How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 2 (Day 6 to 10)

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 2

40 Days Program/ Ritual to Become a MONEY MAGNET Part 2 (Day 6 to 10)

Thank You for doing the 1st ritual to become a Money Magnet. I hope you loved 1st ritual. And I know you have successfully done the 1st ritual. It was so easy. It was so joyful to bless everything and every being of the Universe. Don’t miss to continue giving the blessing.

If I am not wrong, now you have realized that you have sooooo many things to bless in your life. If you are new to this article or if you want to again know the 1st ritual then directly jump to the 1st ritual to become a money magnet. Reading again sometimes open new pathways.

Now tell me do you feel sad sometimes when you see others progressing in their life?

Sometimes unknowingly you also feel jealous about things that you don’t have but others have them.

Sometimes do you feel that you always did your best efforts, but you are not able to fulfill your desires and others are doing it easily?

Is it that you feel vulnerable to negative thoughts of sadness, jealousy, impatience, hopelessness, anger, frustration when you see your friends, relatives enjoying the comforts of life?

Unknowingly you even curse yourself or relate it to bad karma when you see others living a luxurious life, which you are craving for yourself and your dear ones for a long time.

If you feel all these emotions are becoming part of your life, then this page is specially for you. And do you feel the lack of things in your life, when you see others with comforts and luxuries, then this ritual is specially for you?

Note: Follow this ritual only if you practiced the 1st ritual from Day 1 to Day 5 without any breaks.

Let’s Begin the 2nd Program/ Ritual to Become a Money Magnet Day 6 to Day 10

POUR PEARLS OF BLESSINGS ON PEOPLE who already have things which you also desire in your life.

  1. In this ritual bless other people from your heart without any limitations. Replace the feeling of poverty with richness in your life.
  2. In 1st ritual, you bless things that you want but in this 2nd ritual, you bless people who own the things you want.
  3. It is very easy, just think of people you know that they have what you want and keep blessing them. You can even bless many people who have the things that you have.
  4. Suppose you are staying in a rented house, and you wish to buy your own home. Your friend Sanjay stays in his own home, bless him for his home e.g. “I bless you Sanjay for your comfortable home”.
  5. Suppose you already own a home but you want to buy a bigger home and your sister Monica stays in a bigger home, and your boss Rakesh also lives in a big home bless them like this: “I bless you Monica for your lovely spacious home”. “I bless you boss for your beautiful luxury home” or “I bless you Monica and Rakesh for your lovely, spacious, beautiful, and luxury home.”
  6. Suppose you wish to buy a car and your colleague Kavita has that kind of car, now you can bless her like this: “I bless you Kavita for your White Audi Car”.
  7. If you know your friend Rachana is a good beautician and attracts good clients and you also want to be a good beautician. Moreover, you also know Rachana has a beautiful home and you are also looking for a new home bless her: “I bless you Rachana for your beautifying skills and serving good clients”. “I bless you Rachana for your posh villa at Nehru Road”.
  8. This way you keep blessing people whom you know they already have what you also desire.
  9. It is a great way to MULTIPLY YOUR OWN BLESSINGS with blessings to others.

Some more examples:

  1. I bless you Jenny for your blue flowing Christmas gown.
  2. I bless you Sanjay for your new villa.
  3. I bless you Barinder for your excellent store management with good clients.
  4. I bless you Danny for your education at Oxford University.
  5. I bless you Payal for your latest Mac book.
  6. I bless you Mudit for your wonderful ways of using VK.
  7. I bless you Jack for your well-paid job.
  8. I bless you Rakhi for your intelligent ways of attracting new productive business projects.
  9. I bless you Soumya for your flourishing business.
  10. I bless you Madhu for your teaching skills.
  11. I bless you Rakhi for your creative ways with VK.
  12. I bless you Anit for your office with new clients every day.
  13. I bless you Cynthia for your new projects.
  14. I bless you Sharat for your new healing center.
  15. I bless you Shobha for your wonderful event management.
  16. I bless you Soham for your cricket set and winning attitude.
  17. I bless you Payal for your iPhone.
  18. I bless you Riya for your admission to a reputed Engineering institute with scholarship.
  19. I bless you Ana for your vacation trip to Europe.
  20. I bless you Sona for your writing skills and wonderful blogging.
  21. I bless you Sonia for your creative videos.
  22. I bless you Lisa for the cooking skills that make you a great cook.
  23. I bless you Puneet for wonderful communication skills in dealing with clients.
  24. I bless you Vandana for your beautiful garden faced new home.
  25. I bless you Shuchita for creative fabric designing.
  26. I bless you Litairian team for wonderful knowledgeful articles.
  27. I bless you Naina for fulfilling the job.
  28. I bless you Shivprakash for new clients.
  29. I bless you Shakti for new furniture at your home.
  30. I bless you Prerna for your new bicycle.
  31. I bless you Adraine for your new office in Texas.
  32. I bless you Kamini for your new assignments.
  33. I bless you Shruti for your creative jewelry designs.
  34. I bless you Latish for your increasing bank balance.
  35. I bless you Girichander for your job promotion.
  36. I bless you Chetan for your leadership skills in getting new projects.
  37. I bless you Selvarani for coaching many students.
  38. I bless you Snehlata for your increasing hotel business.

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 2Special Money Magnet Tips for VK Users

VK users can hold or touch VK and bless VK’s healing abilities which they wish in their lives. This daily practice with blessing VK will increase the connectivity of VK users to manifest their desires through VK healing.

  1. I bless you VK for your healing ability to attract more clients.
  2. I bless you VK for your healing ability to buy a new home.
  3. I bless you VK for your healing ability for starting a new business.
  4. I bless you VK for your healing ability to make people Money magnet.
  5. I bless you VK for your healing ability for a job promotion.
  6. I bless you VK for your healing ability in new jewelry manifestation.
  7. I bless you VK for Cosmic energies to improve negotiation skills.
  8. I bless you VK for Cosmic energies to enhance creative skills.
  9. I bless you VK for Cosmic energies to protect my business deals.
  10. I bless you VK for Cosmic energies to help in securing admission to a reputed institute.

VK users can continue to use TOTAL WEALTH SERUM, ALPHA MALE SERUM or ALPHA WOMAN SERUM with VK daily. This will help you to welcome prosperity at many levels.

Benefits of Money Magnet Practice Part 2

  1. As you practice this 2nd ritual, it will help to let go of negative emotions like jealousy and hatred for others, which took place in your heart knowingly or unknowingly.
  2. This 2nd ritual will help you to release sadness and anxiety which people hold due to a lack of comforts in their own lives.
  3. It will also help you to let go of the feeling of insecurity which gets deep-rooted in minds due to lack of money to fulfill desires through money.
  4. If you seriously follow this 2nd ritual, the emotions of lack will get replaced with deep inner peace and joy.
  5. The more you practice this ritual during the entire day, the more it will help you to let go of the feelings of insecurity and fear of the future even when you see others prospering.
  6. Keep aside your doubts on working on this ritual and practice this ritual as guided in this article. It will help you to get rid of feelings of lack, which got deep-rooted in minds for many years.
  7. All deep-rooted negative emotions will get replaced with the attitude of blessing and abundance with continuous practice of this ritual.
  8. This way of blessing gives a clear message to DIVINE that you are happy about the things you want. You are also happy with the people who own things that you desire. You are not jealous of the person who has the same thing you want.
  9. A happy and jealous-free person will vibrate at a higher frequency to receive more blessings from the Divine. Ask The Universe To Deliver What You Want Now”.
  10. You will feel free to ASK the Divine, what you truly deserve.
  11. With regular practice of this ritual, you are going to release the habit of blame game that you play with yourself, that is blaming your destiny, people, or your past karmas for your current situation.
  12. If you do this ritual along with 1st ritual of blessings, you will be in ecstasy.
  13. This high level of peace and happiness will make you move with more passion for achieving your goals.

Best Time To Practice Money Magnet Program

  1. You may practice this at any time of the day.
  2. Keep the practice going throughout the day.
  3. When you travel in public transport, you can bless the person who owns a car. You can even bless such persons at any time of the day.
  4. When you are at work, bless people related to your work, jobs, promotions, business, projects, and so on.
  5. Think of the things you want and think of the people who have those things and bless them.
  6. You can sit in a place and do all the blessings together for all the things you want other people to have. But best is to practice this throughout the day. This will help you to let go of the negativity of lack and fill your minds with more positive thoughts.

Can You Practice 1ST Ritual on Day 6 to Day 10?

Yes, you can do it. You can continue to practice the 1st ritual of blessing the things that you already have. And you can practice blessing others too with things they have and you want them in your life. What could be better than this? It will add to increase your vibrational frequency to be more joyful and attract more richness. Must explore this.

You can practice by clubbing Ritual 1 and 2 or you can do them separately. Both are good.


You stay in a rented flat and you want to buy a home. Bless your place where you stay and bless people who already have your own home.

I bless you my home. I bless Rakesh for your own spacious home.

More Examples:

  1. I bless you my bike. I bless you Shrinath for your Red Honda Jazz car.
  2. I bless you my job. I bless you Anit for your Consultancy office.
  3. I bless you my bank balance. I bless you Soham for your increasing bank balance.

Examples of separate practice of Ritual 1 and 2

I bless you my bed. I bless you my sofa. I bless you my car.
I bless Rakesh for his job promotion. I bless Tina for her salary increment.


How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 1 (Day 1 to 5)

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 3 (Day 11 to 16)

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 4 (Day 17 to 23)

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 5 (Day 24 to 29)

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 6 (Day 30 to 40)