Weight Gain Serum {WGS} is the 26th serum on the list of our Cosmic Serums. If you want to gain extra weight, take WGS. Weight Gain Serum works on the liver, gallbladder, and kidney secretion to improve the metabolic processes and increase the growth of flesh on the body. WGS helps to increase Human Growth Hormone.
WGS can help to gain weight that was lost from a decrease in the body fluid, muscle mass, or fat, from medications, lack of fluid intake, or illnesses such as diabetes. WGS can also help to gain weight for malnourished person. WGS can also help to regain the weight loss which was intentionally caused by exercise and dieting.
It can also help to regain the desired weight that was lost after delivery post-pregnancy. Weight Gain Serum can also help to regain weight loss that occurred due to cancer, viral infection (such as CMV HIV), depression, gastroenteritis, parasite infection, bowel diseases, hormonal imbalances, and overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), and any other known or unknown reason.
Weight Gain Serum can also help to gain weight for persons who are very slim due to hereditary reasons, premature babies, and children who need to put on weight. Weight Gain Serum can also help people who want to participate in Sports or certain professions like Defense or Security guards, and there is a certain minimum weight as criteria to get selected.
Points To Remember About Weight Gain Serum
- Weight Gain Serum is a cosmic serum that can be used only with VIBBES KADA VK.
- The name of the serum should be taken as Weight Gain Serum while sending thru VK and not as short form WGS.
- Do not use this serum with Total Wealth Serum.
- Do not use this serum with Love Serum.
- Do not use this serum if you are already using more than 3 to 4 serums for other health-related issues. If it is needed then make a 10 min gap between Weight Gain Serum and other Serums. This gap of 10 min is when you are taking 2 unrelated serums in 2 different water. Example: if you are taking Total Wealth Serum in one water and this serum is charged in another water, then keep a gap of 10 min between intake of these two charged water. For other methods like direct request or charging the name on paper or on a photo, a gap of 30 min can be taken for two unrelated serums. Read here more about 30 min concept.
- Weight Gain Serum can be taken in drinking water through VK. Also, an image of a filled water bottle can be charged for your dear ones or even for an unknown person in any part of the globe.
- It can be sent distantly to anyone simply by writing their names on the paper or on a photograph. Just say the Weight Gain Serum 3 times and place VK on name/ photo.
- You can add GOLDEN SUNRISE with this serum to enhance its effects.
- This Serum can also be sent directly by just touch VK and requesting the energy for the receiver. Just say Weight Gain Serum to the receiver’s name 3 times in one go. If we say more than one receiver’s name, the energy will get divided equally.
- You can charge bulk food items like rice, flour, pulses, etc with WGS.
- You can charge water used for cooking food with WGS.
- You can charge tea, coffee, milk, juice, or any other prepared food with WGS.
- You can even charge butter, edible cooking oils, ghee, paneer, cottage cheese, any cheese, or fried foods with WGS.
- Perfect Health Serum is the best companion of Weight Gain Serum. Take Perfect Health Serum and Weight Gain Serum together when there is a lack of one or many nutrients in your body.
- Use Weight Gain Serum with Digee Serum when the resistance to gain weight is due to metabolic reasons or due to bowel diseases such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or gastroenteritis.
- Use a combination of Weight Gain Serum, Perfect Health Serum, and Beauty Serum to gain weight beautifully.
- Use a combination of Weight Gain Serum, Perfect Health Serum, and Gym Serum to gain weight with flexibility.
- Use a combination of Baby Care Serum, Perfect Health Serum, and Weight Gain Serum for newborns who were born as pre-matured babies and for children up to 3 years of age to increase their weight if there is a slower increase as compared to normal baby weights.
- Use a combination of Weight Gain Serum and Perfect Health Serum for children who need to gain weight as per their age but are still low weight as per normal age-weight ratio standards. But do NOT use Weight Gain Serum on normal healthy children just because you want to look them chubby or plum.
- Use Weight Gain Serum and Immune Serum to regain weight loss that occurred due to overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).
- Use Immune serum with Weight Gain Serum if weight loss is due to viral infection (such as CMV or HIV), gastroenteritis, parasite infection, or any autoimmune disease.
- Use WGS with Mood up Serum if the person has lost weight due to depression. Add Bravo Serum if there is a fear of weight loss or any unknown or known fear.
- Use Weight Gain Serum with Mood Up Serum if a person is not taking interest in eating due to depression and losing weight below normal weight. Add Bravo Serum if there is a fear of weight loss or any unknown or known fear.
- Use Bravo Serum and Weight Gain Serum, when you want to gain weight but there is a fear of weight loss.
- Use Weight Gain Serum with Calm Down Serum for a person who remains angry, violent, or aggressive and wants to gain weight. Do NOT give Bravo Serum to such a person.
- Use Weight Gain Serum with Mood UP Serum for a person who remains sad and depressive and is losing weight below normal weight due to mental sadness.
- Choose either Mood Up Serum or Calm Down Serum along with WGS for mental healing if weight loss is happening due to mental stress. To know whether to give Calm Down Serum or Mood up Serum read this article here.
- If there is weight loss in cancer, use a combination of Care Serum and Weight Gain Serum. You can add All Clear Serum if cancer is in the form of tumors.
- If there is weight loss due to a Brain disorder, use a combination of Brain Serum and Weight Gain Serum.
- If a person is a heart patient and is also losing weight beyond normal body weight, use a combination of Heart Serum, Weight Gain Serum, and Perfect Health Serum.
- If a person has a poorly functioning kidney and is also losing weight beyond normal body weight, use a combination of Key Pen Serum, WGS, and Perfect Health Serum.
- If a person has a poorly functioning liver such as liver cirrhosis or any other liver disease and is also losing weight beyond normal body weight, use a combination of Digee Serum, Weight Gain Serum, and Perfect Health Serum.
- If a person has recovered from illness but has lost weight beyond normal body weight, for example after typhoid, malaria, dengue fever, cancer, and so on, use a combination of Weight Gain Serum and Perfect Health Serum.
- For females having a hormonal imbalance and are also losing weight beyond normal body weight, use a combination of Fem Serum, WGS, and Perfect Health Serum.
- For males having a hormonal imbalance and are also losing weight beyond normal body weight, use a combination of Men Serum, Weight Gain Serum, and Perfect Health Serum. You can also add Gym Serum for muscle building.
- For certain professions like Sports, Defense personnel, Security Guards, Wrestlers, or some contests, where participation or recruitment has a put-off weight for entry, people who wish to join such professions but have low weight, can use a combination of Weight Gain Serum, Perfect Health Serum, and Gym Serum. Use Fem Serum (for females) or Men Serum (for males if required).
- Weight Gain Serum along with Perfect Health Serum can also help to gain weight for persons who are very slim due to hereditary reasons.
- You can also do VO Balancing on the brain, liver, and abdomen with Weight Gain Serum.
- Charge any cream or oil with Weight Gain Serum and apply the same on the body parts to gain weight.
- Charge you clothes and bed sheet too for the same effects.
- Check this video too How to Charge Water For a Particular Illness.