40 Days Program/ Ritual to Become a MONEY MAGNET Part 1 (Day 1 to 5)
Are you excited to be a money magnet with me? Keep up your excitement. Everyone deserves to be a money magnet so are each one of you.
If you think money is hard to earn, this will delay receiving money. You may have many such thoughts in your mind e.g. life is difficult, money gets stuck, a lot of debts, how to repay loans, there is no source of income, how to choose a career, how to manage expenses with fewer earnings.
If these thoughts are lingering in your mind every day and night, then this page is for you.
You have a choice to blossom and prosper with this becoming a money magnet ritual. Let prosperity flow into your life with ease. Choose a simple and empowering way to release your mental blocks with this 40-day ritual.
All you have to do is to follow and practice this easy ritual.
The Universe is abundant for all of us. Now unlock your potentials and throw away all limitations with this practice.
What does Money Magnet Mean?
A person who attracts money and money opportunities is a money magnet. The value of money coming into this person’s life expands exponentially with time. There is no limit to the richness of this person. Money magnet will attract money even if he/ she becomes a millionaire or billionaire.
A money magnet is happy to receive money in life irrespective of the amount of money received. A money magnet appreciates and feels gratitude for money for every penny received.
The money magnet with his/ her efforts, planning and wealth welcoming attitude gets into richness mode. A money magnet is a person who always remains in high vibration state and receives more and more money with his/ her attitude.
A Money magnet not only loves to earn money but also loves to spend money in a carefree way.
In a money magnet’s life, a relationship with money keeps changing and shifts towards being more and more prosperous.
If you are ready to be a money magnet, then get set and go with my 40-day Ritual to become a Money Magnet.
Points to Remember Before Starting Money Magnet Program/ Ritual
- Each program is very easy to follow. You don’t have to spend money to practice this program.
- Start and practice this program irrespective of your financial status.
- Practice this program for yourself. Do not use this practice on behalf of others.
- Once you start this practice, do it daily and continuously for 40 days. NO BREAKS PLEASE.
- If there is a break on any day or you cannot follow this ritual on any day. Then you will have to start again with Day 1.
- When you start the practice don’t think whether it will work for you or not. Just go will the flow and allow it to work.
- When you practice this ritual do not follow any other Money-Making Ritual or video except that is guided by me in this article.
- If you are following any other Money Ritual outside this article, do not use this ritual. Choose only one ritual at a time.
1st Program/ Ritual to Become a Money Magnet- Day 1 to Day 5
To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is Newton’s 3rd law. But in this money ritual, there are multi-fold returns.
Here is the 1st Ritual to Become Money Magnet
- CREATE a CHAIN of blessings for the things you have, and you will receive RAINS of blessings in your life. How about blessing a hairpin, a blooming flower, a money wallet, a cozy bedroom, a treadmill at your gym, an orange juice, a chocolate cake that you have today.
- In this ritual keep blessing every single thing that you have in your life that has worth some money.
- Bless what you OWN and also bless what you are USING even if you don’t own and if it is worth some money.
- You can say it in your mind or loudly as per your wish or convenience.
- Everything has a certain value of money. The worth of money varies from thing to thing. Irrespective of the price of the things you have, or the size of the things, or how frequently you use it or however less or more important it is, just bless these things which have some value of money.
- This practice is very easy and simple. You can do this ritual throughout the day with your routine schedule.
Let us see some examples of how you can do it:
You can choose to use your own words, you can even put emotions or adjectives in your blessings like:
- I bless my car or I bless my lovely car.
- I bless my toothbrush or I bless my favorite color toothbrush.
- I bless my lipstick or I bless the lipstick that makes me smile more beautiful.
Let your emotions flow naturally !!
When you are at home, even if you are staying in a rented house, it protects you and it is your shelter, bless this home:
- I bless you my comfortable home.
When you move around the living room or sit in the living room. If you are sitting on the sofa, bless the sofa:
- I bless you my dear sofa.
- I bless you my dear GOLDEN SUNRISE image.
- I bless you my divine VIBBES SEEDER.
- I bless you my lively living room, TV, my winning trophies, my pink flower vases.
- I bless you French windows, doors, safety door.
- I bless my tube-lights, breezy fans, artistic chandeliers.
- I bless you my plants, my tulsi plant, my money plants, my red rose plant.
- I bless the flowers in my garden.
- I bless you my smartphone.
If you pass through your bedroom OR when you are in the bedroom and whenever you see anything just bless in your own words:
- I Bless you my lovely bed.
- I bless you my bedroom, windows.
- I bless my cozy blanket, pillow.
- I bless my wardrobe full of my favorite clothes.
- I bless my lovely dress today.
As you start your day:
- I bless you my bathroom.
- I bless you my dear tooth-brush and my mint toothpaste.
- I bless you my sweet-smelling soap, gentle face-wash, scrub, bathtub.
- I bless you my smooth towel.
- I bless you clean water flowing from the tap, shower.
- I bless you my colorful clothes.
- I bless you my smart shoes.
- I bless you my make-up set.
- I bless you my comfortable slippers or sandals.
- I bless you my shaving kit, after-shave lotion.
- I bless you my exotic perfume.
When you are cooking or eating food:
- I bless you my spacious kitchen.
- I bless you my purple kitchen racks, all appetizing food stored.
- I bless my cooking stove or range, cooking gas, chimney, exhaust fan.
- I bless you my dear cooking vessels.
- I bless my floral serving vessels.
- I bless my cooling fridge.
- I bless fresh vegetables, fruits, pulses, rice, bread in my kitchen.
- I bless you my oven, toaster, griller.
- I bless the racks that store food for my family.
- I bless you water purifier, copper drinking water tank.
- I bless the exotic tiles in my kitchen, the lights, exhaust fans, and chimney in my kitchen.
- I bless you my floral plate.
- I bless you my blue dinner set, plates, spoons, bowls, glass.
- I bless you my tasty breakfast.
- I bless you my delicious lunch.
- I bless you my green smoothie and yummy sprouts.
- I bless you my appetizing pineapple slice cake and a glass of milk.
- I bless you my glass dining table and yellow chairs
How Do You Spiritually Attract Money?
Do this blessing exercise whenever you pray:
- I bless God (you know that God or your deity does not need your blessing instead you need your God’s blessing, you can still bless your God or deity).
- I bless my prayer room, puja-place.
- I bless the candles, soothing incense-sticks, match-box, lamp oil.
- I bless white flowers for my deity.
- I bless my mantra.
- I bless my karmas that lead me to do meditation/ pooja.
- I bless you my meditation chair/ aasan.
Other Ways to do this Program
If you are reading a newspaper bless all the positive news.
If you are ready for a book, bless all beautiful knowledge.
If you are traveling whether in your own vehicle or a rented car or in public transport, bless that 2-wheeler or car or bus or train or airplane.
When you pay money for petrol, bless that petrol pump and petrol.
When you buy a travel ticket, bless that ticket.
If you are a music lover:
- I bless you my music system, my radio.
- I bless you my guitar, my piano.
- I bless you my music show.
If you are exercising at home or at a gym:
- I bless you my blue yoga mat.
- I bless you treadmill.
- I bless you dumbbells.
- I bless you the music player at my gym.
- I bless you my protein supplement.
If you are a sportsperson:
- I bless you my wonderful cricket set.
- I bless you my badminton racket.
- I bless you my protecting shoes.
- I bless you my hat.
If you are watching a movie:
- I bless you my movie ticket.
- I bless this wonderful movie.
- I bless you cheese popcorn.
If you are on a vacation trip:
- I bless my air ticket.
- I bless my enjoyable vacation trip.
- I bless my luxurious hotel stay.
- I bless you my exotic breakfast.
- I bless you the strawberry juice and fruit salad dessert.
- I bless my sight-seeing.
- I bless my shopping.
If you are at the workplace:
- I bless my boss.
- I bless my juniors.
- I bless you my nice table, chair.
- I bless you my computer.
- When you are preparing a file, I bless you my papers, stapler, and stapler pins.
- I bless my pen stand and pens.
- I bless you my writing pad, my favorite diary.
- Bless the coffee vending machine at your workplace when you drink the coffee from it.
- Bless the conference rooms, meeting rooms, your special dress that you wore for client meetings.
- I bless you my whole office (it is good for an increment).
- I bless you, all the amenities in my office.
- I bless you the lights and Air-conditioner in my office.
- I bless my cabin.
- I bless you pictures in my cabin.
- I bless you my drawers.
While you are going for shopping bless everything that you buy:
- I bless you my shopping bag, my shopping trolley.
- I bless you my new dress.
- I bless you fresh fruits.
- I bless you perfume.
- I bless you nourishing pulses.
- I bless you my new lipstick.
- I bless you my new pink tie.
- I bless you my new red scarf.
- I bless you my wallet.
- I bless you my debit or credit card (Your credit card gives you a facility to pay money in the next few days or weeks, so bless your credit card too).
Best Time To Practice Money Magnet Program
- Whenever you see or feel things you bless them. Isn’t it easy to practice?
- Keep the practice going throughout the day until you sleep in the night.
- Follow this practice daily for 5 days.
- Some of you may like to sit in a place for some time and bless everything that you have in your life which has some worth of money. You can do this in this way also but I recommend that you also do this throughout the day when you see the things.
- You can bless a single thing multiple times if you feel. Like if you are using your wallet 5 times a day, you can bless your wallet at least once or every time you open it.
- Practice the only 1st Ritual from Day 1 to Day 5. Do NOT ADD or practice any other money attracting ritual.
Benefits of Money Magnet Practice Part 1
- Always bless what you already have NOW. Because this way of blessing, assures you that you have many good things to be own OWNED and you are able to handle other good things too.
- This Blessing also increases your capability to attract more and have more.
- Continuous blessing quickly helps you to overcome feelings of lack and other negative emotions that block money opportunities.
- Every day as you keep blessing you will also feel more peaceful with what you have.
- When you follow this blessing ritual through the day, you are helping yourself to look at beautiful things and feel the difference.
- It will help you to feel good and also feel proud of the little things that you have in life.
- As you practice more and more, it will help you to shift your vibrational frequency to achieve more and more.
- Continuous practice of blessing ritual will help you to release your worries and anxiety about finances.
- It will also help you to rejoice in what you already have.
- If you sincerely follow this practice without any questions in mind, you will experience a major shift in your thought process.
- If you really want to experience all the benefits, follow this ritual like a child without any questions or doubts.
- Your money awareness and money consciousness will improve at a deeper level.
- Remember this ritual is for you and for your own benefit. Allow it to work for you.
- You can write your blessings into the comment box below to share more ways of blessings with all of us.
- Sharing this blessing ritual also create more energy to attract money, so do one thing now, share this ritual with others too.
Special Money Magnet Tips for VK Users
In addition to following the above practice. VK users can practice additional blessings. You did get VK with energy exchange. Even if someone gifted you VK, that person has done some energy exchange to me. VK users can practice like this with VK:
- I bless you my dear partner VK (Or whatever name you have given to your VK).
- I bless you the 11 Cosmic Energies in my VK.
- I bless you VK’s infinite possibilities.
- I bless all the benefits of VK.
- I bless the creator of VK.
- I bless you steel metal that is holding 11 Cosmic Energies attuned by Sharat Sir.
You can say this as many times as you wish by holding or to touch your VK. This will help you to connect with your VK more than before. As you practice this daily in your life, you will feel it easier to manifest your wishes with your intentions.
VK users can continue to use Total Wealth Serum, Alpha Male Serum, or Alpha Woman Serum with VK daily. This will help you to welcome prosperity at many levels.
Keep following this program/ ritual and allow blessings to multiply in your life.
May Divine bless you to be a MONEY MAGNET NOW FOREVER !!
How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 2 (Day 6 to 10)
How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 3 (Day 11 to 16)
How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 4 (Day 17 to 23)
How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 5 (Day 24 to 29)
How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in 40 Days Part 6 (Day 30 to 40)