you can play this GS CHANTING FILE in the background and request VK GOLDEN SUNRISE HELP ME STUDY FOR BEST SCORES IN MY EXAM.
- While traveling or driving, you can play this GS CHANTING FILE, think of a beautiful destination vacation, and request VK GOLDEN SUNRISE HELP ME TO MANIFEST MY FAMILY VACATION NOW.
- While traveling or driving, you can play this GS CHANTING FILE, think of your desired life partner, and request VK GOLDEN SUNRISE MAKE WAY FOR MY BEST DESERVING PARTNER FOR MY MARRIAGE NOW FOREVER.
- While jogging in the park, you can play this GS CHANTING FILE, think about your dream home, and request VK GOLDEN SUNRISE BLESS ME MY NEW HOME FILLED WITH LOVE AND ALL AMENITIES NOW.
- While jogging in the park, you can play this GS CHANTING FILE, think about your dream job, and request VK GOLDEN SUNRISE MAKE WAY OF MY BEST DESERVING JOB NOW.
- You can play this GS CHANTING FILE at your home with the intention of peace, love, and unity between the family members and request VK GOLDEN SUNRISE KEEP MY FAMILY UNITED WITH PEACE LOVE, AND CARE.
- You can do Vital Organ Balancing with VK for yourself or others while playing this GS CHANTING FILE in the background, and chant along with this audio to have enhanced effect through the music, read this full VK experience here.
- You can do GOLDEN SUNRISE marathon healing while playing this GS CHANTING FILE as per VK Tip 44.
- You can do GOLDEN HEART BLESSING MEDITATION with VK and play the audio in the background.
Gratitude to DJ Kimozawe for this wonderful music composition.
Post your experiences in the litairian forum.