If you see people in unusual pains or problems and you wish to help them with VK, this article and video are for you. Here in this article and video, learn how to use VK to mimic the EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique.
The mind is occupied with emotions and thoughts. If there are positive emotions, a person is more lively. Sometimes a person may get stuck with unwanted emotions. There could be some negative thoughts that are deep-rooted in a person.
These emotions could be fear, anger, hurt, depression, anxiety, and many other negative emotions. A smiling lively person may become sad, non-reactive, and live a dull life. Or the person may become aggressive, angry, and too reactive. Such persons may experience unexplainable physical pains and illnesses.
What is the EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique?
EFT is a simple and effective technique to release unwanted negative emotions and some negative patterns stuck in a person.
One has to learn the basics of EFT to practice it effectively. EFT involves gentle tapping of multiple EFT points, one at a time. These points are situated on the head, around the eyes, face, collarbone, chest, underarms, and hands.
Each point is tapped in a sequence along with a Set-up statement.
Example of a Set-up Statement: I am having fear of driving, but I still love and accept myself deeply and completely.
In this article, we are not discussing the methods or procedures of the EFT process, because we have VK with us.
Do EFT with VK Even Without Knowing the EFT
Now you can Do Complete EFT with VK even without knowing the EFT. With VK you can send the energy of EFT to anyone at any distance with a mimicking request to VK. You don’t have to perform any tapping or repeated Set-up Statements as VK will do it for you or the receiver.
Simple Methods of EFT Using VK
You can do the EFT Process using any of these methods:
Method 1: Direct Request Method
- Just hold VK in your hands and request VK to do EFT for XYZ to release specific emotions.
- Example: Suppose Ranju is the name of the person who has a fear of heights. Here the energy receiver is Ranju. Hold VK and say “VK please do EFT to release Ranju’s fear of heights”. Say this statement three times. You can say this request loudly or in your mind. You can keep the intention with “safety and security” and keep VK aside for 30 min.
- After 30 min, VK is free for any other request or any other healing.
- Check the above video for a demo.
It is recommended to send the energy of EFT to one person at a time i.e. in a single request to VK. Do not request EFT for more than one person at a time, i.e. in a single request. Request VK separately for each person.
Method 2: Writing on a Paper
- If Sania has a fear of public speaking.
- Write the name of the energy receiver on a paper. Here it would be Sania Sharma (You can write the name in Capital small letters like this Sania Sharma).
- Now request “VK please do EFT to release the fear of public speaking”. Say this statement three times. You can say this request loudly or in your mind. You can keep the intention of “safety and security”. Now keep VK anywhere on the written words (Sania Sharma) on the paper for 30 min.
- After 30 min, VK is free for any other request or any other healing.
It is recommended to send the energy of EFT to one person at a time i.e. in a single request to VK. Do not write the names of more than one person together for requesting EFT at a time, i.e. in a single request.
Write the names of different people on different pages or papers and request VK for one person at a time. Request VK separately for each person.
Method 3: Sending Energy on the Photo of a Receiver
- Instead of writing the name of the person on a piece of paper, you can do the same process as Method 2 on the picture/ photo of a person. Hereafter the request, keep VK on the photo instead of written words on the paper.
- You can do it on the photo of a person in your phone gallery. Just take care that the screen does not go to sleep mode while VK is sending energy. Set your screen time on your cell phone for 30 minutes so that VK is on the picture of a person. If you are not able to set up the screen of your phone, then simply follow the other methods given in the video or article.
It is recommended to send the energy of EFT to one person at a time i.e. in a single request to VK. Do not send the energy of EFT to a picture with more than one receiver. Request VK separately for each person.
Method 4: Charge Drinking Water Using VK
Many VK users already shared their VK experiences with VK-charged EFT drinking water.
- The process of water charging is the same as any energy. The way you say energy name 3 times for any energy, even for EFT say EFT 3 times and charge water.
- One demonstration of charging the water with EFT to release financial fears is demonstrated in the video to this article.
- If you want to know how to charge water with positive energy even for a person who is in a different country, check this full video.
- Please note while requesting EFT energy in drinking water, you don’t have to mention any energy receiver’s name, as whoever drinks the charged water, will receive the EFT energy.
Also, read the examples in this post of the Water method: How to Charge water or things, Learn with examples.
Must-Know: Drinking of EFT Charged Water has its own advantage like a receiver can drink EFT Charge Water multiple times a day. And if many people have the same issue then they also drink the same EFT Charged Water.
Always Make a Specific Request to VK for EFT
- It is best to make specific requests to VK on a specific issue or aspect. The more specific request, it works faster with EFT.
- Example of a specific request: If Priya has a fear of dealing with her business clients. You can place a request to VK, “VK please do EFT to release Priya’s fear of dealing with clients“. Say this 3 times and keep VK aside for 30 min. This is a more specific request.
- Example of a general request: “VK please do EFT to release Priya’s all negative emotions related to wealth“. Say this 3 times and keep VK aside for 30 min. This is a more general request. VK will work on this request too, but the more specific the request the better effect it will have.
- Let’s understand it more: If a person has protein deficiency, if he or she eats a regular diet then such a person will receive some amount of proteins from this diet. But how about eating a protein-rich diet and speeding up the recovery?
- EFT practitioners mostly work to release specific unwanted emotions to get good results. Here VK mimics your EFT request, so mimic it specifically.
- It is very easy to mimic EFT with VK to release specific negative emotions.
- If you place a request to VK to do EFT to the whole body, this would be a general request and would be like a diluted request. To be more specific, which organ or system is affected? Request EFT for that particular organ or system.
- If there is a situation where you cannot make out the specific emotion that needs to be released, you may request a general EFT request or you may request for Acupressure to release blocks. Read here: how to do acupressure with VK without touching a person.
- You may also request Reiki Psychic Surgery for specific organs or body systems. Check this article to learn more about how to place a request to VK for Reiki Psychic surgery.
Some Dos and Don’ts About EFT Using VK
- In one request, VK users can request EFT for one issue in the direct request method or write on a paper method or photo method.
- If there is more than one issue for a single person, for whom you want to request EFT, make a separate request for each issue, for example, if a person has a fear of swimming and fear of dealing with clients, make a separate request to VK for each aspect. This should be done as 2 separate energy-sending requests, one for fear of swimming and keep VK aside for 30 minutes. After this, you can request for fear of dealing with clients in another request and again keep VK aside for 30 minutes.
- In a day, you can request EFT for many issues back to back.
- After 30 min, you can request for the same issue or another issue. In that way, you can do EFT back to back. Wow, it means you can give 48 requests in 24 hours.
- Must keep VK aside for 30 min after giving one request of EFT.
- EFT is already a safe process. In mimicking EFT, if you wish you can opt to keep the intention with safety and security for every request. These two words assure the sender and receiver’s safety and security.
- Even if you forget this intention of safety and security while placing a request for EFT, it will still be safe as EFT itself is a safe process.
- There are some twin organs in our body, which are the same e.g. eyes, kidneys, legs, hands, breasts, ears, etc. Here you can request VK to do EFT for both organs together or you can choose to request specifically either for the left organ or the right organ as per the need.
- You can say either “EFT” or “EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE”. Both ways are good, correct, and effective. Choose the way you like. EFT is a well-known short form, so in this case, you can use this short form for VK requests.
- You can do EFT for spiritual areas also e.g. chakras, 3rd eye, a specific layer of the aura, etc.
- Always keep the intention of NOW FOREVER irrespective of the method to get the result now and permanently.
What will VK Do in 30 min After Placing a Request?
During the 30 min, VK will do the process of EFT on the requested area of the requested energy receiver.
After 30 min, VK is free, so VK users can repeat the same request or any other request or you can use VK for any other healing or simply wear it.
Which is the Best Method of EFT with VK?
All the methods are good and effective. Choose as per convenience. Methods 1 and 4 are the most commonly used methods by many VK users.
Is it Necessary for VK Users to Know the Process of EFT?
No. Here the VK user is not the EFT practitioner. Here VK is the energy sender. The VK user is only requesting VK to mimic and do the process of EFT.
What should be the Frequency of EFT Through VK?
The number of sessions will depend on the severity of the problem. A person may benefit just in one session or may require multiple sessions. Follow the VK BASIC POST 13 guided by Sharat Sir on the litairian forum.
For a person with more energy needs, you can do EFT with VK multiple times a day, drink charged water frequently, or use the BOOST METHOD by using multiple VKs.
Benefits & Advantages of Mimicking EFT with VK
- Expertise in EFT: A person who himself/ herself does EFT needs to learn and practice EFT from an EFT practitioner or Expert. However, a VK user of any age can do EFT by a simple request to VK. Here there is absolutely no need for the VK user to learn the process of EFT.
- Safety to the Body: While practicing EFT, there are 3 EFT tapping points around the eyes, so one has to be careful with the tapping process so as not to hurt the eyes. But with VK, there is no such fear of hurting the areas around the eyes as VK is not placed on these points when you request energy of EFT to VK.
- Set-up Statements: An EFT practitioner needs to keep repeating the set-up statements continuously while tapping on the EFT points for an effective session. With VK there is no such need to keep repeating the set-up statement as VK is doing that process.
- Practicing from Any Distance: With VK you can send EFT session energy to any person even in a different city, state, or country just with a simple request to VK. You can charge drinking water with EFT of your dear ones distantly too.
- Saving of Time: An EFT practitioner is investing his/ her own time for this process. But a VK user is free, once a request of EFT is placed to VK or water is charged with VK. A VK user can concentrate on any other work or relax because here VK is doing EFT, not the VK user.
- Mindset: An EFT practitioner is required to do EFT with a certain mindset. This is important for the effectiveness of the process and to conserve its own energy. However, a VK user requires a clear intention of healing now and forever while placing a request to VK. Just mimicking EFT with VK with the intention of safety and security is helpful for having the desired effects.
- Frequency of Healing: When an EFT practitioner does multiple sessions of EFT on the same day or repeatedly, he/ she may feel exhausted. Mostly an EFT practitioner can do EFT 4 to 5 times a day, and will most likely feel exhausted with more sessions. But a VK user can request VK for EFT as many times as per wish or need in one day or daily. Here VK becomes the EFT practitioner.
- Boosting of EFT Practice: An EFT practitioner may not be able to enhance the effect multi-fold but a VK user can BOOST the process with the use of multiple VK and BOOST methods.
Can EFT Speed Up the Recovery Process?
Yes, it’s possible when you use VK for EFT, it can speed up recovery from multiple issues. When there is a release of unwanted emotions, recovery gets better.
Some Ready Examples of EFT Using VK
Please watch the video in this article to learn how to request EFT to VK. Some additional requests that VK users can explore in the examples below. There are some direct requests and energy names for charging drinking water.
- If Rahul is always scared of appearing for exams, you can help him like this: Direct request: “VK please do EFT to release Rahul’s Educational fears-3″. For water charging: “EFT to release educational fears“-3. When Rahul or anyone who drinks this water, they will get the effect of EFT to release educational fears.
- Sometimes even if some healings are done, hair loss continues because anxiety creates more mental pressure and affects hair loss further. If Reshma keeps worrying about her hair loss, then you can help her with VK: Direct request: “VK please do EFT to release the anxiety of hair loss for Reshma“-3. For water charging: “EFT to release the anxiety of hair loss“-3. When Reshma or anyone who drinks this water, they will get the effect of EFT to release anxiety related to hair loss.
- If Jay is always angry at his in-laws, you can help him with VK. Direct request: “VK please do EFT to release Jay’s anger for his in-laws“-3. For water charging: “EFT to release anger for in-laws“-3. When Jay drinks this water, he will get the effect of EFT to release anger related to his inlaws. Even if someone else drinks this charged water, they will receive an EFT effect to release anger towards their in-laws. When a person who doesn’t have any anger towards in-laws, drinks this water, it will not harm that person. Energy will be just received or by-passed.
- If Jack has breathing or respiratory issues, you can help him with VK. Here you can request EFT for the whole respiratory system as an energy block may be moving in the organs of the respiratory system. Direct request: “VK please do EFT for Jack’s whole respiratory system“-3. For water charging: “EFT to the whole respiratory system“-3.
- If Julie has a fibroid in the uterus and a cyst in the ovary, she gets pain during menstrual periods, you can help her with VK. Here you can request EFT for the whole reproductive system as energy blocks may be moving in the organs of the reproductive system. Direct request: “VK please do EFT for Julie’s whole reproductive system“-3. For water charging: “EFT to the whole reproductive system“-3. It is suggested to do an EFT of the reproductive system throughout the month, even if the pain comes only during the menstrual period. The best is to increase the frequency of energy requests 3-5 days even before periods start and during the menstrual flow. One can make direct requests more frequently or drink charged water more frequently. This helps to ease the menstrual flow days and have an active life. You can read this VK Tip 19.
- If Rajesh has tennis elbow pain on the left side, you can help him like this. It may require one or more sessions of EFT. Direct request: “VK please do EFT for Rajesh’s left elbow“-3. For water charging: “EFT to left elbow“-3.
- If Shama has lower back pain, you can help her with VK. Direct request: “VK please do EFT for Shama’s lower back“-3. For water charging: “EFT to lower back“-3. Many times the lower back pain is due to stress in mind about financial worries or some lack or maybe some other stuck energy blocks. If the pain is related to wrong postures, you can use PAIN CARE SERUM with VK. If the pain is due to nutritional deficiency, you can use PERFECT HEALTH SERUM or VK Tip 92.
- Some people live with ego, and many times they may experience unusual pain in knee joints. It may not be related to any aging or nutritional deficiency, but due to negative blocks like ego or such emotions. Here again, you can help such a person with EFT. Direct request: “VK please do EFT to release John’s knee pain“-3. For water charging: “EFT to knees“-3.
- If Anita is suffering from childhood trauma, you can help her with VK. Direct request: “VK please do EFT to release Anita’s childhood trauma“-3. For water charging: “EFT to release childhood trauma“-3.
- Sometimes you do not know the name of the organ in English or any other language, but you know where the pain or issue is. You can simply request “VK please do EFT for the AFFECTED PART“-3. Suppose you know a person with the name Myra, she is having pain and difficulties because of piles or fissures. If you cannot define the organ name, just intend and request for the affected part. So here, just request “VK please do EFT for Myra’s Anus“-3. While placing a request, you are obviously thinking of healing that person from piles, and VK is an intentional tool, so it knows where to direct the energy.
- There is some pain in the chest area, but you don’t know which organ is affected or causing this pain, is it the heart, lungs, or stomach? Just request “VK do EFT to the chest“-3. In your mind, you know you wish to heal the pain in the chest area, and VK is an intentional tool, so when you request for the affected area, VK will know through your intention and send energy accordingly. This is applicable for healing with VK and this is the specialty of VK healing.
- If Caroline is scared of heights, you can help her with VK. Direct request: “VK please do EFT to release Caroline’s fear of heights“-3. For water charging: “EFT to release the fear of heights“-3.
- If Nikon has a fear of losing money in his business, you can help him with VK. Direct request: “VK please do EFT to release Nikon’s fear of losing money“-3. For water charging: “EFT to release the fear of losing money“-3.
- If Richa is always scared that her marriage is not working, you can help her with VK. Direct request: “VK please do EFT to release Richa’s fear of losing the marital relationship“-3. For water charging: “EFT to release the fear of losing the marital relationship“-3.
- If Ajit is always worried about his job security, you can help him with VK. Direct request: “VK please do EFT to release Ajit’s job insecurity“-3. For water charging: “EFT to release job insecurity“-3.
- If Pranit is scared of a job switch, you can help him with VK. Direct request: “VK please do EFT to release Pranit’s fear of job switch“-3. For water charging: “EFT to release the fear of job switch“-3.
- If Vaishali is moving to a different city, say from Delhi to London for further studies or a new job or post marriage and she is scared of the people in that new city, you can help her with VK. Direct request: “VK please do EFT to release Vaishali’s fear of settling in London“-3. For water charging: “EFT to release the fear of settling in London“-3.
What Else You Can Do with VK along with EFT
When you are helping any person with VK and EFT for any pain or illness, please note you can continue vital organ balancing and required Cosmic Serum energies or any other healing energy either separately or along with EFT using VK as the case requires.
You can either Do an EFT request as one healing and separately send Cosmic Serums or other energies in another request. Or you can club energies of Cosmic Serums in the same request. Find some examples here:-
Example 1: For fear of exams, you can do EFT to release educational fears. Separately or additionally, you can use Bravo Serum and energy of SUCCESS.
Example 2: For uterine fibroids, you can do EFT to the whole reproduction system for the affected female. You can separately use Fem Serum and EFT to reproduction the system as per VK Tip 19. Or you can even add FEM SERUM along with EFT to the whole reproductive system in the same request. You can also do VOB for the uterus separately.
Example 3: You can do an EFT request for relief of severe knee joint pain with VK. Separately or additionally, you can use Pain Care Serum with VK. You can do VOB of knees. You can even take the energy of Calcium and Vitamin D as per VK Tip 92 if there are nutritional deficiencies.
Example 4: If there are financial fears, do request for EFT to release all financial fears. Separately or additionally you can use Total Wealth Serum and Bravo Serum. You can check VK Tip 102 on litairian forum.
Find Here Some Success Stories of EFT Using VK
- Sinus or acid reflux
- Healing of stubborn pain
- Stiffness and posture improved
- Release your emotions to get fast healing results
- Melting cyst in uterus VK psychic surgery, EFT and love
- Love Serum for Cramps & EFT Acupressure to the uterus
- Vk made things simpler from Back pain to understanding
- Rescue Remedy & EFT has rescued the life of 2 beautiful souls
- Clearance of sore throat with VK using Cosmic serum water & EFT
- Some Powerful Methods to do Powerful Emotional Healing with VK
- VK TIP 114: Pendulum Chart With VK, How to Best Ask VK by Ronaldo
- Strange feeling with VK get ease with EFT & Aura Flush Empowerment
- Psychic Surgery in the menopausal phase with Kapalbhati pranayam and EFT
- VK TIP 102: Welcome Wealth Opportunities with ease, BE Fearless in money matters
- Stuck money received with VK using Total wealth serum and EFT to wealth blockages
- Tennis elbow cured, success with liposuction surgery mimicking, vat pitta dosha & EFT
- VK TIP 19 –Relief from Menstrual Pain with EFT, irregular menstrual bleeding, hormonal imbalance
Now it’s our time to help people smile with joy. Explore VK for yourself and even your dear ones.
This video and article are written with guidance from Sharat Sir. My Gratitude to Sharat Sir for inventing this simple yet so effective divine tool VK. It’s a blessing to have VK and use its mimicking feature. If you liked this post, would you consider sharing it or forwarding it? Friends do share your experiences with EFT and be an inspiration to many.